Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 211 Great Changes in Space Biology

The snake cave is very deep.

Gu Hongyu walked along the cave for a long time but still did not reach the place described by the Green Snake leader's consciousness.

Just as Gu Hongyu was thinking about it, Xiaoqing and Xiaojin on his wrist left his wrist again.

Really, they are still living on his wrist now, coming and going without saying hello.

Gu Hongyu, who underestimated himself, suddenly felt that his eyes were suddenly clear, as if there was light pouring down from the top of the cave.

This is not the light of a flashlight, nor is it the luminous body left by a mysterious species. This is emitted from a round sphere the size of a ping-pong ball. The soft and warm light is very enjoyable.

Is this really a night-shining pearl?

There are many legends related to snakes involving gems, night-shining pearls, etc. Maybe I really saw it today!

But soon these could not attract Gu Hongyu's attention. Under the hazy light of the night-shining pearl, the space of the cave seemed to expand a lot, just like discovering a crystal column, and the surrounding area seemed particularly empty.

This can accommodate two basketball teams fighting in it!

There were no crystal pillars in the venue, but there was still a platform, on which something seemed to be placed. The green snake leader and several green snakes of the same kind gathered on the platform.

This should be the destination, Gu Hongyu thought and walked towards the platform.

As he got closer and closer to there, Gu Hongyu's heartbeat seemed to tremble slightly, and there was something that made him very eager and attracted him.

However, before Gu Hongyu could continue to step forward, the green snake leader quickly stopped in front of him to stop Gu Hongyu from moving forward, as if there was a life program.

Knowing this moment, Gu Hongyu was shocked to find that there were some differences between the green snake leader and other snakes.

Gu Hongyu, who was almost scared silly at the beginning, didn't notice much. Now that he was no longer worried about his life, he naturally paid more attention to things.

Only the two sides of the green snake leader's head were seen, which was equivalent to the ears growing near the ears of a person, just like a lizard's cloak. There were also two places on the snake's head that were slightly raised. Was this the rhythm of growing horns?

Observed the body of the green snake leader. The lower half is still normal, just like ordinary snakes.

Seeing Gu Hongyu's attention, the green snake leader immediately sent out consciousness: "According to the human at the time, our clan has dragon blood, but it is very thin. Maybe this is why I became like this!"

"Ah, there really is a giant dragon?" Gu Hongyu was very shocked, but thinking about the fragments of the fairy source in his hand, there is even such a thing. What's so magical about the appearance of a giant dragon in history!

"What are you doing in front of me now?" Gu Hongyu was puzzled by the blocking of the green snake leader.

The green snake leader quickly sent out its consciousness: "Don't mean anything else, there is no level here, but before you get the things left by that powerful human, can you agree to one of my requests?"

"Tell me, as long as I can help!" Gu Hongyu was very grateful that the snake group did not embarrass him when he came here. It should be like this.

"Thank you first!" The green snake leader sent out some fluctuating consciousness.

Then he continued: "What I said should be easy for you to do, that is, don't let this place appear in front of humans. Our tribe doesn't want to be harmed by humans."

If you really count, these snakes can cause great harm to humans, but humans can use external objects. Once humans are really angry, these snakes will not have a good end. Could it be that the green snake leader is so foresighted.

Let's not talk about this for now. Gu Hongyu said puzzledly: "This, this I'm afraid I can't do it. As long as someone enters this cave to investigate, there is no way to cover it up."

Unexpectedly, the green snake leader immediately realized again: "Yes, these caves can actually be hidden, but only you humans can do this, so we will lead you here. Don't worry, even if many people come here in the future, they can't find us!"

Gu Hongyu said in shock: "You mean, there is something on the stone platform that allows me to control this underground cave. Change its mechanism?"

"I don't know how to change it specifically, but the original people can hide it very well. I think there must be something you are interested in here." The green snake leader introduced.

In fact, there is a jade slip in the center of the stone platform. The green snake leader is already a creature with spirituality. It has also tried to touch the jade slip but there was no reaction. However, as the number of contacts increased, its spiritual consciousness gradually strengthened, so that it can now communicate with Gu Hongyu very easily in the consciousness space.

Gu Hongyu said very generously: "As long as I have the ability to help you, this matter is completely no problem!"

"Well, there are also a few descendants with true dragon blood in our tribe. I hope you can take it with you. You are a person with great luck. I believe that there will be miracles around you!" Seeing that Gu Hongyu is easy to talk to, the green snake leader raised another suggestion.

Gu Hongyu is not a nanny. He feels that having two little snakes is enough. When he was about to refuse, the green snake leader sent a voice message again: "Don't rush to refuse. You don't know the abilities of our snakes yet. Let me show you."

After saying that, the Green Snake Leader called out a small green snake beside it, and it also sprayed venom at the stone in the distance without making any noise. Then Gu Hongyu was simply dumbfounded.

White smoke rose from the place on the cave wall that was stained by the venom, and there was a hissing sound in his ears, and then the stone seemed to melt a layer. The power of this venom was even more fierce than that of Xiao Jindu. If they had come down to meet such a small snake, the protective clothing worn by a team of people could not withstand their bite!

It seems that the security measures need to be strengthened this time!

"Human, how about it, so that they will not drag you down if they follow you out, I heard that you have a kind of liquid that we all love, isn't it time for us to try it!"

Now Gu Hongyu knows how the Green Snake Leader became the supreme leader. Even with its cunning character, are other snakes still its opponents?

Gu Hongyu smiled bitterly, and agreed to it quickly, otherwise he didn't know what conditions the Green Snake Leader would put forward later.

Seeing Gu Hongyu nod, he also had a clear answer in terms of spiritual consciousness. The leader of the Green Snake did not push any further and stepped aside, making way for Gu Hongyu to the stone platform.

With a nervous mood, Gu Hongyu slowly moved his feet.

When he walked to the edge of the stone platform, he could clearly see that there were two jade slips on the stone platform.

Both jade slips were very ordinary, and it was almost impossible to tell what they were on the surface.

But one of them gave Gu Hongyu a very strong attraction, while the other one had no feeling at all.

Following his intuition, Gu Hongyu picked up the jade slip that attracted him without thinking.

When his fingers touched the jade slip, a violent aura rushed to the mark on Gu Hongyu's wrist.

Damn, Gu Hongyu had never encountered such a huge amount of aura before, even when the second piece of the fairy source fragment appeared, the amount of aura at that time was not so huge.

If the amount of spiritual energy in his Xianyuan space was a stream, then the amount of spiritual energy flowing into his wrist mark was equivalent to a river.

In the space at this time, most creatures could not withstand such spiritual energy and died, but some highly adaptable creatures stood out and underwent changes that Gu Hongyu could not expect.

The earliest involved should be the forest that slowly evolved in the space. At this moment, many trees were completely destroyed and disappeared as if they were hit by a nuclear attack, leaving no trace.

Then some trees withstood the destruction of the spiritual flow. Even if the trunks of those trees were completely annihilated at the beginning, as long as they withstood it, new plants would grow quickly immediately, from nothing to something, from small to large, and then transformed into a towering giant tree.

And if Gu Hongyu was in the space, he would be even more surprised by the varieties of these trees, because he could no longer name a tree.

Some orchids and ginseng were also destroyed, and some were reborn, but the new plants were no longer the same as before, and it was unknown whether Gu Hongyu could find them based on the characteristics of ginseng and orchids.

A large number of ginsengs were destroyed. This situation was not something Gu Hongyu could have expected in advance!

As aquatic species in the reservoir, they did not escape the apocalypse this time. Compared with plants, most of the ordinary aquatic fish, shrimps and crabs were destroyed. The remaining creatures have more or less undergone some mutations, and the number of creatures in the reservoir has rapidly decreased.

The biggest changes are still some spiritual guys, such as black pythons, giant crocodiles, blue snakes, and Yuanbao, the only sky overlord in the space, Haidongqing.

The black python has not changed much, but the black scales on the surface of the body are shiny and emitting cold light, as if it has formed a set of armor. The eyes are sharper, and a two or three centimeter protrusion appears on the forehead. Is it going to turn into a dragon!

The giant crocodile is already big enough. It is the only one in the space that has grown bigger. If it is not restricted, it will really become a dinosaur.

The blue snake actually changed into a pair of wings...

The shell of the grassland tortoise Yuanbao is more like a shield, and it shows mysterious textures on it.

One of the three Saker Falcons died during the fusion. The largest one was completely white, without a single stray hair on its body, and the younger one was completely blood red, as if it was soaked in blood. I really don’t know how this change came about.

Because of the spiritual energy, the entire space was widened a lot, and the white fog that originally blocked the outer edge of the space seemed to be expanded by the spiritual energy.

The total area is several kilometers!

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