Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 225 Summoning Mutated Animals (Subscription Request)

Gu Hongyu was not expecting such a big change in the space.

Suddenly he remembered the orchid grass and ginseng planted in the space. These are rare treasures outside. If something happens to them, the loss will be great.

The forest is located on the other side of the foot of the mountain. It is not far from where the orchids are planted. There is still a stream hanging on a clear pond. The scale of the waterfall here seems to be gradually increasing. The orchid grass is near the area where the spring water flows out.

However, Gu Hongyu did not see them in the old place. The place where the orchid grass originally grew was replaced by several green grasses. This grass is not as big as the original orchid plant, but the green leaves look delicate and green, like jade carvings. From a distance, there is a kind of elegant and ethereal taste.

Gu Hongyu immediately commented on this grass in his heart: "This is not an ordinary thing"!

I didn't see the orchid grass. Could it be that the expansion of the space area has displaced the original orchid grass?

There was such a precedent in the last space upgrade, and Gu Hongyu has not thought of other aspects.

However, after searching around, he still couldn't find any trace of orchid grass. At this point, Gu Hongyu could only guess with regret that the orchid grass might not be able to withstand the spatial mutation and might have been destroyed.

Just as he was feeling regretful, a breeze blew through the space.

I don't know when the space had bright light and the breeze that came and went. All the changes were beyond Gu Hongyu's expectations.

"Huh!" Gu Hongyu sniffed his nose, and a refreshing and refreshing fragrance went straight into his nose.

Looking for the source of the fragrance, Gu Hongyu gradually approached the green grass.

The fragrance was still vague, and it didn't increase in concentration because of his approach, but the feeling of cleansing the soul became more and more obvious. Smelling this made the whole person's thoughts very clear. Every move of the surrounding grass and trees seemed to be in Gu Hongyu's spiritual consciousness.

It's amazing. If the smell of this grass can really give people this feeling, its value is not to be discussed for now. Even this effect can attract many people.

Carefully observing the grass in front of him, Gu Hongyu suddenly found that this grass had flowers. However, the color of the flowers is exactly the same as the stems and leaves, and even the petals are emerald green. If it weren't for distinguishing the shape of the flowers and the stamens that emit fragrance, it is likely that Gu Hongyu would have ignored it.

In the past, several orchid grasses also had such characteristics. Could it be that these grasses are mutations of orchid grasses? Gu Hongyu's heart moved.

The optimization of the space this time is too large. Gu Hongyu has never heard of or seen many plants. In the past, the orchid grasses in patches withstood the spiritual storm. It seems that the grasses in front of him have undergone genetic optimization or mutation.

What about ginseng? I don't know what kind of changes are happening to the ginseng in space.

After watching the growth of this mutant orchid, Gu Hongyu made up his mind and left. He was now thinking about the fate of ginseng.

When he walked to the ginseng growing area, he didn't see the familiar ginseng here.

But the area where ginseng grew originally grew plants that looked like castor beans, with small flowers on the surface and red fruits. The fruits were hung in bunches on them, and they were as big as grapes and very tempting!

What surprised Gu Hongyu even more was that the roots of this castor-like plant seemed to have thick rhizomes like radishes, and some rhizomes were exposed above the ground.

This. This..., if nothing unexpected happens, this should be a mutant variety of ginseng.

Slowly walking into the mutant ginseng area, the more intense medicinal fragrance rushed into Gu Hongyu's nostrils.

That's right, it's really a plant that has mutated ginseng. This medicinal fragrance has not changed, but it is more intense. It seems that taking a breath can replenish the blood in the body.

Looking at the thick rhizome of the mutant ginseng, Gu Hongyu reached out to feel it himself and get some meat to taste whether it tasted the same as the previous ginseng.

As a result, before he could reach out his hand, he saw a dark and shiny python coming out of the dense part of the mutant ginseng. It rushed straight to Gu Hongyu when it saw him.

Gu Hongyu was frightened. The scales on the black python in front of him looked like a suit of armor. The edges of the scales seemed to flash with sharp cold light, and the snake mouth was wide open with a narrow tongue, which was extremely disgusting.

However, the slight shock instantly made Gu Hongyu very angry. The black python was instantly fixed in the air by invisible constraints, and then thrown into the distance by Gu Hongyu's mind. Even the grass and trees were smashed by the black python.

Not only plants mutated, but also animals!

At this time, the black python that was thrown out was a little dizzy, as if it couldn't find the direction or was unconvinced, and crawled towards Gu Hongyu again.

Just when Gu Hongyu was about to teach it a lesson again, a familiar spiritual consciousness came immediately: "Boss, I am the Black Python, why are you bullying me so unreasonably?"

"Black Python!" Gu Hongyu's head seemed to be stuck: "You are the Black Python that I brought into the space from the cave at the bottom of the lake, how did you become like this?"

"Yes, I am the Black Python. Not long ago, there was a spiritual power storm that caused a lot of food in the water to be destroyed. Maybe I was lucky, but then I became like this!" The Black Python answered with consciousness. At this moment, it was very proficient in communicating with Gu Hongyu's consciousness, and it seemed that its spiritual intelligence had increased a lot.

As expected, all the creatures in the space should have suffered from the spiritual storm. If they survive it, they will evolve and mutate. If they cannot survive it, they will die. Gu Hongyu has not yet passed over the reservoir. It is the place where animals have changed the most. This is it.

"By the way, Black Python, have you always been in this place? Why did you jump at me and scare me when you saw me?" Gu Hongyu asked forcefully through his consciousness.

"You don't know, there are many powerful guys appearing in the space now. Even I can only stay away from some of them, and it is getting harder and harder to find food. And these plants are very appetizing to me, and they seem to do a lot of good to me after eating them. , but you can’t eat too much of this, or you’ll feel uncomfortable all over! I’ll just come over and eat a little when there’s no food!” The black python faced Gu Hongyu with its head held high, but its consciousness was not blocked and it slowly explained.

It turns out that these mutated ginseng became the food of the big black python, that's it.

"You haven't told me why you rushed towards me when you saw me just now?" Gu Hongyu still didn't intend to let go of the black python that scared him.

The black python said through consciousness: "I didn't mean to scare you, but I was very happy to know that you were here. I just thought of giving you an unexpected surprise, but unexpectedly you threw me far away after casting a spell. Now I'm covered in blood." It’s like falling apart.”

"You deserve it. It's just a shock without a surprise. Don't worry about me being cruel next time you show up suddenly like this!" Gu Hongyu said warningly.

The black python shrank its head this time: "I don't dare anymore. Even if you kill me, I won't suddenly appear in front of you."

Seeing that there were still a lot of mutant ginseng growing in front of him, Gu Hongyu was very satisfied. Fortunately, the black python digested the spiritual energy in the unexpectedly mutated ginseng, otherwise it would have all entered its stomach. Thinking of this, he wanted to take care of the black python again.

However, with the existence of the guy who tested the medicine, Black Python, Gu Hongyu also knew some details about the mutated ginseng.

That is, the medicinal properties of this mutant ginseng are at least 10 times higher than the previous ginseng.

When the black python told Gu Hongyu this point, Gu Hongyu asked strangely: "You guy, it turns out that the ginseng here must have suffered from your poisonous mouth, otherwise you know so well that the mutated ginseng is more effective than the original ginseng. So much more?”

This is not self-inflicted. The black python shrank its head and never dared to speak again. It said more mistakes and less good words. This big guy is still very smart.

Seeing the scared look on the black pythons, Gu Hongyu smiled. He just wanted to make them fearful, otherwise they would not be able to wear the roof tiles for three days.

But Gu Hongyu also understood the strategy of one sweet date and one big stick, and said: "Never again, you can't eat these mutated ginseng without my permission. If you let me know, you will know why the flowers are there all your life." So red."

"Yes, boss, I don't dare anymore!" Black Python actually changed his name to Gu Hongyu.

"Well, children can be taught. As long as you obey, the benefits will be yours!" In the space, Gu Hongyu sells his character everywhere. The same is true for the mutated piranha not long ago, and now the black python is the same.

After communicating with the black python through consciousness for a while, Gu Hongyu said: "What about the other animals brought back from the bottom of the lake last time? Many of them have mutated. Do you still have contact with me now? If so, call me over. I will Something to say!”

"There is a connection. I also know where they are staying!" the black python answered honestly.

"Very good, go and summon them!" Gu Hongyu said lightly.

Soon after, the space shook.

Gu Hongyu used his spiritual consciousness to clearly feel the presence of strong men coming from all directions.

Could it be that those guys in the cave at the bottom of the lake have now become overlords in space?

Gu Hongyu guessed this, but even if he misses it, he is not far off. This is the actual situation!

Soon, the two Haidongqings from the sky, one large and one small, arrived first. One was white and the other was blood red. They saw Gu Hongyu swooping down like a sharp sword.

There are only two, and it seems that one Haidongqing died in the spiritual storm.

Gu Hongyu stretched out his arms, and two Haidongqi, one large and one small, landed on his shoulders. They touched Gu Hongyu's hair very affectionately with their sharp-edged mouths, which looked particularly cordial and harmonious.

Before I had a good exchange with Hai Dongqi, other animals came over one after another. This time it was a mutated blue snake with two wings, followed closely by a giant crocodile...

I will go back to my hometown to worship my ancestors during the Qingming Festival. I would like to thank all the book friends who have supported me during this period. I will say hello to you when I return in a few days!

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