Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 252 Return to Red Lake Village (Subscription Request)

"Really going back so soon? Anyway, you have nothing to do and you can't stay in Xiangjiang for a few more days?" When Gu Hongyu said on the afternoon of the wedding that he would return to Honghu Village the next day, Mei Ning immediately thought of trying to persuade him to stay.

Gu Hongyu chuckled: "It's just too boring to be idle here. Besides, I'm afraid there will be a lot of things piled up again. As the protagonist, I can't run away from the battlefield!"

"Tsk, the earth will continue to function without you, virtue!" Mei Ning said angrily.

"Okay, you go home and talk to your uncle and aunt. I will return the car to Yuantao and the others. In the past few days, I heard that they are crowded with the business car that picks up employees when going to and from get off work. It has been occupied for so long. Give it back to them!" After taking Mei Ning's family back, Gu Hongyu immediately began to think about the arrangements before leaving.

Under Mei Ning's watch, Gu Hongyu drove his BMW slowly away from the community.

He gained something from participating in Mei Jun's wedding, that is, many people in the Mei family got to know him and knew that Mei Ning already had a boyfriend who seemed pretty good. Gu Hongyu was already a talented person. After practicing the skills and being nourished by the space spring water, he has an indescribable magnanimity.

And Mei Jianming wanted to reconcile the "misunderstanding" between Mei Ning's family and Mr. Ma, Gu Hongyu simply didn't even give them a chance, leaving Mei Jianming to have a headache.

Gu Hongyu also did one thing before returning the BMW. Which hotel where he purchased seafood also fed Gu Hongyu’s ten↑, w⊕ww. Here’s a sea fish. He’s leaving tomorrow. Hurry up and get the sea fish. Once you get it, the place where those sea fish go is naturally the Xianyuan space.

A tuna was put inside. Gu Hongyu passed by the space a few nights ago. Although the spring water inside is fresh water, the tuna living in the sea is still alive and well in the space reservoir. The only thing that made Gu Hongyu feel something What’s funny is that the tuna that dominates the sea becomes a weak existence in space. Long bullied by other aquatic creatures.

Gu Hongyu has already thought about it. When he gets a dozen fish, he will open a special water area for them in the space. Otherwise, when he returns to Honghu Village and wants to eat fresh seafood, he will be helpless.

When he thought of this, Gu Hongyu immediately said to himself: "No, a dozen fish are not enough, we have to get dozens or hundreds of them. I don't know if marine fish can reproduce as fast as freshwater fish in space." ”

As a result, after Gu Hongyu recovered the dozen or so marine fish in the afternoon, he also visited the seafood market. In the market, large live marine fish were very rare, but there were still many small live fish. Gu Hongyu did not After selecting and buying the small sea fish without even negotiating the price, they loaded it into the car and came to a sparsely populated road section. Then all the small sea fish were put into the space without anyone noticing.

Others also entered the space, and several acres of ponds were opened next to the large water area. All the sea fish were placed in it. The small sea fish that were originally a little sluggish suddenly became active in the pond.

As for the tuna that Gu Hongyu also wanted to get alone, he looked at the small fish in the pool and still didn't put them together. Taking into account the tuna's food intake, these small fish were not enough for it to eat for several meals, so he still let it go. It should be baptized by other native fish in the large reservoir.

"I really want to go back tomorrow. I also want you to play in Xiangjiang for a while!" Shen Fengzhu, like Mei Ning, tried to persuade Gu Hongyu to go back.

The heartless Lin Yuantao said excitedly: "Hongyu, that's great. You finally brought the car back to us today. Now that we have a car, we are not used to squeezing into a van with employees every day."

"Haha, you deserve it. It's easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it's hard to go from luxury to frugality. Do you know how incisive this metaphor of our ancestors is?" Gu Hongyu punched Lin Yuantao in the chest angrily. Fist completely embraced it. But this was just Gu Hongyu's joke, he could be disabled with force.

"Do you need me to see you off tomorrow, or do you want me to take you back as a vegetable transporter?" Lin Yuantao asked seriously after joking.

Gu Hongyu said: "Tomorrow I will ask Mei Ning and her whole family to follow me to Honghu Village. I also need to bring some luggage. I plan to rent a car and go back directly."

"Yes. Anyway, now that you are the big boss and you are not short of money, it would be great to be able to go back directly." Lin Yuantao finally spoke seriously but he replied in a nonchalant manner before he could say a few words.

It was Shen Fengzhu who asked, "Have Mei Ning's parents agreed to come over?"

"I asked Mei Ning to go back and talk to them first. We wouldn't worry if they were still in Xiangjiang after something like this happened. Going to Honghu Village is a good choice. They can also find things to do within their ability while they relax." Gu Hongyu analyzed.

"I'd say just ask them to teach in Honghu Village. That way they can pass the time." Lin Yuantao had a bad idea.

It is true that Mei Ning's parents are teachers, but they educate college students. There is only one primary school in Honghu Village, and it is an elementary school for grades one to three. Because when you reach the fourth grade, you have to go to Qingzhen to go to school, and the teachers are from remote villages. We don't have enough power, but asking the tutors who teach college students to teach elementary school students is still a bit like using anti-aircraft guns to swat mosquitoes.

Finally, Gu Hongyu said: "These things are not something we should worry about. We will always find something for them when we get there."

"Well, I wish you a safe journey back home. Maybe Fengzhu and I will go to Honghu Village for some fun. I was impressed by the place, especially the food there. I can't forget it." Lin Yuantao drooled.

"After the New Year, a military fan club will open in Honghu Village. There are many fun things in it. I will call you and let you know. I will make you happy!"

"It's a deal?" Lin Yuantao opened his eyes wide.

Gu Hongyu smiled: "It's a deal!"


The next morning, as the car started, Mei Ning's neighborhood gradually shrank into a black shadow and disappeared from sight.

Mei's parents finally agreed to go to Honghu Village. Not only them, but also Mei Ning's grandmother went with them.

It is also very interesting to say that Mei Jun's bride only came in on the first day, but the one who could not stand her the most unexpectedly was Mei Ning's grandmother. The elderly like quietness when they are old, but they happened to meet a bride who likes obscurity very much. In fact, this is nothing, but the volume of the bride's music is comparable to the cry of dolphins, and there are some dietary inconsistencies. After meeting Mei Ning and complaining to her on the phone, Gu Hongyu took her with him.

Due to long-term consumption of space vegetables sent by Gu Hongyu, the grandmother looks very good, and her body is also much stronger. This is why Gu Hongyu dared to let the elderly take a long-distance bus, but he also has a killer, that is, the successful refining of pills, Yiqi Pills, Huiqi Pills, these pills are very useful for the elderly.

This time, Xiangjiang Gu Hongyu did not intend to expose it, and let them try the effect after returning to Honghu Village.

Gu Hongyu and his friends also chartered a business van this time. Mei Ning's parents didn't bring many clothes, but they had a lot of books. The rear of the car was full of books. In addition, they converted the middle row seats into a bed for grandma so that she could have a good sleep during the journey. Everyone had put a lot of thought into it.

Grandma looked at them and didn't say much gratitude, but she really had nothing to say about Gu Hongyu's attitude. She just treated him as her grandson-in-law.

After a day's drive, it was still dark when they arrived at Honghu Village, but when mother and father received a call from Gu Hongyu saying that Mei Ning's family had rushed over, they waited by the road near the lake early in the morning. They must be polite to the future in-laws when they first meet.

"Mom and Dad, you are waiting so early. It's so cold outside. It's not too late for you to come out after we honk the horn when we arrive." Gu Hongyu looked at his parents who were exhaling the cold and said with concern.

"You kid, there's Xiao Ning's grandmother in the car. She's our elder, so how can your father and I not take the initiative?" The mother whispered in Gu Hongyu's ear.

Then, seeing Mei Ning's grandmother being led down from the car, the mother rushed over and said, "You've worked hard on this journey, come in quickly, the tea and breakfast are ready!"

"We are really bothering you this time, please bear with us if there's anything wrong with us in the future!" Mei Ning's mother said in a casual manner.

When did they even change their names? They call each other "in-law" so naturally!

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