Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 26 On board the pirate ship [Please recommend and collect]

PS: Thanks to book friends: Xie Zhixiu and Golden Beans for their support, and thanks to Qizhu Children’s Shoes for their continued rewards!

The early morning in the small town seemed very peaceful. Gu Hongyu did not feel tired at all after practicing all night last night. When the first ray of sunshine from the outside world shone on the small town, he had already woken up from practicing and went out to open the curtains. That silky light enveloped him making him look very elegant.

After walking out of the hotel, the pedestrians on the street did not look as busy and leisurely as in the city, but the sounds of selling breakfast and many stalls still made the town full of life.

"Hongyu, you're up already. I'm going to find you. Did you sleep well yesterday?" Peng Minghao's voice came from the other side of the street.

Gu Hongyu said with a smile: "Am I that sleepy? Brother Niu is not up yet, so don't delay our serious business."

"What are you saying bad things about me, Hongyu, you can't question me for not getting up early even if you don't snooze!" It's not a good habit to speak ill of people behind their backs. Isn't this what Niu Ming said like Cao~Cao? Arrive as soon as you arrive.

After a simple breakfast, Peng Minghao took Gu Hongyu and Niu Ming to the town government office. Because Gu Hongyu came here to invest in agriculture, the mayor Shu~ji also came to the gate to greet them.

The Peng family is a big family in Gan Province, with outstanding figures in both government and business circles. Peng Minghao's work as a grassroots civil servant in a small town was a test for his family. Even at his level, he could not enjoy the family's resources, so he could only use his own connections to attract investment.

But among the lower-level officials, Peng Minghao can still pretend to be powerful, at least on the surface, others have to give him face. If he doesn't attract project investment for the first time, the mayor and secretary of the town don't have to give him a thin face.

"Secretary Gao, Mayor Liu, this is my college classmate Gu Hongyu. He now has a newly developed agricultural technology. The quality of vegetables grown is much higher than what is on the market. Our town is also planting high economic value-added crops. , so I found him." Peng Minghao seems to have a good relationship with the main leaders in the town and speaks freely. His family status may also determine his sense of superiority!

The person called Gao Shu~ was a middle-aged man who was dressed simply. He looked to be less than fifty years old and his face was already covered with wrinkles, but his eyes were bright and bright.

"He should be a pragmatic cadre at the right time, and also very refined!" Gu Hongyu secretly commented on Secretary Gao.

Mayor Li is a fat man with a round face. As soon as he saw Peng Minghao introducing Gu Hongyu, he stretched out his hands to hold them. He still had a smile on his face that didn’t know whether it was true or not: “Welcome Xiao Gu to invest in agriculture in our town. , the town is vast and sparsely populated, we will do our best to provide logistical support for you.”

Mayor Li began to express his position before he knew Gu Hongyu's specific investment amount and determination. Secretary Gao frowned while watching, silently thinking that Mayor Li was too anxious. If Gu Hongyu took the opportunity to lower the price later, they would Very passive.

Gu Hongyu still has no idea about the location of the project he is about to invest in. Everything is being operated by Peng Minghao, whom he trusts very much. If he didn't have a magical dimension, he would not be as calm as he is now.

"Hongyu should go to the town office first, or go directly to the place we selected for you. Now there is only that place in the town that is most suitable for you to do agricultural projects." Peng Minghao met Gu Hongyu and the town leaders. Let’s get down to business right away.

"First go to the field to investigate. If it is suitable, I will invest. If it does not meet the requirements, I will not give you face." Gu Hongyu told Peng Minghao face to face. This is also a disguised way of lowering the price of contracted land.

Mayor Li looked at Gu Hongyu's calm look and thought he had a great background. Secretary Gao was also very satisfied with Gu Hongyu's behavior. After all, many businessmen in the name of investment also came to the town to inspect, but he was surprised. It's not impossible to find an excuse to run away after a big drink. The town leaders were really afraid of this kind of thing.

Gu Hongyu was warmly welcomed by the town leaders, and Niu Ming, who was accompanying him, could not even get in the conversation. However, Niu Ming remained calm and smiled, fully interpreting his excellent businessman character.

It wasn't until Gu Hongyu finished talking about it that Peng Minghao introduced it to the town leaders: "Two leaders, these are also my college classmates. Their families are engaged in economics and trade. This time they also took this opportunity to come to us to inspect the sheepskin processing business. ”

"Oh, welcome. We don't have much else in town, but there is a lot of sheepskin trading. As long as the price is high and the quantity is large, you don't have to worry about not receiving the goods." Mayor Li said with a smile on his face.

Only Secretary Gao said calmly: "The leather goods in our town are in short supply now. It is not an easy thing to get involved. You must investigate carefully."

This statement is relatively straightforward. It means that the sheepskin business is very deep. Generally, strangers or those who are unsure should not go in casually. It seems that Secretary Gao gave Niu Ming a warning, and Niu Ming immediately reported to Secretary Gao. A grateful smile.

There is nothing left to talk about. As for the land contract, Gu Hongyu had already said hello that he would have to see the actual situation before talking.

Two Santana cars slowly drove out of the town hall with several people on board. At first, they could enjoy the beautiful scenery of the town. However, after driving for more than ten minutes, Gu Hongyu noticed that the car started to bump while sitting in the car. When he looked at the road, it turned out that What was once a cement-filled road has now become a dirt road.

"Minghao, where are we going? How far is that place?" When Gu Hongyu asked, he began to feel discouraged. This place is really remote.

Peng Minghao said with a guilty conscience: "It's only an hour's drive from the government, not far. You may see it's still desolate on the way, but I guarantee you'll be satisfied when you get to the farm."

Looking at the desertified land that the vegetation outside couldn't cover, Gu Hongyu was secretly worried. Even if the car drove slowly, it would probably be about 50 kilometers away from the town in an hour's drive. It was only more than ten minutes before the wind and sand were blowing everywhere. There were obviously no houses along the way. Gu Hongyu no longer had much hope for the place he was about to go.

At this time, Secretary Gao, who had been silent all the time, seemed to see Gu Hongyu's inner hesitation and introduced their destination in detail.

"Xiao Gu, Xiao Peng was right just now. The environment of Honghu Village we are going to this time is much better than the environment we saw along the way. There is also a large lake in our town. Although it is not far from the desert, as long as we work hard to lay some pipelines, the surrounding dozens of miles can be used."

Pipelines must be laid in advance. Gu Hongyu felt cold in his heart. If agricultural transformation is to be carried out, it will cost a lot of money. I originally thought that an investment of more than one million yuan should not be bad, but now that I have said this, I will be stretched again.

This time, I really got on Peng Minghao's pirate ship. I thought that my classmates would benefit each other and support each other, but I didn't expect that the conditions would be more difficult than he imagined. I regretted agreeing to come here to develop. Should I find an excuse to slip away when he inspects it later?

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