Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 269: Standing still (Subscribe)

Gu Hongyu's first magic weapon, even though it had problems like this, he still decided to treasure it well. After all, it was very meaningful to him.

But this was something that couldn't be taken away, so Gu Hongyu decided to put it in the thatched hut in the space.

Speaking of which, the thatched hut in the space was built when the space had not undergone mutation. At that time, the grass was as tall as a person. Gu Hongyu used that grass to make the roof. Now it looks a bit dilapidated after a long time. .

When Gu Hongyu was playing with the first crystal magic weapon in his hand, he couldn't help but think that there were many towering trees in the space. It would be a good choice to use these wood to make several wooden houses.

Right next to the reservoir, there is a wooden house, a few rocking chairs, and some space specialty fruits placed on the coffee table, or the kind of mountain vines that look like grapes in the outside world can be found from the space forest and planted in front of the wooden house. How enjoyable it is to think about the exotic fruits that you can’t eat all year round.

However, space is the most secretive thing in Gu Hongyu. The beautiful scenery and delicious food inside can only be enjoyed by him alone and cannot be shared with others.

By the way, some tea trees should be planted inside. Mei Ning’s father likes to drink tea very much. If ordinary tea trees are improved inside, they might become precious tea species. Drinking more of the tea leaves in it will definitely have various effects on the body. There are advantages in all aspects. I think Father Mei must like such a gift very much, ww☆w.

In addition to this, Gu Hongyu also thought about the fruits in space that gave him a headache. There were so many that the pets at home could not eat them all. Sometimes he would look at the fruits with strange effects in the forest falling straight to the ground. Gu Hongyu sighed in his heart, this is such a waste of natural resources!

Waste is shameful, but frugality is a traditional Chinese virtue.

no. This must not continue...

After thinking for a moment, Gu Hongyu had an idea. It would be a very good choice to make these fruits into fruit wine.

Yes, let's make them all into fruit wine. In the future, when relatives and friends come to Honghu Village, there will be plenty of drinks to entertain them.

It’s the only fruit wine in the world, and I’m afraid my friends who come here won’t like it.

However, there are a lot of preparations that must be done before making fruit wine. Purchase wine jars, koji and some brewing equipment.

Forget it, now is not the time to think about those things. This time, let’s practice the talismans first and then talk about it.

With a handsome head, Gu Hongyu drove all distracting thoughts out of his mind and started practicing the talisman making spell again.


Concentrate and gather energy...

After taking a few deep breaths, Gu Hongyu picked up another crystal next to him.

Gu Hongyu collected a lot of crystals in the space, especially in a crystal mine in the Five Elements Cave. He also collected a lot of top-quality crystals, but now many of them are used by Gu Hongyu to practice talisman making. If outsiders knew about it, they would definitely scold Gu Hongyu as a prodigal.

However, how can others understand Gu Hongyu's world? Let others go their own way these days!

Of course, ordinary people can only take an ordinary path. Gu Hongyu is now taking a path that is different and beyond the scope of people's understanding.

Soon, Gu Hongyu entered the state where there were no waves in the ancient well and his heart was as still as water.

This is another major characteristic of him. Perhaps it is because of his very strong mental power, or perhaps it is Gu Hongyu's special talent, if he was in the heyday of ancient immortal cultivation. Figures like him are also talents that large and even very large sects long for.

He can't move his mind at will, but now Gu Hongyu can at least complete the corresponding movements with his hands following the instructions of his mental consciousness. After a while, a rectangular crystal ornament the size of a thumb was placed in his hand.

Just when Gu Hongyu stopped his hand, an obscure light flashed on the surface of the crystal and disappeared. It seemed that this was another successfully crafted magic weapon.

As long as the crystal carrying the completed talisman can eventually become a magic weapon, Gu Hongyu always closed his eyes slightly when practicing the talisman. Gu Hongyu didn't open his eyes until he finished following the steps of practicing the talismans in his mind.

Looking at the finished second magical artifact in his hand, Gu Hongyu was very satisfied. At least the surface of this crystal looked much better than the first one, even if the inner magic was very low-level. The effectiveness of the magic weapon is still vague, but this can be regarded as an improvement.

With the idea of ​​striking while the iron is hot, Gu Hongyu has been immersed in practicing talismans with full concentration.

Then he went on to make several crystal accessories of different shapes, some of which looked like fangs, some of which were like spheres, some of which were just irregular triangles, and some of which even had very twisted shapes...

In just a short time, Gu Hongyu had produced ten successful works, and the appearance of each magical instrument looked more decent than the last. It was slowly getting closer to the position Gu Hongyu had in mind, but the only regret was that That is, the talisman structure in the accessories is still very simple, with almost only some dispensable functions.

To increase a slight amount of mental power and bring a little calming effect... these require long-term wearing, otherwise no one will be able to see the true effect of the jewelry.

To be honest, Gu Hongyu was a little disappointed. He obviously underestimated the difficulty of practicing talismans, and he did not expect that the ornaments produced would not have immediate effects, and they did not have immediate magical functions like those in movies or novels.

Even if it can't protect one's body and save one's life, at least it can relieve some pain and gather spiritual energy to strengthen one's body, right?

However, although Gu Hongyu has a generous personality, he is not a person who will admit defeat. Since there are thousands of difficulties and dangers ahead, he dares to move forward. This may be called not crying until he sees the coffin, and not turning back until he hits the wall.

However, Gu Hongyu does not think so. If he does not persist to the end, who knows what the final result will be? Maybe the best future is at the end.

"Come again!" Looking at the 4 hours spent in the space and the maximum hour outside, Gu Hongyu said to himself.

After a while, the appearance of the accessories basically met Gu Hongyu's requirements. When refining in the heart, the fingers can basically synchronize with the consciousness. He is now very satisfied with the consistency. Gu Hongyu decided to increase the difficulty of the next refining, that is, to increase the complexity of the talisman structure.

All the previous magic tools are not really considered in the true sense. They only have a little magic power inside. Gu Hongyu will soon give the refined magic tools their designated roles and functions. This is more difficult and has certain dangers.

Because the more complex the structure of the talisman, the more difficult it is to outline the spell, and their stability is not comparable to those basic talismans.

But now Gu Hongyu plunged into it without hesitation.

Adding talismans with attributes, Gu Hongyu of course chose the one with the least difficulty to start with.

Gu Hongyu picked up another piece of crystal in his hand. I don’t know how many times he failed. Although he chose the least difficult attribute talisman to start, he encountered more than a dozen failures at the beginning, and he didn’t find the reason for the failure.

No, it’s just a waste of mental energy to continue like this.

Gu Hongyu warned himself in his heart.

Calm down and recall the basic steps of his talisman refining.

The first step is to find a material that can absorb and absorb spiritual power. Crystal is no problem at all.

The second step is to clearly conceive the spirit of the talisman to be portrayed, and then use the method of heart refining to act on the crystal, so that the crystal can present the required inner qualities according to the outline of the heart refining. This is also no problem, because Gu Hongyu has a strong spiritual ability, and the refining spirit at this stage can fully keep up without any feeling of difficulty.

The third step is to connect the basic talisman lines with attributes together. The simplest talisman without attributes can be done with only one or two lines, but the simplest talisman with attributes has ** and line connections. Each of these lines cannot be connected incorrectly, otherwise it will fail.

The attribute talisman that Gu Hongyu practiced this time is to calm the mind and calm the spirit. If it is successfully made, it will be more useful for the elderly in the family. As people get older, their sleep quality is naturally poor. If there is a magic tool that calms the mind and calms the spirit, it can solve the fundamental problem.

This talisman Gu Hongyu completed all the lines, but every time he completed it, the crystal exploded, and a few fragments hit his cheek, which hurt so much that he almost cried.

After thinking about it carefully, Gu Hongyu still thought that there was a problem in the third link.

At least in the third link, Gu Hongyu was not sure whether the lines of the street were correct. Most of the time, he relied on luck and had the intention of gambling.

He couldn't go on. There were too many combinations of ** lines. As long as one order was wrong, the end waiting for Gu Hongyu would be a crystal explosion.

However, the refining talisman technique obtained in the Five Elements Cave Mansion did not explain the order of these talismans, which made Gu Hongyu feel a little crazy.

I thought about meditation, but I didn't expect that I still had no clue. Gu Hongyu couldn't stop being irritated in his heart. When he saw that hope was right in front of him, there was a wall immediately. This situation was really unbearable.

Watching the time pass by, Gu Hongyu had been in the space for almost half a day.

Looking down at the watch, Gu Hongyu couldn't believe it. He didn't expect that he would be so devoted to doing things.

It seems that this time, the practice of talismans can only go here. If I go out later, my family will be worried.

I used the magic to adjust my tired mental state, then went to the stream to wash my face, thought about picking some fruits in the forest, and then I went out of the space and heard a knock on the door.

Gu Hongyu hid the fruits and asked casually: "Who is here!"

ps: Thanks to "wanglehao" for the monthly ticket support, and thanks to "Xuanyu" and "Xinhuacuo" for the reward support! Thanks to "Xuanyu" for the high review!

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