Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 28 Are the villagers going to cause trouble? [Please recommend and collect]

PS: Thank you very much to Big Erlang, No Good Points, I’m still one step away from loving you, and thank you Zhixiu for your reward and support. Thank you!


"Minghao, tell me how much land can be contracted around this lake. Let's go take a look around." Gu Hongyu asked.

The two current town leaders, especially Mayor Li, have long been overjoyed: "Xiao Gu, oh no! Mr. Gu, the large grassland and cultivated land around the lake are a bit more expensive per mu. The normal land contract fee in the town is 20 yuan per mu. Mu, we won’t care about the sand dunes and Gobi deserts far away from the big lake. If you find it useful, feel free to give it.”

When Mayor Li said this, Secretary Gao kept nodding on the side. In their opinion, the desert here is basically useless, and it is still deserted. If Gu Hongyu can use it, he can still make some income. In addition, It's about selling personal favors and getting the best deal no matter what you think.

Gu Hongyu didn't argue with them now, but he secretly thought that if he could use the space to improve the desert soil in the future, he must sign a formal contract with the town to prevent them from having any chance of regret or change.

It would take a long time to walk around the big lake, and not all the surrounding land can be contracted. For example, one side of the big lake is where the water source flows through. It is completely like a swamp, except for the birds moving in it. There are also some amphibians and reptiles.

Lin Zongzong drove around in his car and looked at all the places he could go. It was a bit desolate, but it had never been polluted and it was in the original ecological category. There was still a big advantage in sparsely populated land, that is, the land was cheap.

Although he doesn’t have much trust in Peng Minghao, Gu Hongyu still checked the price of pasture contracted by Hulunbuir Grassland on the Internet before coming. The ones closer to the city are about a few hundred yuan per acre, but the ones in more remote areas are only a few yuan per acre. Mudu has a great presence.

Although Honghu Village is located in a remote area, the existence of such a large lake can still greatly increase the price of pasture. Agricultural projects cannot be separated from the water source. This is an advantage that other remote pastures cannot match.

The contracted land area is not calculated so quickly. The land is not owned by the state like this lake. The composition of the land around the lake is very complicated. Some are state-owned land, some are collective land, and some are devolved to private ownership. If you want to understand It takes a lot of time to figure this out.

However, these matters do not require his intervention. The government negotiates with the village and people's representatives. Gu Hongyu will give a minimum price and wait until the government and villagers reach a unanimous consensus, then he will pay to complete the matter.

It was a good idea. While everyone was still discussing the details of contracting the lake land by the lake, a large group of people rushed towards them.

Gu Hongyu heard some of them talking from a distance: "This time, the government has called investors to occupy our land. I heard that this big lake will also be contracted out. Then we will have to rely on investors to irrigate the land in the future." His face, let alone whether he can go fishing in the lake."

"That's right, I think the government is just trying to cater to foreign investors and ignore the interests of our common people. We firmly disagree with their contracting plan."

"Yes, no matter what they say we will not agree."

"Well, it would be good if we could find a boss who is sincere in doing business. But every time the government comes over to the party secretary's house to have a meal, nothing happens. It's boring to meet everyone. But if there is really sincerity, come to us. If we invest here, will we miss the opportunity for development..."

"Stop talking about it, there is no business without treachery. They can't see the benefits in a short period of time. Only a devil would go to this remote place to spend money!"

"But isn't it wrong for us to go there like this? Why don't we wait for the branch secretary to come back and go together?"

"If we wait, if we really wait until they sell our land and lakes at a low price, how will we live in the future? The day lilies will be cold before the Party Secretary comes back!"


Gu Hongyu looked toward the crowd and saw the person who had spoken the most vehemently just now. He saw a burly man in his 40s, wearing clothes that exposed his breasts and a ruffian look on his face. .

Not long after, a group of villagers came to the town party secretary Gao and Mayor Li. Mayor Li didn't take it seriously at first and wanted to ask the village party secretary, but seeing the villagers coming fiercely, the situation was not right and he didn't dare to ask again. .

It was Secretary Gao who saw something was wrong and stepped forward and asked, "What are you doing here? Why didn't the village party secretary come?"

Faced with the fact that the town leaders still have a certain degree of authority in the hearts of the common people, the villagers who had been talking endlessly at the beginning of Secretary Gao's question suddenly fell silent.

The person who was standing in the crowd and yelling the loudest just now had to stand up with his head on his head and said angrily: "Leader, are you the investor this time to contract out our land and lakes?"

"The town has this idea, but we will communicate it with the village. You can just watch from the side, but it cannot affect our normal inspection. When it comes to the price of contracted land, our town will come forward and negotiate with all the villagers to come up with it. A plan that everyone accepts," Secretary Gao explained to everyone cheerfully.

After hearing Secretary Gao's words and looking at the investor who was different from the previous arrogant and old-fashioned investor, he turned out to be a handsome and gentle young man. Many villagers began to waver in their hearts and felt that it would be better to just wait and see what happens.

But it was the leader who asked again: "Leader, contracting land and lakes is related to our future livelihood. Investors came a few times before, but nothing happened after eating and drinking. Now they are coming again. Will they cheat us this time?"

Being suspected, and being suspected by name in front of so many people, this is simply a slap in the face. Gu Hongyu had to say a few words: "Uncle, you are right. I never thought about developing agriculture here before. Isn't it just growing vegetables? I have the technology and I can grow it anywhere..."

Before he said much, he was interrupted by Peng Minghao: "Hongyu, why are you talking about this? It's good that I asked you to come, but there is no need to say these things now!"

Gu Hongyu patted Peng Minghao on the shoulder and gave him a confident smile. He immediately stopped smiling and said seriously: "The person who just talked to me is my college classmate and a good buddy. He can be said to have a better future after graduation, but he chose this remote town to work here. What he wants is What? Isn't that just to show his dream and improve the backward appearance of the town where he works? Before he went to work, he knew that I had connections to get high-tech planting products, so he asked me to come here early to take a look. I couldn't resist his request and came. "

"To be honest, everything here disappoints me. There are deserts and yellow sand everywhere around. Can agricultural projects be carried out in such an environment? I asked myself in my heart. Especially the initial investment you mentioned just now, irrigation equipment, and roads need to raise funds. I haven't started planting vegetables yet, and I have to spend a lot of money in my pocket. Whose money is blown by the wind? Can you blame other investors for running away after coming here? Which businessman doesn't want to make money and make more money in the shortest time! "

Unexpectedly, Gu Hongyu ignored the town leaders and directly expressed his feelings, which made the two leaders extremely embarrassed, but these words were not wrong and were also facts. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time to find so many investors.

The villagers were also shocked by Gu Hongyu. The previous investors simply ignored them, but Gu Hongyu did the opposite. The villagers just wanted to negotiate terms, so I would devalue this place to nothing, so that they dare not raise the price even if they open their mouths.

"Hongyu, do you still want to contract this place? Let's just go back. It's just a wild lake. It's too secluded. It's just like that after seeing it for a long time." Niu Ming, the carefree idiot, said with exaggeration.

Secretary Gao and Mayor Li are now nervous. Just now, Gu Hongyu finally got a little moved. Don't let these villagers run away. Peng Minghao is also in a bad mood. He feels very embarrassed to call Gu Hongyu here and cause such a situation.

The villagers who were a little arrogant just now are now speaking out. Yes, what do they rely on to have the confidence and qualifications to negotiate terms? Why do others who are not related to them come here to do thankless things!

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