Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 289 Where did the fish go? (Subscribe)

After lunch, Gu Hongyu and his family couldn't wait to come to the place where the ice was cut.

Originally, Gu Hongyu thought he was the first one to arrive here, but when they arrived, many villagers were already surrounding them.

Uncle Aza is planning to pull the net with some eager villagers.

"Uncle, didn't you have lunch at noon? Why are you here so soon?" Gu Hongyu looked at Uncle Aza and smiled.

Uncle Aza glanced at Gu Hongyu gently: "Hey, when we encountered this fishing activity before, everyone had already prepared lunch at home, and some villagers even brought their meals here to eat. With so many people in your family, it takes a lot of time to prepare a meal. Of course we are faster than you."

Gu Hongyu was embarrassed. It turned out that his family had been delayed for too long.

Seeing Gu Hongyu's embarrassment, Uncle Aza continued: "But you don't need to do anything here. You can just watch from the side. Only when the fish come in will you be allocated!"

"What kind of business is this? You are all helping me fish. How can I, as a master, stand by and watch? Come on, let's pull the net together." Gu Hongyu ran to Uncle Aza and imitated others to pull the fishing net without saying anything. corner of.

Uncle Aza didn't say anything when he saw it. Instead, he looked at the surrounding villagers pulling fishing nets: "Is everyone ready?"

"Ready 5∝, www$w......."

"Old Party Secretary, let's see what we have today!"

"I hope this net will catch fish."


The miscellaneous comments of the villagers did not affect Uncle Aza. When he saw that everyone was ready, he immediately shouted: "Let's set up the net..."

Immediately afterwards, many villagers shouted: "Set up the net..."

The fishing net is very heavy when soaked in ice water, and each villager is responsible for pulling the ropes of various parts of the fishing net.

When the underwater fishing net is slowly dragged up the ice with the pulling of the villagers, this is also the most exciting moment, because you can see the results of the fishing later. Everyone is eagerly waiting for the fish in the lake to be fished out.

"Why haven't you seen the fish yet?"

"That's right, a long length of this fishing net was dragged ashore, but not a single fish was seen in the net. This situation is really weird."

"Don't talk nonsense. You think you are casting a net in an artificially cultivated reservoir. You must know that this is a red lake with an area of ​​several square kilometers. All the swimming fish in it are wild. This kind of fish is the most difficult to catch. 50 The three-meter-long fishing net is only a few feet long now, so I estimate that hundreds of kilograms of fish can be caught no matter what."

"Don't you know? Last year when we were fishing in Honghu Village, we didn't see any movement when we first set up the net. But in the last net, we caught 500 kilograms of fish. The scene made Uncle Aza and the villagers extremely happy."

As the villagers discussed, the fishing net was slowly exposed from under the ice, but nothing was found in the five-meter fishing net that had been exposed to the ice. Now the villagers who just spoke began to feel uneasy.

This is already one-fifth of the fishing nets. They know in their hearts that even in the few nets that catch the fewest game fish, there should be a few small fish in the fishing nets at this time. Instead of water stains, there are only some algae.

"Lao Zhu, something seems wrong. There is still no movement in the fishing nets pulled up today?" An elderly villager asked a villager of similar age next to him.

"There is something wrong. In the past, when the fishing net was so long out of the ice, there were fish jumping around in it. Didn't we find the fish nest this time?" A villager named Zhu was also very confused as he stroked his beard.

But the villager who just asked the question continued: "No fish nest was found. This is impossible. My old Liu Tou has been jumping up and down in Honghu Lake since he was a child. There is no place in the water that I am not familiar with. , I also fished at this location in the past few years, it’s definitely not wrong.”

"That's really strange. Why haven't we caught any fish this year?" Old Man Zhu said to himself.

While they were talking, suddenly a tourist onlookers shouted: "There is a fish out."

In fact, even without this tourist’s warning, many villagers and other tourists saw it. It's just that there aren't many fish swimming in the fishing nets. In one fishing net, there are three or two lake fish weighing less than five kilograms jumping around randomly.

The villagers pulling the fishing net were struggling even more at this time. Their faces were swollen red and veins were popping out on their necks. They were prompted by a villager's command. They all used up their strength to shout the slogan, stepped hard on the ice step by step, and moved forward with difficulty.

Pansuo also used a motor to pull the rope at one end of the fishing net. With the concerted efforts of everyone, the fishing net slowly emerged from the ice.

Now Uncle Aza no longer pulls the net, and he has Gu Hongyu, a strong worker, to take his place.

Seeing that the fish had not been pulled for a long time, Gu Hongyu couldn't help but said: "Uncle Aza, what's going on? Why haven't I seen the fish yet?"

Uncle Aza took a few glances at the empty fishing nets that emerged from the water: "There are many possibilities for this. Maybe the location was not chosen well, maybe the large number of us scared away the fish under the ice, maybe it was in the Red Lake The swimming fish are gradually becoming scarce... I can’t explain this clearly.”

After listening to Uncle Aza's analysis, Gu Hongyu thought about it himself. The possibility exists in western Zhejiang, but Gu Hongyu has inspected it several times under the water of Honghu Lake. He has seen several schools of swimming fish under the water. Counting the times, there is no shortage of fish in the Red Lake, and the location is also a good location chosen by experienced villagers. They will never mistake such a place. The remaining reason is that the people on the ice take the fish Scared away, this seems impossible. Could it be that all the fish in Hong Lake have turned into sperm? There were many villagers watching when fishing in the past, and the commotion caused was not small!

After analyzing the past and analyzing again, Gu Hongyu still couldn't figure it out.

Suddenly, he slapped his head and cursed "idiot" secretly, and then resumed the action of pulling the net under Uncle Aza's surprised eyes.

But now his mental consciousness has passed through the ice above and plunged into the fishing net under the water.

After observing the situation under the ice, Gu Hongyu was surprised. The lake here was very deep and should be a fish nest, but now there were only a few small fish here. Fish weighing more than ten kilograms were basically here. I didn't realize that the information provided by this old villager was completely inconsistent.

According to the instructions of the old villagers, it is correct that this place should be a fish nest, but if there are no fish, it is a little unreasonable. Could it be that the large number of people on the ice scares away these swimming fish.

Since there are not many swimming fish in the lake, and the fishing nets are even more empty, except for a few swimming fish that have been caught ashore, Gu Hongyu clearly found that the fishing nets in the lake only caught 5 or 6 swimming fish weighing less than five pounds. fish.

Where have all the fish in the lake gone?

On the surface, Gu Hongyu continued to pretend to pull the net, but in his heart he was already wandering.

His mental consciousness was still observing the situation at the bottom of the lake. After discovering that there was no fish in this large area, his mental consciousness immediately moved to a place, slowly extending towards the deeper place at the bottom of the Red Lake.

While he was still searching for the whereabouts of the fish, Gu Hongyu accidentally touched the back of a villager in front of him. Suddenly he and the villager in front almost fell to the ice. Gu Hongyu woke up immediately Turning around, I saw that all the fishing nets had been pulled out of the ice. The performance of this net was really poor. The total number of fish did not exceed ten, and the weight did not exceed fifty kilograms. The worst result.

"Xiao Gu, what are you doing?" Uncle Aza saw something was wrong.

Gu Hongyu picked up the villager who was touched and patted the broken ice chips on his clothes: "It's okay. I was distracted just now. I'm sorry, big brother?"

The villagers in front did not care about Gu Hongyu, but said with a smile: "Little old boss, you are really good, you are still distracted when pulling the fish."

"We have almost no harvest from this net. Do you think we should find another place or try another net here?" Old Liu Tou, who designated the fishing position, saw the villagers collecting the only swimming fish and looked at the people present. the villager asked.

"Just one more net here. I still can't believe that I can catch fish here every year, but not this year!"

"If we go elsewhere and dig an ice cave, how much more work will it take?"

"It depends on your luck, let's bet again!"

“If we didn’t catch any fish in the first net, does it make sense for us to do the same thing again?”


The two opinions differed. The public said that the public was right, and the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law was right. The two teams were in a stalemate.

At this moment, Gu Hongyu sank his mental consciousness to the bottom of the lake again, searching for traces of fish schools. He suddenly let go of his mental consciousness, and many situations at the bottom of the Red Lake appeared in his consciousness.

"What's going on?" Gu Hongyu was immediately shocked when he saw a scene.

At a certain location at the bottom of the Red Lake, the fish there were simply bunched up in a ball, and they were constantly crowding and tumbling in one place. There was something there that was attracting these fish.

If the nets are no longer cast there for fishing, no matter where in the Red Lake, the villagers will only be able to catch fish and return empty-handed.

It was really shocking. The size of that fish school must have exceeded several hundred square meters. This was just the core area. It was full of big fish weighing more than ten kilograms. Counting the similarly densely packed small fish weighing less than ten kilograms on the outside, if all were caught, How many tons does this cost?

The big fish and the small fish were basically at the threshold of about ten pounds, and they clearly formed two groups, all clustered in one place, and they were so densely surrounded by fish that Gu Hongyu didn't know what was going on inside.

Where exactly is that place in the Red Lake?

Suddenly, Uncle Aza's voice came from beside him: "Xiao Gu, I want to ask you, can we still fish here?"

ps: Thank you to "Ren Yijie" for your monthly ticket support, and thank you to "Danyu Sihan" and "Emperor of Heaven and Queen of Earth" for your support! Thanks to "meierjulia" for the rating vote!

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