Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 299 Where to put your face! (Subscribe)

The equipment and materials for the vegetable greenhouse were delivered at around 1:00 p.m. All the materials were loaded into two extended trucks. Gu Hongyu had never seen many of the things that were unloaded from the trucks.

In his heart, Gu Hongyu had to sigh that some of the high-tech applications in the United States in the agricultural field were indeed much more advanced than those in China.

The two experts sent by Old Hall to Honghu Village this time were both in their forties. One was fat and bald, with a typical Mediterranean hairstyle, about 1.9 meters tall, and walked like a small mountain. His name was Kubi.

The other wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and looked gentle. He occasionally spoke a few Chinese words during the few conversations with Gu Hongyu. His name was Wenke.

But don't be fooled by their foreign trade. Since these two people followed the truck to Honghu Village, I don't know what sense of superiority they relied on to boss the soldiers who were carrying the equipment, as if these things could not move without their command.

Especially Orlando, an American translator who can speak Chinese. Maybe Wenk learned Chinese from him. His words have a strange accent, and he interprets the meaning of rudeness to the fullest.

Gu Hongyu sneered in his heart. This is not the end. It's just unloading some materials. If the construction team soldiers are officially building vegetable greenhouses, they will have to swallow their anger and dare not speak.

No, this matter needs to be communicated with American experts.

Chinese people basically do things with courtesy before force, and Gu Hongyu is no exception. He doesn't want to have a bad relationship with American experts at the beginning, so he invites them to visit the surrounding areas of Honghu Village in a friendly manner.

"Gu, this is the national wildlife reserve you mentioned. This is probably the most shabby place I have ever seen!" Standing on the hill of the migratory bird reserve. Kubi said with contempt.

Gu Hongyu held back after hearing this and patiently explained: "You should know that this wildlife reserve will be built after the beginning of the year. It is only in its infancy now. There are many protected animals in it. If you are lucky, you can see many rare animals in our country."

"Haha, it seems that our luck is not very good today, don't you think so, Wenke." Kubi couldn't deny Gu Hongyu's answer. He still teased him heartlessly.

"Gu, can we hunt here? Such a remote mountain village should be able to satisfy our little wish, right?" Wenke asked very calmly.

Gu Hongyu said seriously: "If it was here before, there would be no problem, but now that all of this place has been designated as a wildlife reserve, hunting is prohibited..."

"Gu, don't tell me you haven't touched a hunting rifle, I will treat you when you go to the United States." Before Gu Hongyu finished answering the question, Kubi on the side said exaggeratedly.

Is this a deliberate embarrassment? Gu Hongyu was very disgusted with Kubi's words in his heart, but he continued to endure it for the sake of the vegetable greenhouse.

But he said in his mouth: "Haha. That's great. We can compete with each other when we have time."

"Since hunting is not allowed here, and I don't particularly like the scene of ice and snow, Gu, why don't we go to your vegetable greenhouse now?" Wen Ke, who looked like a gentleman, suggested.

However, Gu Hongyu suffered another blow.

Seeing the vegetable greenhouse that Gu Hongyu earned tens of millions for him, Kubi, with an arrogant look on his face, began to belittle again: "Gu, this is the vegetable greenhouse you built. It is hard to imagine that these outdated vegetable greenhouses are still competitive. In our country, such high-cost and low-efficiency greenhouses have long been eliminated. Fortunately, you have a chance to invite us over, otherwise we really don't want to cooperate with you."

"Kubi, let me tell you a fact. Cooperation is decided by both parties, not forced by me. If you still talk to me with this stupid sense of superiority, I don't mind asking Old Hall to arrange two experts in building vegetable greenhouses for me. Do you really think that the earth will stop turning without you!" Gu Hongyu, who couldn't stand the sarcasm of the old American, threw out his trump card.

"Gu, Kubi did go too far in this matter. You said that we are in a cooperative relationship, and cooperation is win-win. Don't worry about these insignificant little things!" Wen Ke pretended to be a good person to resolve the conflict between the two sides. It would not be good for them if this matter got out of hand.

Gu Hongyu also didn't want to cause trouble. If he forcibly sent these two American elders back, and two more equally arrogant American elders came, it would be a waste of time to go back and forth.

His eyes stared at Kubi, who dodged and lowered his voice a lot: "Gu, I was just joking just now, don't mind it."

Joke, joke, damn, I just know that I was joking now.

Gu Hongyu was indignant in his heart, but he also realized that the way he treated these American elders at the beginning was wrong. You can't be too polite when dealing with American elders. They are some guys who are pushing their feet.

With a wave of his hand, Gu Hongyu no longer needed to continue introducing the vegetable greenhouse to them, and he led the way back home. As for the two American elders and a translator, Gu Hongyu temporarily lent them the wooden house by the lake for a few days, waiting for them to finish their work and leave early.

There were hundreds of acres of land, and many places had to open up the ice and snow piled on it. This was a tough job for the soldiers under Captain Huang. It took two full days to expose the ground for laying the foundation.

The foundation of the vegetable greenhouse had just been laid, so these things didn't need the two foreigners. They just inspected the construction site to see if the construction was carried out according to the drawings. After seeing the site, they left with a little surprise.

They didn't expect that the Chinese construction team could complete the seemingly impossible task in the ice and snow. If it were in the United States, outdoor workers in the cold climate would refuse to work, and they couldn't find anyone even if they were paid a huge salary.

Gu Hongyu was satisfied with the construction progress of the construction team. He walked around the construction site and said a few generous words to the workers on the scene and went back.

The activities on the ice of Honghu Lake were in full swing. Gu Hongchen's classmates stayed in Honghu for almost ten days, and finally left reluctantly, but everyone was looking forward to the subsequent projects of Honghu Village.

The most eye-catching one was of course the military fan club, followed by the ancient city ruins, the wildlife reserve, Honghu diving, the fantasy forest, and the orchard that no one could ignore. Gu Hongyu told them that there was that kind of magical fruit in it. Who could resist the taste of that kind of exotic fruit!

Now only Gu Hongchen's girlfriend has not left. She stayed with Gu Hongchen to guard the winter outdoor sports rental store amid the teasing and even envious eyes of other classmates. While the business is booming, her relationship with Gu Hongchen has also made great progress.

The idle American old man finally found something to do. They were very surprised to find the ice hole left by the last ice fishing. They took out the fishing rods from the accompanying items they brought with them at some point, and said proudly: "Gu, let's show you my skills."

"Are you planning to go ice fishing?" Gu Hongyu pointed at the fishing rods in their hands.

"Yes, it's a rare opportunity. You won't tell me that there are no fish in the lake, right?" Wen Ke said excitedly.

Gu Hongyu nodded at them without saying anything. There are many fish in the lake, but it depends on whether you have the ability to catch them.

"Gu, hunting is not allowed here. How about we have a fishing competition now?" Kubi said with full confidence.

Gu Hongyu pointed at himself and said in disbelief: "You? Are you going to compete with me in fishing?"

"Yes, winter ice fishing. I have done this a lot in the United States. Don't tell me you have never done it before?" Kubi's words still made people feel like beating him.

But this time he hit the point. Gu Hongyu waved his hand: "You are right. I have never done ice fishing before, but this should be very simple. I agree to compete with you."

"Great, Gu, you are very courageous. I will let you go later and won't let you lose too badly." Kubi smiled incomparably obscenely.

But Gu Hongyu said seriously: "But I won't let you go. Don't be too bad if you lose later."

It was heard that Gu Hongyu bet with a foreigner to compete in fishing immediately attracted many villagers and tourists who were bored. Near the ice surface where a tourist fell into the ice cave last time, two ice caves less than ten meters away were dug again. After the floating ice was peeled off, the long-lost red lake surface was exposed under the ice layer.

This time, Kubi was going to compete with Gu Hongyu, so Wenk stopped fishing and became the referee. After he looked at the time, the competition began.

Kubi was very skilled, and was much more proficient in hanging bait and releasing the line than Gu Hongyu. During the period, the two looked at each other, and Gu Hongyu's clumsy actions were laughed at by him, but Gu Hongyu didn't care. Fishing is not about the final result. Everything depends on who catches more fish in the end to be the real winner.

Obviously, Gu Hongyu was lucky. Without cheating, he had caught three lake fish in less than half an hour. The largest one was more than ten kilograms, and the smallest one was about two or three kilograms. Kubi didn't say that he had no harvest, but he only had a small fish of less than one kilogram in his pocket.

"Oh, this foreigner is no good, what's the point of competing."

"The one who can compete with Boss Xiao Gu hasn't come out yet. Boss Xiao Gu is such a smart person, how can he compete with the foreign devil if he is not sure?"

"Haha, is it that the fish in the Red Lake also know that there is an American fishing on it? They are all not fish that worship foreigners, so they don't let the American catch them."

"No way, how can the foreigner catch one?"

"This is just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse."

"In my opinion, the fish in Honghu Lake can't get used to foreign feed. This is the truth."


Even though Kubi, who couldn't catch any fish, didn't speak Chinese, he knew that he was being ridiculed and mocked by listening to the discussions of various people around him. Now he really wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into. He just boasted, but in the end he couldn't even beat a person who had never been ice fishing. Where can he put his face!

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