Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 302 Touching the Heart (Subscription Request)

Seeing the current situation of Haojiawan Village, Gu Hongyu couldn't find any words to describe it.

Saying whether it is desolate, dilapidated, or run-down... is not enough to interpret its image. It can only be said that the current Haojiawan Village is worse than the Honghu Village that Gu Hongyu first saw. They are more like being abandoned. An ancient tribe that society has ruthlessly abandoned.

Gu Hongyu could hardly see anything here that had anything to do with today's society. Even the things erected outside the house were either animal leather or wooden boards. He didn't even see a piece of floral plastic film. It was really weird.

"Little old boss, now you have seen the real situation in our village. Are you deeply shocked in your heart?" Old Man Hao said in a low tone.

He was really shocked by the situation in this place. Gu Hongyu couldn't help but asked curiously: "Uncle Hao, your Haojiawan Village doesn't have even a little bit of support. Look at everything in front of you. If you didn't live in In modern times, I thought I had traveled to ancient times!”

"That's not to say there are none, but those with a better financial foundation or connections have moved outside. Now there are only some old, weak, orphans and widows left in our village. Almost all the strong laborers have gone out to work. As long as those who go out are probably all I don’t plan to come back here because it’s too poor and backward,” Old Man Hao slowly explained.

"In the past, when there was grassland and water here, the village had more than 10,000 people at its peak. But now many of them are old people, and there are some orphans and widows. Now only the remaining people who actually live in Haojiawan Village are There are less than 500 people, but such conditions still make our life extremely difficult.”

"Today I also consciously went to Honghu Village to find you. Little old boss, you are a capable and capable big man. Since you can turn Honghu Village, which is not much better than our village, into what it is now, I also borrow I beg you to come and help us so that the people in our village can see hope and have better living conditions.”

Old Hao was really moved when he said this, not only bursting into tears, but Gu Hongyu found that he was actually touched in his heart.

At a relatively high place in Haojiawan Village, Gu Hongyu stopped the car to stop the engine and looked at the situation in Haojiawan and fell into deep thought.

When Gu Hongyu first came to Honghu Village, he was attracted by the Red Lake, which spans several square kilometers. In such a desert village, there is such a unique water resource. It is not easy to develop agriculture with the help of Xianyuan space.

However, there is now only one pool of less than 100 square meters left in Haojiawan. According to the natural development laws of the vicissitudes of life, the amount of water in this pool will gradually decrease. Whether it is enough for villagers to drink is a question, let alone used to develop agricultural projects.

But there is no water resources, and there is no special scenery here. It is undoubtedly very difficult to develop this place. Gu Hongyu sighed secretly in his heart. He really can't find any project that can take root here and be good. development.

"Little old boss, is there still hope here? You will definitely be able to get along and find a way to develop our village, right?" Old Hao asked impatiently after waiting for a while without seeing Gu Hongyu's response.

Gu Hongyu didn't want to hit such an old man Hao. He said: "Uncle Hao, I have just arrived in your village, and there are still many things I don't understand. Let me talk about it after I slowly understand the situation in the village!"

"Okay, as long as you enter our village, I will tell you all the problems you have!" It can be said that he has accomplished half of his goal today. At least he has called Gu Hongyu to Haojiawan Village.

Just as Gu Hongyu started his pickup truck and was about to drive into Haojiawan Village, a childish shout came to Gu Hongyu's ears: "Grandpa, is grandpa back?"

Old Hao, who was in the car, immediately stretched out his head and shouted to a thin figure at the entrance of the village: "Xiao Liang. You came to the entrance of the village like this, why don't you stay at home?"

There was a hint of blame, but Gu Hongyu could hear a lot of concern in it. The grandfather and grandson are dependent on each other and have a really good relationship.

However, Xiao Liang on the opposite side ran towards the pickup truck regardless. When he shouted together, many elderly people appeared at the entrance of the village, as well as some middle-aged women, and some who were clinging closely to the adults. child.

Gu Hongyu found that the expressions on these people's faces were also different, and the expressions on some people's faces were still numb. There were also some faces full of hope, and some even had a hint of joking on their faces... All kinds of expressions fell in Gu Hongyu's eyes.

Gu Hongyu understands the hopeful eyes. After all, who doesn’t want to live in backwardness and poverty and not want his life to become better and his family’s conditions to be better? Then Old Man Hao may have told the villagers something about Gu Hongyu, and they thought there should be hope for Gu Hongyu's arrival.

But what's going on with the numbness and the people with joking expressions on their faces? Are they numb to the current life, have seen too many intrigues in life, and have no hope for Gu Hongyu's arrival, or are they planning to watch a joke.

Whose joke are you looking at?

Is it Old Hao Tou, Gu Hongyu, or themselves, no one can tell!

Old Man Hao now opened the car door and had already held his grandson in his arms. As soon as he got in the car, he was curious about everything in the pickup truck. He touched here and there with his little hands. Gu Hongyu didn't stop him. He touched the car. It won't be bad, even if the other person's hands are dark and dirty, Xiaoliang's heart is clean.

"Secretary Hao, you are back. Is this Mr. Gu?" A villager with bright eyes asked Old Man Hao.

Gu Hongyu was a little surprised at this moment. He didn't expect that Old Man Hao was the secretary of Haojiawan Village. No wonder he talked and laughed with Uncle Azha in Honghu Village.

In response to the villagers' questions, Old Man Hao nodded as a tacit agreement, and then the villagers who came to greet him started to talk about it.

"Ah, this is Boss Gu from Honghu Village. He looks so young?"

"Yes, you said that Honghu Village has become what it is now under his leadership. Every family lives in a garden house..."

"My eldest cousin from the family of my aunts and uncles is from Honghu Village. I went to his house for a banquet last time. I heard him say that he was as young as this boss. Now the cousin's house is really like the house where rich people live in big cities. When I went in, the sofa was so soft that I didn't dare to sit hard..."

"Boss Gu came to our village this time. Can our village develop like Honghu Village?"

"Of course. With Boss Gu here, he will definitely come up with a good idea."

"Secretary Hao, bring Boss Gu into the village. Every household in our village has collected some things and put them in your house. Use these to entertain Boss Gu!"


There was also a special welcome ceremony. These villagers also took the initiative to get some things and put them in the old man Hao's house, just to entertain him. Gu Hongyu still understood a lot of things through the villagers' chatter.

The most important thing is that these villagers still have high expectations for him.

The pickup truck could not drive into the village. Gu Hongyu took Old Man Hao and Xiao Liang, who looked reluctant to get off the car, to the villagers. The villagers looked at Gu Hongyu as if he were a god and automatically made way for him.

Many children could not care about these things. They took advantage of the moment when the adults let go and ran in front of everyone. Suddenly, the children's playfulness and the adults' shouting became one, adding a little vitality to the lonely village.

Walking into the dilapidated village, it was not really a village. There were only some low houses here, some of which were almost covered by snow. Some leather-sealed roofs could clearly see the traces of cleaning. Gu Hongyu believed that if the ice and snow on them were not cleaned, the villagers living in the simple houses would be trapped inside and unable to get out.

The houses were like small ice hillocks, arranged in a disorderly manner without any rules or beauty. Not long after walking, Gu Hongyu came to a house built with wooden boards. It might be that the wooden boards could not effectively resist the wind and snow. Some leather was firmly nailed to the wooden boards outside. Such a strange building structure was the biggest feature of Haojiawan Village.

Bending over to enter the house, many villagers stood outside the house consciously. Only the old man Hao and his grandson and some brave children were left. When Gu Hongyu walked into the house, he saw some fruits, dried fruits, snacks, and cakes on the table. These should be what the villagers said just now, and they were also the most impressive things to entertain him.

Gu Hongyu never looked at these things at home, especially fruits. Since he had eaten the strange fruits in the space, ordinary fruits could not catch his eye, so he just glanced at them casually and never paid attention to them.

However, several children in the room coveted the things on the table. Although they sat upright next to the adults, they looked at the candies and snacks on the table from time to time. From that look, Gu Hongyu understood that this was a desire for beauty.

"Come on, little friend, uncle will treat you to candy."

"Don't worry, there are all. Line up and then come to uncle!"

Seeing the children rushing over, Gu Hongyu asked them to consciously maintain order. Soon the things on the table were distributed, but something surprised Gu Hongyu. Among the children who got food, he found that basically no children put candy and snacks into their mouths. They actually withstood the temptation of food.

"Xiaoliang, this is the candy given to you by uncle, why don't you eat it?" Xiaoliang sat next to his grandfather. Gu Hongyu was the closest to him, so he turned around and asked.

"I will give these candies to grandpa later. Grandpa hasn't eaten these things for a long time!" Xiaoliang's face was full of excitement, as if getting candy was such a great thing.

No wonder some villagers said before entering the village that the things on the case were collected by everyone. It turned out to be true. If Gu Hongyu hadn't touched these things, they might have been taken back by the owner after he left, but now Gu Hongyu has distributed them to the children.

As for the other children, they may have the same idea as Xiaoliang, that is, to take these good things home to share with their families.

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu actually had the urge to cry!

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