Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 306 Pure Grain Wine (Subscription Request)

It is a relatively simple matter to make fruit wine. After doing these, you can only wait for them to ferment slowly. This process usually takes about half a month, but Gu Hongyu firmly believes that the fruit wine will be perfectly brewed in three days in the space.

Removing the pomace from the fruit wine is a very troublesome thing for ordinary people, but Gu Hongyu can easily handle this matter in the space. Using the dominance of the space, it only takes one time to separate the pomace from the fruit wine.

As for the pomace, Gu Hongyu did not want to waste it. There are so many fish swimming in the space reservoir. I believe they like these wine dregs very much. Gu Hongyu can only pray in his heart that these fish that greedily eat wine dregs will not get drunk and become someone else's meal.

However, when Gu Hongyu brewed all the wine jars and wine barrels into fruit wine, he suddenly slapped his forehead. There was something very important that he almost forgot.

Do you still remember the fate of the first zoo director in Yama County? Gu Hongyu made great efforts to defeat this hostile task. Now he still has many precious animal bones and some rare calligraphy and paintings in his hands.

Aren't those precious animal bones just for making wine? Fortunately, the dozens of wine jars that the pickup truck brought back and forth were not used. They can be used to make tiger bone wine, pangolin wine, tiger whip wine... Haha, the effect will definitely be good.

Gu Hongyu took out many precious animal bones that he had treasured in his hands, and said to his family when they were surprised: "Mom and Dad, I plan to use these things to make wine. You can pack up the wine jars and wine barrels I brought back yesterday. I will go to Uncle Azha to buy wine."

Uncle Azha had said last time that he had a relative in the next room who opened a small workshop specializing in refining grain wine. Today, he just wanted to find Uncle Azha to take him to his relative's house. If conditions permit, Gu Hongyu doesn't mind bringing his relative to Honghu Village.

At this time of year, the villagers of Honghu Village have nothing else to do except entertaining tourists who come here. When Gu Hongyu came to the door. Uncle Azha's family was chatting in the living room. There was no heated kang in the hot house, and they were all replaced with a stove and air conditioning.

"Uncle is chatting at home. He hasn't been out for a walk these days!" After saying some nonsense, Gu Hongyu walked straight in.

Seeing Gu Hongyu, Uncle Azha's family was naturally very enthusiastic. They handed him fruits, tea, snacks and snacks, which made him busy.

"What's there to see outside? Every family is living well now. I am not cold or hungry, and I have a rare comfortable winter." Uncle Azha said with a smile.

"By the way, Xiao Gu came to see me for something?"

Gu Hongyu scratched his head: "Ah, there is something. Didn't you tell me last time that a relative of yours is a winemaker? I want to buy some wine recently, so I came to your door."

"It's just a small matter. How much do you want? I asked him to deliver it directly and it will be done soon!"

"No, the wine is not much, just a few hundred kilograms, but I want to go to the winery to see the situation." Gu Hongyu waved his hand.

Uncle Azha was shocked: "Are you planning to make wine again now?"

"Yes. There will definitely be more and more tourists in Honghu Village in the future, right?" Seeing Uncle Azha nod, Gu Hongyu continued: "Now it is difficult for people in the city to buy pure grain wine. Some of them are labeled as pure grain wine, but they are actually blended white wine. If a winery that brews pure grain wine is opened in Honghu Village, do you think the market prospects will be good?"

Uncle Azha slapped his thigh and said excitedly: "It's true. My cousin from the next room has excellent winemaking skills. It's a secret recipe passed down from ancestors. Forget it, I don't have the final say now. You will understand when you taste the wine!"

"Haha, what else can I say. I'll trouble you to take a trip today and take me to see it!" Fortunately, the winemaking process is still an ancient recipe, which is another publicity gimmick.

Uncle Azha's cousin from the next room was adopted out of Honghu Village, so he is no longer in Honghu Village, but it is not far from Honghu Village, which is also a village under the jurisdiction of Qingzhen. However, because the terrain is close to Qingzhen, the conditions are much better than other villages.

This time, Gu Hongyu still drove a pickup truck and took Uncle Azha on the road.

After passing Qingzhen, they drove along a cement road and soon entered a village.

Because this village is not far from Qingzhen, there are many people. Even in winter, you can see children playing outside the house. They also have some firecrackers in their hands. A mischievous child threw firecrackers at the pickup truck driven by Gu Hongyu.

Uncle Azha made a threatening look in the car, and a group of children left with a smile on their faces. They didn't look scared at all.

Uncle Azha said to Du Hongyu: "These wild children are spoiled, but the conditions here are indeed much better than many villages."

Yes, who would buy toys for children in other villages with tight conditions? Look at the group of children who just ran over. They are almost all wearing new clothes. Compared with Haojiawan Village, they are one in the sky and one in the ground.

"Where does your cousin live?" Gu Hongyu, who was still sitting in the car, asked facing the fork in the road at the entrance of the village.

"Don't go into the village, just walk along this road beside the village, because the wine shop lives by a stream beside the village." Uncle Azha explained to Gu Hongyu slowly.

As we drove slowly on the snowy road, we saw a not very eye-catching hill around the edge of the village.

Uncle Azha pointed to the hill and said, "It's just in front, my cousin lives under that hill."

Sure enough, within a few minutes, a house with a larger area under the hill appeared in front of him. As the pickup truck approached, Gu Hongyu could smell the faint smell of wine. The closer the distance, the smell of wine. The aroma of the wine will be stronger.

"Well, this smells very good!" Gu Hongyu turned to Uncle Aza and said.

Uncle Aza smiled and said: "Don't worry, it will be so cool when you taste the wine later!"

Soon, the pickup truck parked next to the gate of the manor. Just as Uncle Aza went to knock on the door, Gu Hongyu looked at everything around him.

The snow around the gate here has been taken care of, and the road here is also very wide. It seems that parking was often done here in the past. There are towering trees growing around the entire manor, but now there are many snow and ice hanging from them.

"Brother Yao, why are you here today?" At this moment, Gu Hongyu heard a strange voice.

Followed. Uncle Aza said happily: "Fifth brother, how are you doing these days? Today I will bring the old boss of our village to you to buy wine and casually negotiate a business."

"Oh, really, I heard that your village has changed a lot during this period. Is it because of the young boss in front of you?" When they were chatting, the fifth brother in Uncle Aza's mouth looked at him with shrewd eyes. Gu Hongyu.

Uncle Aza nodded: "Yes, this is the young old man Bangu Hongyu who changed the appearance of Honghu Village."

"This is my fifth brother, the one who refines pure grain wine you are looking for."

Uncle Aza introduced both parties, and then followed his cousin into the manor.

"Fifth brother, hurry up and bring out the good wine and let us taste it, otherwise your business will be ruined." Uncle Aza is very casual here.

Gu Hongyu called his fifth brother Wu Bo based on his relationship with Uncle Aza, and the latter also let Gu Hongyu call him Uncle.

"You, I'm afraid you followed this little old boss here just for the sake of the bar in my hand. But in the winter, you can have some drinks to warm yourself up. Just wait for me to pour it for you right away." Wu Bo faced the visitor very calmly.

Gu Hongyu looked at the furnishings in the room. There were jars and jars everywhere in the living room, which contained liquor of various years and degrees. However, Wu Bo did not take wine from these jars, but held a wine jar. Ju walked to the inner room next door.

Uncle Aza winked at Gu Hongyu from the side: "Xiao Gu, I've taken advantage of you this time. The fifth brother must have gone into the house to get his good wine this time."

Gu Hongyu is not an expert on liquor. But when Wu Bo took a sip of the liquor imported to him, the words "good wine" came out spontaneously.

Gu Hongyu only knew that this wine was delicious. But their characteristics cannot be described. I know what they are but don’t know why.

Of course Wu Bo was very happy to hear Gu Hongyu's heartfelt admiration, and slowly introduced him to the characteristics of good liquor: "Little old man, good liquor is actually easy to identify. It has several main characteristics: look at its shape. , appreciate its color, touch its moistness, smell its fragrance, taste its flavor, and enjoy its charm."

"You are so particular, how do you do these?" Gu Hongyu's curiosity was aroused.

Uncle Aza, who had just savored the smell of wine, laughed after hearing this: "Xiao Gu, don't listen to my fifth brother, he will tell this story every time he sees a new customer, as if he blogs a lot. Yes, I know all of this by heart.”

After seeing Gu Hongyu's attention, Uncle Aza, who was usually solemn and steady, began to show off his knowledge: "Observe its shape: pour the wine into the wine glass. Shake it gently and observe the hanging glass after swimming to see if there are any suspended matter. Is there any precipitation? Distinguish the color: Place the wine glass on white paper or a white tablecloth and look up or down to observe the color. Sauce-flavored, sesame-flavored, and mixed-flavored wines are all slightly yellow and transparent, while other flavors are colorless and transparent or clear and transparent. Touch it: Pour a drop of wine on your index finger and feel the consistency. Good wine is as smooth as silk. Smell it: Pour two-thirds of the wine into the glass and smell it with a distance of 1~3cm between the nose and the glass. The cup can only be inhaled, not exhaled. The inhaled volume should be even and not too strong. Taste the taste: 0.5~2ml is appropriate for each intake, and the wine sample should be spread on the tongue. Taste. The aroma of good wine spreads in the mouth and quickly falls into the throat. Enjoy the charm: after swallowing, open your mouth to inhale, close your mouth to exhale, and enjoy the infinite flavor. These are the characteristics of good liquor. I am not wrong. !”

Uncle Aza's cousin shook his head and said with a smile: "Why don't you go to Honghu Village to be a branch secretary? You are a natural wine connoisseur. What a pity for your talents."

"Fifth brother, this can't be confused. In the past, the conditions in Honghu Village were not good and there was no guide. No matter what, I had to go back and show my talents. Now it's better. With the little old-fashioned man joining us, things have changed a lot. I will have plenty of time to drink in the future. "Uncle Aza is very satisfied with everything now.

While listening to their conversation, Gu Hongyu thought deeply that it seemed that Uncle Aza had an unknown past.

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