Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 308 Super High-Tech Greenhouse (Subscription Request)


Gu Hongyu was greatly surprised. Although he had had such thoughts in his mind, Wu Bo himself was a very powerful hand-made brewing master. Seeing that his business was quite good, he should not lack funds. Gu Hongyu was indifferent. I had this idea, but I didn't expect Wu Bo to propose it himself.

"Yes, you heard me right, there must be a reason why I asked you to cooperate." Wu Bo smiled mysteriously.

On the contrary, Uncle Aza's interest was piqued by Wu Bo's half-hidden statement: "Fifth brother, please stop being so pretentious and tell me what you think?"

Uncle Wu glanced at Gu Hongyu and Uncle Aza: "To be honest, coming to Honghu Village really gave me too many surprises. The scene here has changed a lot when I came back last year, especially when I saw many people who used to live in poverty. Some of the villagers can now see smiles on their faces, and their situation is much better than before. "

"Later, I even saw the tourists coming here. Such a cold weather in winter can welcome so many tourists, so there will definitely be more after next spring. If the local project that I just transferred is completed, won't it? If it’s not more attractive, opening a winery here will definitely not worry about sales.”

"Fifth brother, this is not the point. Come on, tell me!" Uncle Aza urged.

Wu Bo smiled: "Didn't you just say that Xiao Gu can buy lamb for 88 yuan a pound, and other vegetables can also be sold at high prices? Although the quality of the liquor I am making is not a problem, I am not as good as Xiao Gu. It’s a way to sell things at a high price. Think about it, if the liquor I brew is sold at a high price, wouldn’t it be a lot of profit?”

"It's true. Fifth brother, you can turn your head very quickly. We can't learn from Xiao Gu. You will definitely not lose money if you cooperate with him. You will definitely make much more money than you would on your own." Uncle Aza This time I understood. He very much agreed with Fifth Brother's idea.

Gu Hongyu would not refuse and asked with some hesitation: "Uncle Wu, I know nothing about winemaking. If you want to cooperate with me, I can only provide the land and funds for the construction of the winery in the early stage, as well as the sales after the wine is produced. The price is only I can really promise a higher price than what you are selling for now, but how should we calculate the shares we all hold?”

"This...? You are providing land and capital. You will also be responsible for the sales of liquor in the future. Xiao Gu, how can I have the nerve to ask for shares if you do this?" Wu Bo said helplessly. In fact, what he had in mind was originally It was for a 50-50 split, but when Gu Hongyu said this, it became difficult for him to speak.

Upon seeing this, Uncle Aza suggested from the side: "Now the rich land in the village is basically contracted by Xiao Gu. Even the Red Lake belongs to him. The water source for wine making in the future will naturally be inseparable from the Red Lake. In this regard, Fifth Brother It’s a bit of a loss, but everyone will contribute some of the investment. Then Fifth Brother will provide the brewing technology, and Xiao Gu will be responsible for sales in the later period. I think Fifth Brother will take 30%.”

Uncle Aza knows Gu Hongyu's abilities very well. Those who can get in touch with Gu Hongyu are some big shots. I didn't see that Gu Hongyu has a bunch of princelings in the provincial capital, even if there are still his in the town. Under the guidance of his classmates, vegetables can be sold as far as Xiangjiang. Not long ago, foreigners came to cooperate with him.

His fifth brother was the most snobbish among these people. He couldn't pray that he would get the same share of the shares as Gu Hongyu. Even if he occupied the third floor, his fifth brother would still have enough food and clothing. Just because he knew Gu Hongyu, his thoughts were more profound.

Seeing his fifth brother, he was still a little hesitant, so Uncle Aza whispered in his ear for a while.

As the expression on Wu Bo's face kept changing, Wu Bo finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind: "Okay, just follow what Yaodi said, I only want 30%, Xiao Gu, what do you think?"

Gu Hongyu naturally had nothing to say about this decision. The bottom line in his heart was even lower than this, as long as he got 60%, he didn't expect that he could get 70% after talking to Uncle Aza. Now the more Gu Hongyu looks at Uncle Aza, the more cute he feels!

A temporary agreement was quickly signed, and Wu Bo hurried back after signing these agreements.

As for the subsequent construction of the winery, Wu Bo made the final decision. According to Gu Hongyu's idea, he wanted to build an antique winery. According to his idea, Wu Bo would go back to find a professional design team to survey the terrain on the spot, and then adjust some construction effects of the winery based on the terrain. If the construction really starts, it may not be until spring. .

Of course, the funds provided by Gu Hongyu in this winery are based on his proportion, but the total investment is expected to be within 2 million.

Gu Hongyu has already established a sales group for the liquor he will brew in the future. It is essential to take the high-end route. The remaining half of the share will go to the mid-range market. Chen Luofeng and a group of his brothers are also dumped by Gu Hongyu. As for the target of liquor, as long as the quality of the liquor is good, there is no need to worry about sales.

Gu Hongyu didn't even think about losing money. If there was something wrong with the liquor brewed by Uncle Wu, wouldn't he still have space for immortality? There would be no problem in saving the liquor.

I gave a few tiger bones to Uncle Wu Bo and Uncle Aza respectively, and left happily with excited eyes.

Several people in the family were very surprised when they saw the numerous tiger bones, bear bones, deer antlers, tiger whips, and deer antlers that Gu Hongyu brought out. However, no one asked about the origin of these things, including his father and Mei's father. An excited look on his face.

It seems that these things are really good for men. How can a man say it's not good? With these things, their combat effectiveness will be suddenly enhanced.

Among all the things, there was only one fat carrot-like thing that did not attract attention. When Mei Ning picked up this "radish", she asked in confusion: "What is this? Ginseng is not so thick, but it doesn't look like a carrot!"

"Hey, it's true, Xiaoyu, what is this?" The mother picked up the "radish" and was also puzzled: "Is this a mistake?"

The thing that looks like a "radish" is actually the ginseng after the Xianyuan space mutation, but Gu Hongyu didn't dare to tell the truth to his family directly, so he found a seemingly reasonable reason and said: "Mom, this is ginseng, but the seeds have been improved, just like vegetables. The medicinal effect of this thing is stronger than that of ordinary ginseng, and the same is true for soaking in wine."

"Is it really an improved variety like the vegetables we grow?" The father asked excitedly.

Gu Hongyu nodded: "Yes, this is what my friend grew for an experiment. But who can accept this kind of fat ginseng? He gave me one, and since it's not for making wine this time, I just took it out!"

"Since it is the same as the improved vegetables, the effect must be no problem. I don't care whether others recognize it or not. Anyway, I believe that this thing must be good. I will definitely try it after the wine is brewed." Father said happily.

The wine is soaked. Under the premise of his father and father Mei's active and proactive, Gu Hongyu basically has nothing to do. The only thing he can do is to move these soaked wine jars and wine cans to a room that has been tidied behind the kitchen. This will be the wine cellar in the future.

For the next few days, Gu Hongyu spent his time doing nothing.

Morning exercises are essential. In the morning, he and Mei Ning go around the village, or teach her to skate on the ice, but Mei Ning's talent in this area is too poor. Gu Hongyu has been teaching her for a long time and has not seen any progress. She can only skate slowly and fall down.

In the afternoon, Gu Hongyu would go back to his bedroom whenever he had time, and then enter the space to learn carving. The progress of this technique was very slow, but it was one of Gu Hongyu's few hobbies, so he still persisted.

The evening time was the busiest time of the day for Gu Hongyu.

The reputation of roasted whole lamb spread more and more on the Internet, and more and more tourists came to visit. Just relying on this, the daily income of the villagers in Honghu Village has risen with the tide. At night, Gu Hongyu can basically be seen busy at the bonfire by the lake.

Since there were so many tourists, Gu Hongyu also patiently made several ice sculptures in several places in Honghu Village. These places were undoubtedly tourist attractions in Honghu Village later, and the sound of many tourists taking pictures here was almost non-stop.

After more than ten days, it was not far from the New Year, and every household in Honghu Village had posted Spring Festival couplets and hung red lanterns. Many families also hung colorful lights outside their houses. At night, the colorful colors flashed and reflected the snow scene, which was particularly beautiful.

On this day, the vegetable greenhouse guided by American experts was completed.

This is a greenhouse comparable to the high-tech vegetable greenhouses in the United States. When Gu Hongyu walked into the vegetable greenhouse, two American experts, Wen Ke and Kubi, who had not been seen for a few days, proudly demonstrated all the functions of the vegetable greenhouse.

"Gu. Come and have a look here. Just press these buttons and the vegetable greenhouse will automatically open the skylight, allowing the vegetables planted inside to breathe fresh air."

"Press here and the greenhouse will generate heating, so you don't have to worry about the cold outside."

"Also here, the temperature and humidity in the vegetable greenhouse can be adjusted."

"It's even more magical here. You see, there's no need to turn the soil or apply fertilizer manually in the future. All the smart machines can help you do it with a flick of your finger."

"Haha, and there's more. If the vegetables growing inside have lesions or pests, there's an alarm system inside, and the staff who manage the greenhouse will know the situation at the first time."

"There are many functions here that you can't even imagine, but all of this is presented to you. What a wonderful thing, isn't it, Gu!"


The strange introduction in the voice made Gu Hongyu thoroughly understand all the functions of the vegetable greenhouse. Even if he just took a quick look, Gu Hongyu was still greatly shocked.

The appearance of the vegetable greenhouse actually looks no different from ordinary ones, but there are too many intelligent functions. Many kinetic energy can help employees do this or that with just a click of a button, which really saves labor and timely reflects the growth status of vegetables in the greenhouse. This is a huge progress in agricultural science and technology.

"Gu, are you satisfied?" Wen Ke asked proudly.

Gu Hongyu would not deliberately deny the backwardness of Chinese technology. He nodded and retorted: "It's okay, but the price is not cheap, right?"

Wen Ke smiled awkwardly: "It's not cheap, but this time we installed it for you for free, we lost a lot!"

"You won't lose money. The vegetables grown here will earn you a lot of profits in the future. Your company can wait to make a lot of money!"

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