Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 317 Impressions of Hometown (Subscription Request)

Speaking of which, the environment in Gu Hongyu's hometown was originally good. It was surrounded by mountains and rivers and was not far from the main city. However, many industrial and mining companies gradually built in these places destroyed many mountains and forests. "The top story"

I think that when Gu Hongyu got the fragment of the space fairy source, he once planned to go home and start a business. However, he was worried about the support of his elders and went to college to work in a promising agricultural industry. Secondly, it was also because the mountain city was developing rapidly and was being done everywhere. Development, green mountains and green waters can only be seen in scenic spots.

Now that he has established such a big business, Gu Hongyu dares to speak frankly about the industry he is currently engaged in. Even though others may verbally look down on what he is doing, but knowing his ability to make money, no one is jealous in their hearts.

The relatives of Gu Hongyu's family who knew about his current situation have suddenly changed their attitude towards their family. The biggest change among them is the second uncle's family, but Gu Hongyu knows that he wants to get something here that is difficult for him to refuse. Benefit.

On the first day of the new year, the family sat in a rural courtyard after dinner. Those who liked playing mahjong had already invited a table, but today the heads of the families gathered around Gu Hongyu.

The second cousin is still concerned about Gu Hongyu's vegetable planting business. Yesterday at his home, Gu Hongyu also told him about this matter. After a day of consideration, the second cousin was still moved.

"Xiaoyu, you said that you started vegetable farming with your friend. Can you tell your friend about setting up a planting manor in the mountain city? A lot of land here in your hometown is left uncultivated. We have cultivated land here, and you can My friend will provide seeds and technical guidance, and we can discuss how to divide them into parts at that time!”

"Cousin, again, these vegetables are new products that have just been developed and improved. They are all experimental in my place. Besides, those vegetables have very high environmental requirements. You have never been to my place. I grow vegetables. The places are all remote mountain villages because they are completely unpolluted.”

Gu Hongyu had no choice but to find some excuses. He didn't have any friends. There are no high-tech seeds. All this is due to space. The mountain city is thousands of kilometers away from Honghu Village. What if we agree to the second cousin’s request and cultivate and plant it in the future? What about irrigating vegetables with diluted space spring water? Yes, these are things that have no solution at all.

Hearing Gu Hongyu's rejection, not only the second cousin, but also the eldest cousin, second uncle, and two uncles who were doing it on the side all looked disappointed. Only the second cousin nodded helplessly: "That's what you said." So the high price of those vegetables may be due to the high requirements for the growing environment. Besides, if there are too many of these vegetables, they may not be so valuable.”

Not worth the money?

How big is China's high-end vegetable market demand? Gu Hongyu is now completely unable to supply even a corner of Xiangjiang. Even if every city in the country builds thousands of acres of vegetable planting greenhouses, such vegetables will still be in short supply.

Although he disagreed with his second cousin's point of view, Gu Hongyu still echoed his words and finally directly expressed his opinion: "First cousin, second cousin, if you really want to do this, why don't you just come with me next year?" Go to Honghu Village, there will be a lot of work there after spring and people will be needed, so don’t worry you can’t find anything to do.”

The eyes of the two uncles lit up, and the eldest uncle immediately said to the eldest cousin: "I think this matter is okay, Mao Sen. You can't make much money working now, and Xiaoyu will still treat you badly when you get there."

The second uncle also said: "Xiao Feng, my family supports you. If you really want to go there, just learn from Xiao Yu and don't embarrass him."

An honest and honest man also has his own plans. The result of following Gu Hongyu will definitely be better than the work his two cousins ​​are doing now. Naturally, they decided to settle the matter.

The uncle who was silent interrupted and said, "Xiaoyu, can your cousin go over and find something to do for him?"

Actually speaking, my cousin’s job is not bad. Gu Hongyong is my cousin’s name. He is a stonemason and his monthly salary is about 7,000 to 8,000 yuan. When he got to Honghu Village, Gu Hongyu’s salary was not much more. How many. In the end, I have to listen to my cousin’s opinion on this matter.

When Gu Hongyu faced his cousin, he was a little introverted and scratched his head: "Xiaoyu, if there is a suitable job for me to do over there, there will be no problem. If it is difficult for you to arrange it, there is no need to make it difficult."

Gu Hongyu smiled: "Brother, what are you talking about? But I suggest that you still do your original job for the time being. If there is a job suitable for you in Honghu Village, I will contact you immediately and let your whole family go there. "

The cousin scratched his head again and nodded happily: "If you want it, that's it."

The affairs of the elder brothers have been properly arranged. The only one who is unhappy here is the second uncle. After his cousin graduated from college, he was arranged through connections to go to a district under the jurisdiction of a mountain city to eat public meals. It is said that this way the harvest will be guaranteed despite droughts and floods. There is no need to worry in his life, but now that Gu Hongyu has found a way out for everyone, he feels very unbalanced.

"Xiaoyu, have you ever thought about returning to the mountain city to develop?" The second uncle didn't know what he was thinking in his heart. His eyes flickered at Gu Hongyu as he spoke.

Gu Hongyu refused without thinking, and used a ready-made reason: "Didn't I just say that there is no environment suitable for growing vegetables in the mountain city? Let's see in the future, if this kind of vegetables can be improved again to reduce the environmental impact. Say it if you want!"

"Then..., this is such a pity!" The second uncle said words of regret.

Half a day passed in this way. Gu Hongyu took the time to walk around the uncle's house. Opposite was the green mountain. The mountain forest was full of masson pine and red pine, as well as some Camellia oleifera and Qinggang trees. There was a small stream under the green mountain. It flows slowly, and in some places there is no water and only the sound of gurgling water can be heard.

Between the mountains, there are paddy fields in the middle, and there is a lot of land around the paddy fields. A major phenomenon in China now is that there are not many young adults in the countryside, many fields are deserted, and many paddy fields and fields are overgrown. There are no more weeds and vines, and some traces of the boundaries of the previous plots have long been lost.

The only advantage of the barren land is that the vegetation is much better than Gu Hongyu's childhood impression. Gu Hongyu saw many animals among the mountains, forests and grass, including pheasants, wild ducks and hares. His uncle said that there were also wild boars and wild sheep in the village.

The fruit trees previously planted by the villagers have become wild fruits due to neglect. Some animals carry the fruits and take root in the soil. They are full of vitality. Unlike the north, which becomes sterile due to winter.

Climbing up the hill behind the house, you can see the Yangtze River not far away. Next to the Yangtze River is the town where Gu Hongyu lives. Next to the town is the largest thermal power plant in the southwest, as well as several cement factories. , an industrial park covering an area of ​​60 square kilometers is also being built next to it.

Yes, it is an industrial park of 60 square kilometers. I heard that it will be built into an industrial park with a population of 200,000 and an output value of hundreds of billions by 2020. I don’t know if this is a gimmick or a slogan of the park leaders. Anyway, the scene is quite interesting. Unprecedented grand occasion.

With the birth of these industrial parks, there are many things that make Gu Hongyu frown, that is, a large substation was built near the foot of the mountain. This kind of facility is said to have radiation for people living a few miles around, but there is no I heard that the superiors offered evacuation and resettlement or other compensation to these villagers.

Even the mountains and forests full of green mountains and green waters are covered with iron towers and high-voltage lines. The formerly pure environment is being destroyed, and human progress has not brought even a single benefit to this place.

I walked back a little sadly, but my memory could no longer be found.

Sometimes Gu Hongyu feels as if he is old, and from time to time he feels the changes of the times, but these are of no use. No one can stop the push of society.

In the countryside, Gu Hongyu can no longer recall the scenes of catching fish in the fields, picking wild fruits on the hills, and digging potatoes and taro in the fields during holidays.

I remember that at that time, a group of children stole things from home to cook barbecue outside, some simple pots and bowls with extremely simple condiments, even the rice was half-cooked, but they still ate with great enthusiasm.

"Xiaoyu, what are you thinking about? You look like you can't think of anything." His father was also wandering around the house. This was the place where he grew up when he was a child.

"Dad, you didn't go play cards?"

"That game doesn't appeal to me. I just want to see the changes in the village. But now I feel that the popularity in the countryside is too low."

"In the past, everything was done in one go. Even weeding pig weeds took seven or eight children together. The fields here were kept clean at all times. They were not as overgrown with weeds as they are now. And On the high hill behind, you can't even see a few inches of grass in the unowned land. Now look at it, even if an adult walks in, it can be completely covered..."

Listening to his father's introduction, Gu Hongyu once again deepened his impression of the village. Now the countryside has become lonely.

"Oh, I was still thinking before. If I have money in the future, I will go back to the village to repair the collapsed houses. Especially after seeing the houses you built in Honghu Village, my thoughts became even more enthusiastic. But now that I see With the appearance of the surroundings, this thought suddenly faded away and I don’t know why I no longer have this thought.”

"Dad, that's because you fulfilled your inner wish in Honghu Village. The popularity here is far worse than that of Honghu Village. If there is no good solution, we can only stay in this state of decline. We can't change it when we come back." Gu Hongyu comforted said.

"Well, I have figured it out now, no matter what, as long as you are good, we will enjoy the blessings. Your mother and I are very satisfied with living in Honghu Village now."

"As long as you are satisfied, let's go back early. I haven't seen the golden lion, silver lion and lightning for several days. I miss them a little!"

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