Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 326 Lantern Festival Event (Subscription Request)

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I didn't spend the Spring Festival in Honghu Village, and the Lantern Festival is coming soon. Uncle Azha found Gu Hongyu to discuss a more meaningful Lantern Festival.

Honghu Village has regained its vitality since the arrival of the construction team led by Captain Huang. During this period, Mei Ning's parents also came. They were used to the environment of Honghu Village and felt uncomfortable when they returned to Hongjiang again.

This time, grandma didn't come with her. She intended to go to Honghu Village, but was stopped by Mei Ning's uncle. As the powerful eldest house of the Mei family, it was embarrassing for Mei Ning's uncle to let his mother live with Gu Hongyu, who was not yet the grandson-in-law, for a long time.

This kind of person has a complicated mind. All the relatives and friends of the whole family have seen the changes in grandma's body since she returned to Hong Kong, but because of Uncle Mei Ning's twisted self-esteem, he can ignore his mother's health.

Gu Hongyu has no say in this regard, and can only mail some vegetables and elixirs to grandma for a long time.

The earth began to warm up in early spring, and Honghu Village ushered in good weather one after another.

However, there was too much snow, and there was no obvious change inside and outside Honghu Village. The eaves of the houses still had long icicles, and the trees were also covered with thick white snow. The surrounding fields were still white, and the ice on the surface of Honghu was still a paradise for everyone's entertainment.

Not long ago, the ice sled that the children played was imitated by Gu Hongyu, but the imitation was more beautiful and durable than the original ice sled. It was rented out in my little brother's wooden house. Unexpectedly, it was favored by tourists who came here and some villagers and relatives.

Ice spinning tops, tug-of-war on ice, skating, ice hockey, small ice cars... The ice surface of Honghu Lake in Honghu Village is still a place where people like to have fun. It has never been deserted.

"Xiao Gu, this is how it is in our place. There is only this little fun in winter." Uncle Azha accompanied Gu Hongyu to walk around the edge of Honghu Lake twice. They were discussing where to arrange the Lantern Festival activities.

Now many villagers recommend the fitness square in Hongfu Community, but a large number of people also recommend the ice surface of Honghu Lake. Even the few tourists after the Chinese New Year participated in it. When they heard that Honghu Village was going to hold the Lantern Festival activities, they didn't know where they got the leisure and enthusiasm to participate.

Don't they have so much time and don't have to go to work?

This is not only a question in Gu Hongyu's mind, but also a question of many villagers, but no one is willing to ask. Anyway, it has nothing to do with them. As long as tourists come to Honghu Village and spend money, it's fine.

"Uncle, when did the ice on the lake start to melt in previous years?" Gu Hongyu was very curious about this. This year, the Red Lake couldn't be like last year. He planned to breed several species of aquatic products in the lake.

But before that, Gu Hongyu had to fish the Red Lake carefully several times and catch as many large predatory fish as possible.

Uncle Azha said casually: "In previous years, the ice on the Red Lake usually started to thin in March, and it was already early April when the ice completely melted."

After hearing Uncle Azha's explanation, Gu Hongyu finally had a plan in his mind. There will definitely be cracks on the ice surface of the Red Lake in mid-March, and the ice will be scattered on the water surface. He can buy fish fry and so on by then.

After walking around and returning to the community, Gu Hongyu had an idea: "Uncle Azha, how about this for the Lantern Festival? During the day, we will hold various competitions on the ice of Honghu Lake, and arrange the dinner in the community square. At that time, it would be great if we could invite some bands or opera teams to make the villagers happy."

"Xiao Gu. It costs a lot of money to invite bands or operas. I think we should just organize the villagers who want to perform on stage to go on stage by themselves. This will save costs. Not to mention that the villagers of all sizes will not be able to show their faces at that time, as for the rest, I completely agree." Uncle Azha suggested.

Gu Hongyu thought for a while: "You can ask other villagers for their opinions. Don't worry, I will pay for the bands or operas this time. I also want to take this opportunity to reward the employees who work for me!"

"What, you don't owe the villagers who work for you wages, why do you need to reward them?" Uncle Azha said in surprise.

Gu Hongyu shook his head: "Uncle. This kind of reward is only for some employees. They are the comrades who made great efforts for my farm last year. If such employees are rewarded, other employees can work hard for me this year. Don't you think so?"

"Haha, these things are really like this. You are still thinking far-sightedly. The villagers are also willing to work for you. Don't worry, as long as anyone is not honest, I will definitely deal with them."


After intensive and orderly preparations, the Lantern Festival is finally here.

The sunny day brought a little warmth to the snow-covered Honghu Village.

At about nine o'clock in the morning, the ice surface of Honghu was already crowded with people. Among the onlookers were not only villagers from Honghu Village, but also tourists from afar. In addition to these people, there were villagers from Ma'aozi Village and Haojiawan Village.

The people of the two villages heard about the Lantern Festival activities held in Honghu Village. How could they not come to watch in this idle season.

There is no formal opening for the Lantern Festival event. When the time comes, the first program in line begins. This program is tug-of-war. Tug-of-war is an activity that everyone can participate in.

In order to show fairness, Gu Hongyu divided them into many groups according to everyone's suggestions, including the elderly group, the youth group, the women's group, and the young and middle-aged group. In addition to the elderly group and the youth group, the other two groups were divided into different groups. The weight is divided into several groups.

As time passed, Gu Hongyu and a group of villagers who did not participate in the competition served as referees.

These people are not fixed. Maybe they will be included in the next project, and everyone participating in the tug-of-war will be the judges of the next show. It is not a very rigorous activity anyway, and everyone's only purpose is to create the excitement and atmosphere.

The game officially started, and Gu Hongyu heard all kinds of cheering sounds in his ears. For a while, the ice surface of the Red Lake was filled with people. Many people seemed to have been given a shot of blood at this moment, showing their usual peaceful expressions. Completely different image.

"Come on Lesan..."

"Ruan Hong, don't be so soft, Xiongqi..."

"What happened to Fu Dong? Don't fall down and get up quickly."

"Yuan Cheng, if you can't win the game this time, go home and kneel on the washboard!"

"Did you hear that, Lao Yuan? Don't pretend to be cowardly."


The originally stipulated one-hour tug-of-war took half an hour longer than expected. The villagers put in too much enthusiasm, although the prizes were vegetables and fruit wine from Gu Hongyu’s family (this time my mother was very cheerful and took out the wine). Come to sponsor the event, the total amount of fruit wine is more than 100 kilograms, but I just ask Gu Hongyu to brew more this summer).

In the end, the outside villagers and tourists who were watching also strongly requested to participate in the corresponding competition. Gu Hongyu, Uncle Aza and some other villagers thought about it and agreed. The result was that the game was delayed again.

Seeing that the time was approaching eleven o'clock, Gu Hongyu hurriedly changed the standards of some competitions, which disappointed some villagers who were still a little unfinished. However, the next program was about to start, and many people were engaged in it non-stop. .

Originally, the programs were held one after another, but in order to rush for time, Gu Hongyu wisely decided to conduct many unrelated projects at the same time, allowing villagers and tourists from neighboring villages who did not participate in the activities to take on the role of referees.

So the next projects were skating and ice hockey. Gu Hongyu didn’t know much about ice hockey, so he let it go to Uncle Aza. Go and organize yourself to serve as a referee for skating competitions.

Many villagers participated in skating. The skates for this event were sponsored by Gu Hongyu for free. Many villagers who had never worn skates also took this opportunity to enjoy them. In the end, the total number of villagers was about the same. Two hundred people.

These people are old, young, women and children, but the final judging results are based on their own merits, and they are divided into different age groups like a tug-of-war.

There is no specific measurement of the distance of skating. Anyway, it is along the track that Gu Hongyu and the others have prepared in advance, basically skating around the Red Lake. Everyone rushed out in a rush following the command. In fact, some people had already fled. But no one cared that the whole scene was very messy, but it did look very lively.

"Xiao Gu, why don't you go skating?" A villager in the village said to Gu Hongyu. He knew Gu Hongyu's skating skills.

Gu Hongyu laughed: "I'd better forget it. If they want me to go up, they don't have to count on first place. I'd better not be hated by others."

The skating track is very long. However, there are villagers holding hands at every distance of the track. This is also to prevent some contestants from breaking the rules and taking shortcuts. Although the event is not very formal, at least it must be roughly fair and just.

It took a while for the skating side to wait for the results, so Gu Hongyu moved to the ice hockey game.

Relative to the hockey you see on TV. The ice hockey competition organized by Honghu Village is undoubtedly extremely crude.

The court painted on the ice and the baskets on both sides are not particularly standardized. The only thing that is better is the ice hockey stick. This is not sponsored by Gu Hongyu. All the ice hockey sticks are bought by the participating villagers themselves. Everyone is not stingy with spending money on something that can be purchased once and used for life.

Amidst the cheers and cheers, the two hockey teams basically had no routines or strategies. Everyone rushed towards the puck in a rush. The defense was a mess. Both sides scored a lot of goals in one game. 21:17. If there was more time, Gu Hongyu couldn't imagine how big this score would be.

It was approaching noon, and the skating competition had come to an end. There were still some old and infirm skaters who did not slip back to the finish line, but they were not discouraged and continued to move forward amid the encouragement and cheering.

The ice hockey game may continue in the afternoon. The hard work is so inspiring that many people don't have the energy to continue the next game. However, they finally made it to the finals. This result is calculated. Gu Hongyu estimated the time. If several activities are carried out, the whole day's competition should be completed.

When all the skaters were waiting to return to the finish line, cheers and applause sounded again.

However, with the sound of a whistle, all the games in the morning ended.

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