Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 338 The True Appearance of Haojiawan Village (Subscription Request)

Under the strong request of the two party secretaries of Ma'aozi Village and Haojiawan Village and Gu Hongyu's insinuation, the town agreed to renovate the roads leading to these two villages from Honghu Village.

Gu Hongyu didn't know how many concessions the two party secretaries had to make for this, but this time the town moved quickly. In less than a month, many people could be seen on the two rural roads, and construction cannons were fired. The sound carried far across the unobstructed plain.

Things in the military fan club are on the right track. Gu Hongyu usually went over to take a look when he had free time. Apart from the initial excitement, Chen Luofeng and his group rarely saw anyone. Fortunately, all shareholders unanimously agreed to hire a senior professional managers.

This manager is now in charge of the military fans club, but the Honghu Village Folk Street, which will be completed soon, will also be under his jurisdiction. After all, the military fans club alone is too childish for a person who has worked as an executive manager in a multinational group. .

Gu Hongyu, who was immediately liberated, was not idle. In this season when the ice and snow melted and spring returned to the earth, he was the first person invited by the two branch secretaries to inspect. Gu Hongyu's inspection could be related to the development of their village this year. Big plan.

Faced with the invitations of the two party secretaries, Gu Hongyu chose Haojiawan Village. After all, the economic conditions of this village were relatively backward, and most of the villagers there were old, weak, sick and disabled. Secondly, Gu Hongyu had been there and felt certain about it. With this idea, we should be able to come up with some practical development plans for Haojiawan Village this time.

Many villagers in Ma'aozi Village are now working in Honghu Village, which has been able to solve their family's economic conditions to a certain extent. Furthermore, the ancient Danxia landform over there was not very familiar to Hongyu, so we had to invite some professional experts to accompany us for the inspection, which undoubtedly postponed the trip.

Pass by a road that is already under construction. Some roads are even more difficult to navigate than when entering Haojiawan in winter, but the difficulty is only temporary. After this renovation, Haojiawan Village can also embark on the fast lane of development.

After the ice and snow melted, the scenery of the wilderness while walking on the road was completely different from that in winter. As he walked, Gu Hongyu looked at the hills the car was driving past, and strange thoughts came to his mind, and the sounds on his face became more and more weird.

"What's wrong, old boss?" Hao Zhishu looked at the car driving slower and slower and thought there was something wrong with the car.

Gu Hongyu shook his head: "Uncle Hao. Is there a small pool not far from your village?"

"Small water pool?" Hao Zhishu thought for a while and confirmed: "Is the water pool you mentioned surrounded by deserted areas, and there is a large area of ​​Gobi gravel not far from there?"

Gu Hongyu nodded hurriedly: "Yes. The water pool is almost at the junction of desert, desert, and Gobi. The water pool is not very big, but the water source inside has almost never been exhausted!"

"Oh, I know where you are talking about."

Hao Zhishu pointed at the sand dune that Gu Hongyu had been paying attention to and said with a smile: "The place you are talking about is the back of this sand dune. But it is still more than ten miles away from our village."

Really, it turned out that everything was just as he thought, Gu Hongyu secretly shouted in his heart.

According to his conversation with Secretary Hao just now, Gu Hongyu made one thing clear, that is, his and his classmates’ first graduation trip to the Gobi was the place that Secretary Hao just mentioned, and this place is only more than ten kilometers away from Haojiawan Village. miles away.

Gu Hongyu was so excited. In that small pool, he had the most wonderful encounter in his life - that is, he obtained the fairy space fragment, which made incredible changes in his future life.

He secretly decided to protect the small pool.

Not only that, the area around the waterhole is a good self-guided tour attraction. The exploitable value is also great, not to mention that there is Gobi jade not far away. If this creek is released, it will probably cause another wave of tourists.

I saw Gu Hongyu deep in thought. Hao Zhishu continued: "Speaking of that place, there is a mythical story about the water pool!"

"Oh, isn't it just a small pool in the wilderness, and there are actually myths and legends that have been handed down?" Gu Hongyu became interested.

Secretary Hao smiled: "Although this small pool is not large, no one knows how many years it has existed. Several villages around us have records of this pool. It all happened a long time ago. It is said that this pool of water was a star that fell into the earth and smashed the ground into a deep cave. Soon it was filled with clear water, which rescued a tribe migrating in the Gobi. The tribe eventually ruled the vast grassland and the Gobi Desert."

Hearing Hao Zhishu's explanation, Gu Hongyu was surprised: "Since it was this pool of water that brought a tribe a turn of events, then this well should be famous, and there should also be buildings or ethnic protection of this tribe around it. Why is that place still deserted?”

"Hey, you know so well that there are no tribal people to protect you?" Hao Zhishu smiled.

Gu Hongyu said bluntly: "We have been to that place, and we also looked for Gobi jade not far away!"

"You have actually been there. No wonder you kept asking me about the situation there, and you also know that there is jade there. How do you know these things?" Hao Zhishu looked like he couldn't believe it.

Gu Hongyu didn't take it seriously and ignored Party Secretary Hao's rhetorical question and continued: "Uncle, why don't you tell me about that pool of water?"

"The pond is called Xingxingtan by our locals. First, it is a legend passed down from our ancestors. Second, no one knows how deep the pond is. If someone stands on the edge of the pond, it feels like they can pick the stars in the sky with their hands. In short, Xingxingtan has spread like this."

"After the tribe grew stronger, some tribal leaders did want to build a temple around Xingxingtan. However, you also know that the grassland people are all horseback people. They migrate all year round. However, hundreds of people were stationed here for a long time until the tribe was finally defeated and annexed by other tribes."

"Do you know why Honghu Village, Ma'aozi Village, and our Haojiawan Village have not migrated to other places?" Secretary Hao asked with a somewhat dejected look.

Gu Hongyu's head banged and he asked unconsciously: "Could it be that the ancestors of the villagers in your villages are the survivors who guarded the pond?"

"Haha. This is reality. Does Boss Gu think it's too bizarre?" Secretary Hao sighed and stopped talking.

I never thought that there would be such a tortuous and bizarre story in a few remote mountain villages.

Gu Hongyu suddenly had a lot of ideas in his mind. He asked hurriedly: "Uncle Hao, does the pond now belong to your Haojiawan Village?"

"The tribe has long gone, and no one cares about the pond. In addition, the desolate geographical conditions there have never been villages and grazing pastures. The village is not rare. Now it can be said to be ownerless. If our Haojiawan Village needs it, no one will say anything." Uncle Hao explained.

Gu Hongyu shook his head: "Uncle. This won't work. For me, there is great development potential there. If we don't figure out the ownership, if other villages come to entangle there when it develops in the future, it will be very troublesome. This must be made clear."

"Are you interested in it?" Secretary Hao finally reacted.

Why have I talked to you for so long if I didn't see anything interesting? Gu Hongyu shook his head helplessly: "Uncle. This is a road of development. There are water sources, jade, and deserts, Gobi, and grasslands blending together. Do you think other people would go there for tourism if they knew about it?"

"Really? Why didn't I think of these things!" Secretary Hao was sitting in the co-pilot of the Grand Cherokee. He stood up so excitedly that he almost hit his head.

However, this collision made him more sober, and he immediately asked in confusion: "Boss Gu, the environment over there is also in Honghu Village, isn't it, there is just an extra Gobi jade beach. Once these things are announced, they can't resist tourists' rummaging, and they will be gone soon!"

When encountering such a good thing, Secretary Hao kept his composure, and Gu Hongyu looked up at him again in his heart. Regarding the question asked by Secretary Hao, Gu Hongyu thought about it for a while and said: "The area next door is actually quite large. I am not very clear about the jade content in it, but as long as we make detailed arrangements and publicity in advance, there will be no problem."

This matter is easy to deal with. It is actually quite simple. The gravel on the Gobi is actually the same as the pebbles on both sides of the river. One is that new pebbles are brought from the upstream with the scouring of the water flow, and the Gobi is constantly blown up with the monsoon. The Gobi jade there should also be constantly replenished.

As long as the source of the Gobi monsoon over there is understood, Gu Hongyu's idea is to control the output of Gobi jade. In this way, even if the Gobi Desert is turned over all year round, only a small number of tourists can gain something, and most tourists only care about the process of picking up.

On the side of the Gobi Desert, Gu Hongyu plans to build some scenic area buildings, where he will first solve the food, accommodation and transportation of tourists, and introduce some small stalls and workshops for jade processing, so that a jade industry chain can be formed here.

Reasonable development can bring unexpected benefits to Haojiawan.

As the car got closer and closer to Haojiawan Village, Gu Hongyu told Secretary Hao about his thoughts, and the latter patted his chest and said that he would definitely go to the town to clearly mark the land around Xingxingtan to Haojiawan Village.

In the desolate northwestern plains, there are many places that are uninhabited and ownerless. If Haojiawan Village develops Xingxingtan, the town will do its best to open the door to convenience. This will not be difficult. If it is in the densely populated south or big cities, it may cause bloody conflicts.

After the last bend, the entire Haojiawan Village appeared in front of Gu Hongyu again.

However, the scene at this time was completely different from the first time when the ice and snow covered the village. What shocked Gu Hongyu was the ruins of the houses. Secretary Hao told him that when the population of Haojiawan Village was at its peak, there were more than 10,000 people. At that time, the people were strong and the surrounding water and grass were abundant. Everything here was thriving. However, with the passage of time, it became so desolate.

In winter, because of the cover of ice and snow, the low houses were completely ignored by Gu Hongyu. Now when the empty house ruins appeared in front of him, Gu Hongyu realized the insignificance of human beings.

The terrain of the road into the village is much higher than the village. Gu Hongyu can overlook the entire village directly when sitting in the car.

The old ruins of the houses are like tombs, densely packed one after another, as if telling something to the visitors.

Now the village in Haojiawan with people is two-thirds less than the original building complex. What kind of concept is this.

Gu Hongyu stopped the car at the entrance of the village and stood on the roadside to watch the situation in the village. In the old houses near where people lived, he could occasionally see some children playing hide-and-seek in those houses. The tender voices and innocent laughter of children could make people feel a little bit of vitality in this village.

"Boss Gu, you must help our village no matter what this time, even if you help these innocent children, they are the hope of our Haojiawan Village!" Secretary Hao stood beside Gu Hongyu and said in a low voice.

Among these children, Gu Hongyu saw Xiaohua, who had to save the candy he gave her last time to give back to her grandmother. Gu Hongyu pointed at her and said, "Xiaohua is old enough to go to elementary school, isn't school starting now? Why are you still staying in the village?"

"Boss Gu, this..." Secretary Hao began to squeak.

Haojiawan relied on the support of the town and Gu Hongyu in one winter, including the 20,000 yuan from Secretary Hao selling wine jars and wine barrels to help hundreds of people in the village survive the winter. In one winter, no villagers in Haojiawan Village died of freezing, starvation or illness. In previous years, they would not dare to think about it. However, this seemingly large amount of money was used for medical treatment, and Secretary Hao also had a hard time.

Before Secretary Hao could explain, Gu Hongyu interrupted him. He trusted Secretary Hao's character, especially after experiencing some things, Gu Hongyu trusted Secretary Hao just like he trusted Uncle Azha. Some of the reasons were not investigated in depth by Gu Hongyu.

After thinking for a while, Gu Hongyu said: "Children of school age can't go on like this. You can count how many such children there are in the village and send them all to school immediately. As for the tuition, I will pay for it temporarily. Please pay me back when your village has a source of income in the future!"

"Also, children who can go to preschool classes can't be allowed to chase around in the village. No one can tell when those old uninhabited houses will collapse. During this period, ask parents to take good care of them. You can also count the number of these children and report the number to me!"

No matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education. Although some villagers in Honghu Village have better economic conditions, they don't pay attention to this area. Gu Hongyu had an idea in his mind, that is, to use Mei Ning's father first, buy some books to open a kindergarten or preschool class. He believed that Mei's father and mother would not refuse.

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