Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 343: Winery Opening (Subscription Request)

"Master, how did you come to Honghu Village to take wedding photos?" Seeing that everyone was packing up and planning to change the scene, Gu Hongyu couldn't help asking.

The master who took the wedding photos touched his head and smiled: "Haha, you have to ask the bride and groom about this. I am also hired by them."

Gu Hongyu smiled at the photographer and was about to turn to the two newlyweds. At this time, the groom took the initiative to come over: "Thank you for your help just now. Our friends are so irresponsible!"

Gu Hongyu was also very happy when he thought of those friends who left the bride and groom and went to wander around by themselves. However, it seemed that the bride and groom were also used to it. It seemed that they were a group of very good friends.

Waving his hand, Gu Hongyu said politely: "You're welcome. By the way, I want to ask how you thought of taking wedding photos here?"

The groom looked at Gu Hongyu and answered in a very normal manner: "This place is very popular on the Internet now. My friend came here two days ago. When I was having a headache about choosing a place to take wedding photos, he strongly urged us to come here. Later, he checked the scenery here again on the Internet, so we came here."

So that's it. The development of the matter was the same as Gu Hongyu thought, but it was this sudden team that shocked him.

Seeing Gu Hongyu bowing his head and not saying anything, the enthusiastic groom continued, "We are still the vanguard for others. Before taking wedding photos, we entered a community. There are many unmarried young men and women there. This time, as long as we upload our photos, we guarantee that there will be many people here."

"That's great..."

Before Gu Hongyu continued to talk to the groom, a surprised voice suddenly came from the family and friends team: "Ah. You two are not the young boss Gu and the boss lady of Honghu Village, right?"

Faced with the question of a young man in his twenties opposite, Gu Hongyu scratched his head: "Do you know me?"

"Do you have two wolfhounds, two gyrfals of unusual colors, a majestic pony, and a talking parrot? Not only that, I heard from people on the Internet that you can also summon a huge golden carp in the Red Lake?" Knowing Gu Hongyu's true identity. The young man opposite seemed very excited.

Gu Hongyu was depressed because if it weren't for the uninformed people who saw others, they would think that Gu Hongyu met his fans. It turned out that this person was obviously targeting his cute pets, which was really sad.

But it was clear that this experience was not over yet. After hearing the young man remind Gu Hongyu of his identity, the relatives and friends of other newcomers around him began to discuss it.

"Wow. So he is the owner of those pets. If I had one of them, I would be satisfied. I don't know how he raised them."

"Hey, didn't we just see two big dogs running past us? Now their owner is next to us. Otherwise, let's ask the boss to call the dogs back. I really want to take a photo with the two dogs!"

"I didn't expect Boss Gu to be so young. They are really handsome and beautiful!"

"Tsk, don't be crazy. I heard that Boss Gu is worth hundreds of millions now. You are just a white-collar worker in the city. You should face the reality!"

"Many projects in Honghu Village are now built by Boss Gu, and there are so many now. If it continues, think about it, it won't be long before 1 billion is nothing to Boss Gu!"


What exactly are these relatives and friends going to do? At the beginning, didn't they just let the pets at home come out to accompany them to take a few photos? Now it seems that the building is distorted, and it is ridiculously distorted.

The groom immediately stood up under the pressure of the bride's Nine Yin White Bone Claw, and faced Gu Hongyu and chuckled: "Boss Gu. Since we met today, can you let your pet come out and take some wedding photos?"

This is not a big deal. Since the groom came in person, Gu Hongyu also agreed to fulfill their wishes.

Gu Hongyu put his thumb and index finger in his mouth, and a sharp whistle sounded. Following the whistle, the golden lion and silver lion closest to him came. Soon, the eagle cry of the Saker Falcon came from the sky above the orchard, and then lightning shot over like a sharp arrow. Parrot Cola's flying speed was not slow, but compared with the other guys, it could only fall to the last.

After arriving, Parrot Cola kept imitating human voices: "Fuck, I'm so tired!"

Whether it was the cameraman, the bride and groom, or the relatives and friends, they were completely stunned by this scene.

"This..., this is a miracle!"

"What's said on the Internet is true. The pets in Boss Gu's house are all very spiritual. No matter whether others believe it or not, I believe it anyway."

"Oh my god, the eagle's landing is so majestic and domineering."

"The figure of the colt coming over is so elegant!"

"Didn't you see these two cute big dogs? I was scared by them when they just ran over."

"But I still like that cool parrot the most. Didn't you hear the sound it made just now? It's so funny!"


A group of people started talking again. Gu Hongyu said to the groom who was still a little dazed: "Hurry up and take pictures. These guys have their own tempers. I can't control them if I stay for too long!"

"Oh, okay, okay, thank you, Boss Gu!" At this time, the young man who had just chatted with Gu Hongyu came over and said flatteringly, holding a box of Zhonghua cigarettes in his hand.

Gu Hongyu waved his hand and refused: "Thank you, I don't smoke. You should also seize the opportunity to take pictures with these guys!"

"Yeah, thank you old boss!"

"Handsome guy, leave your phone number and call me when you get to Zhang City!"


Before these guys could finish speaking, Gu Hongyu felt a sudden pain in his waist.

Wasn't it just a long-legged girl who was talking to her directly, but she suffered such a ruthless blow from Mei Ning? Gu Hongyu, who originally wanted to get close to those pretty and slim girls, quickly stopped at the cliff. Seeing this look, others burst into laughter.

It’s so heartless. I just agreed to lend them my pet to take photos with them, but before I even waited a minute, they started laughing at me. Gu Hongyu was very angry.

In the end, with the cooperation of Gu Hongyu's command of the pets, the bride and groom took several more sets of photos with animals. The two were very satisfied with the results and directly canceled their next trip to the wildlife sanctuary to take photos.

A group of relatives and friends also happily took photos with the pets. Knowing that everyone was satisfied, with Gu Hongyu's command, several pets immediately disappeared in front of the crowd. Just now, everyone kneaded and pinched them, which left an indelible memory in their young minds.

The common sentiment is that these people are terrible. The next time the master makes such a request, he will refuse the summons, but he can barely accept it if he is given some space for fruits.

Gu Hongyu didn't know the thoughts of these evil animals at all, but even after knowing it, he couldn't laugh or cry. He would really have to satisfy their demands next time he encountered such a thing.

Because I met this large group of people taking wedding photos. Gu Hongyu and Mei Ning did not return home until the sun was about to set. Mei Ning immediately uploaded the beautiful pictures of the orchard to the website. In addition to the photos of animals, there were also several good photos of the bride and groom (these few Zhang Ke was authorized by the bride and groom).

Less than five minutes after uploading these pictures, the data that usually had daily traffic of tens of thousands seemed to become active. The number of visits to the website continued to increase as time went by, and netizens in the website forum were full of comments.

After seeing such a scene, many netizens immediately decided to come to Honghu Village next weekend. Some young men and women who were also talking about getting married immediately used the orchard of Honghu Village as a location for filming. There were also some netizens who had been unable to get out of the website and showed up one after another. , strongly requested Gu Hongyu to provide more pet pictures.

Some people were somewhat impressed by Gu Hongyu. They are all those people who like Gu Hongyu's cute pets very much. There are also some people who enter the Xianyuan website just for the cute pets and then pay attention to other things in Honghu Village. These people can be considered die-hard fans of cute pets.

Faced with the demands of the public netizens, Mei Ning, the person in charge of the website, naturally agreed wholeheartedly, and Gu Hongyu felt better in the next few days.

Sure enough, in the following days, Gu Hongyu continued to be captured. Not only the two big dogs, the golden lion and the silver lion, Lightning, Hai Dongqing, parrot, but also the gold brick that had not been seen in the red lake for a long time were also summoned. Gray Rabbit, who doesn't know whether he is a mother or a grandmother, can't escape this fate, and the same goes for Yuan Bao, who rarely appears in space.

Under the wild bombardment of these cute pets. The website forum became popular again, and many people couldn't bear it anymore and couldn't wait for the weekend, so they took leave and started to go to Honghu Village. During this period, the number of tourists in Honghu Village suddenly increased.

However, the village is not what it used to be. If tourists still cannot find food, accommodation, and transportation after the surge in tourists, it is much better now. The folk street is about to be completed. The villagers in the village have opened businesses on the streets in the square, and have fun. Local military fan clubs, bird watching, flower viewing, etc. can also meet the needs of tourists. As for accommodation, the villagers' homes are not enough and they can only live in tents for the time being. The hotel in the folk street will not be built until the second half of the year.

It was another early morning. From this day on, Gu Hongyu no longer had to recruit men for Mei Ning. Today, the wine shop he and Wu Bo jointly opened was open for business.

Wu Bo and Gu Hongyu refused to send flower baskets and congratulatory gifts from relatives and friends. Wu Bo and Gu Hongyu didn't care much about this kind of form. It was better to be simple.

At about nine o'clock in the morning, the sun is slightly emitting heat, which is not too hot but gives people a certain amount of warmth. Villagers and tourists who have begun to take off their thick cotton-padded jackets in winter have gathered at the stone mountain in Honghu Village, where the wine is The location of the square.

Even though there was no ostentation, many people still came after hearing the news, for no other reason, because everyone who can come here today can taste the freshly made Chunliang wine for free, and if they purchase it, they can also enjoy a 30% discount. Discount, this is undoubtedly a huge temptation.

Tourists who come to Honghu Village from outside may not pay too much attention to it, but the villagers in Honghu Village have completely different ideas from the tourists. As long as the villagers who Gu Hongyu created are convinced in their hearts, because facts speak louder than words, this wine is almost In the hearts of all villagers, it is high-end and delicious food.

For today's opening, Wu Bo transferred more than half of the staff from the old store near Qingzhen.

For the first time making wine here, Wu Bo boldly made about two thousand kilograms of wine. In his opinion, with his decades of wine-making experience and the villagers of Honghu Village, this amount of wine can still be sold smoothly.

Nine-twenty is the time when the brewing equipment is set to produce wine.

I saw a brewmaster quickly open a gate, and a pipe in the still steaming boiler began to flow out clear liquid.

Wu Bo first used a small butterfly to collect a little wine from the pipe and poured it directly into his mouth. He tasted it and nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad, this is a pot of very good wine."

Hearing Wu Bo's speech, the masters around him also picked up small bowls and poured a little wine into their mouths. Soon everyone was smiling.

"It's done. This winery is off to a good start!"

"I didn't expect to brew such a good wine in one go."


As the masters talked, Gu Hongyu also put a little wine into his mouth, but the pungent smell made him cough in an instant. This wine was not as delicious as he imagined.

"Uncle Wu, is this the good wine?"

Everyone laughed at this question, but Uncle Wu stopped laughing first: "Boss Gu, this is the first pot of wine. According to our experience, this taste is much better than what I make. If the second pot comes out, you can immediately taste the quality of the wine."

Gu Hongyu also turned around at this time. He did make a big joke just now. The wine from the first pot of brewing was not particularly mellow. The real good wine came from the second pot, because the wine from this pot was not as pungent and hot as the first pot, nor did it have the light and impure taste of the next few pots.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the second pot of wine to flow out of the pipe. Uncle Wu handed him a small dish of white wine and asked him to taste it. After Gu Hongyu drank it, the taste that he had tasted in Uncle Wu's original winery came out at once.

Although it was new wine, Gu Hongyu added a lot of space spring water to the well specially drilled for brewing. Now the taste of the new wine can catch up with the white wine stored in Uncle Wu's Qingzhen Winery for more than half a year, and the wine also has another kind of charm that was not originally there.

"Good wine!"

"Really good wine..."

"Ale's craftsmanship is getting better and better, amazing!"

"How can the winery invested by boss Xiao Gu be bad?"

"Master, quickly fill me with 100 kilograms of wine, I will use this liquor to entertain guests in my store today."

"Damn, Lao Ba, you can't be so cruel!"

"Also fill me with 100 kilograms, this kind of good wine will definitely sell well!"


When Gu Hongyu and Ale Wu Bo saw that the newly brewed wine was sold out, they were speechless. Wu Bo still underestimated the purchasing power of the people in Honghu Village.

When Gu Hongyu and the masters around him looked at each other, Wu Bo waved his hand: "Guys, let's brew a few more pots today, and I'll see how much we can sell today. I really don't believe it!"

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