Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 353 Orchard Riots (Subscription Request)

In April, Honghu Village was full of life.

Not long after Gu Hongyu discussed with the town about opening buses from the town to Honghu Village, Ma'aozi Village, and Haojiawan Village, the county issued a document agreeing to issue the town's automobile operation license to these villages. The town then invited Gu Hongyu to cooperate and jointly funded the purchase of more than 20 vans to carry passengers.

When Mei Ning posted this news online, many people in the surrounding area who did not have cars said that they would go to Honghu and the two surrounding villages when they had free time or on weekends.

In the following days, there were more tourists in Honghu Village. Several villagers who drove vans in the village were busy all day long. Even so, some tourists were still stranded in Qingzhen, which in disguise promoted the development of tourism in Qingzhen.

However, not long after, many tourists went to the Xianyuan website to report this matter, and kept asking the town or the car operating company to increase the number of buses or increase the passenger capacity of the vehicles.

In response to these requests, the leaders of Qingzhen held a meeting early after learning about these requests. However, it involved the road restrictions of Ma'aozi Village and Haojiawan Village. The roads of these two villages are ordinary rural roads with a road surface of 4.5 meters. Such a width would be a bit problematic for buses.

After several discussions, the town finally decided to use all the existing 20 or so vans to run to Ma'aozi Village and Haojiawan Village, and the road between Honghu Village and the town was a two-way four-lane road, which was changed to a small passenger car with more than 20 seats, which basically met the needs of tourists. In any case, Honghu Village is really crowded with tourists.

According to rough statistics, the number of tourists visiting Honghu Village every day exceeds 20,000 when it is high, and even 4,000 to 5,000 a day when it is low. The most lively places in the village are still the military fan club, folk customs street, wildlife reserve and orchards with fragrant fruits and melons.

However, there are also many fans of pure grain brewing liquor. I came to Honghu Village from far away to buy Xianyuan wine from Xianyuan Winery. This kind of wine has become famous both online and in reality. A daily purchase limit is set for each person in the sale of fine wine, so that tourists who help to buy on behalf of others have no chance to take advantage of it.

Another important reason is that Xianyuan fine wine produces 10,000 kilograms a day. In the past, all these wines were sold, but recently Gu Hongyu and Ale Wu Bo discussed that each of them would sell 7,000 kilograms to the outside world, and the remaining 3,000 kilograms would be stored in the cellar, waiting to be sold at a high price in the future. This kind of aged wine will definitely be more valuable as it ages.

Although many people who like to drink wine are very unhappy about Gu Hongyu's strategy. But what can they do? In the end, there is no doubt that many people find the workers in the winery through various relationships to help them. Fortunately, the workers in the winery also handle such things well. Non-direct relatives generally do not agree to their requests, and Gu Hongyu and Wu Bo also turn a blind eye to this. After all, if the water is too clear, there will be no fish. China is a society of favors.

This day, Gu Hongyu came to the Honghu aquaculture area. His eldest and second cousins ​​were guarding a fish fry pond and looking at the fish pond anxiously.

The rainbow trout brought back from the Hongze Lake Aquatic Market last time has been a little abnormal these days. Gu Hongyu and his two cousins ​​have no experience in raising fish. In addition to searching for information about this on the Internet, Gu Hongyu also obtained a definite result through the inquiry of some fish experts who came to Honghu Village last time. That is, this rainbow trout is about to give birth. A favorable environment for spawning should be created in the fish pond. This environment is very simple. Just fill some sand or algae at the bottom of the pond.

Gu Hongyu and his two cousins ​​were of course excited when they learned about this. In addition to doing what the experts said, they also stayed by the fish pond all day except for sleeping. They wished they would not leave for 24 hours a day.

Gu Hongyu usually released a proper amount of space spring water into the aquaculture area when inspecting it. He took extra care of the rainbow trout that was about to give birth. He rushed over without stopping when he heard that the two cousins ​​were already giving birth.

"How is the situation?" Gu Hongyu asked before he got close.

The two cousins ​​didn't even raise their heads this time. The second cousin replied: "It has found a place to lay a nest, but it doesn't look like it's over yet. It's looking for a second place to lay eggs."

Gu Hongyu has looked up a lot of information about rainbow trout during this period. When he heard his second cousin say this, he knew it. Rainbow trout will make a spawning pit at the bottom of the water when spawning. Each spawning pit usually has 800-1000 fertilized eggs. The individual can carry 10,000-13,000 eggs, which are laid in multiple times. It is known that the same individual has reproduced five times.

This means that if the stock of these fertilized eggs can be successfully guaranteed, then Gu Hongyu will get tens of thousands of rainbow trout fry for nothing. According to the experience of artificially raising rainbow trout, the stocking density of this fish is 1,200 per square meter when the fry are young. As the rainbow trout grow up, the stocking density of adult fish will be reduced to about 100 to 150.

Raising tens of thousands of fry only requires a fish pond of 100 to 200 square meters. According to the requirement that adult fish can be put on the market when they reach one kilogram, even if each kilogram of rainbow trout is sold for tens or hundreds of yuan, then this small fish pond can bring Gu Hongyu millions of yuan in income. What else can have such a great return on investment!

Little did he know, Gu Hongyu was shocked when he saw these hundreds of acres of floating heads floating on the water. The Yellow River carp, Yellow River saury, yellow river fish and sturgeon cultured in these fishing nets were also Hairy crabs and green shrimps are aquatic products with relatively high economic value. By the end of the year, if these are successfully sold, the aquatic products alone can bring him hundreds of millions of yuan in profits, even excluding the farmed fry, labor, and feed. As for the cost, the two to three hundred million yuan can’t escape.

Just when Gu Hongyu was immersed in his personal spiritual state, rainbow trout had already created four spawning pits. Because of the clear water of the lake, Gu Hongyu and the others could clearly see many fish settling in the pits at the bottom of the pond. Many of the eggs are still rippling with the movement of the lake water.

The female rainbow trout was also very troubled. After laying so many eggs, the fish quietly hid in the algae in the pond. Gu Hongyu silently released some space spring water into the pond. I hope that the rainbow trout will recover as soon as possible, and I also hope that the eggs can absorb the spiritual power of the space spring water and quickly grow into small fry.

Gu Hongyu had seen the rainbow trout fish pond, and then walked towards the other fry ponds along the wooden boards built between the cages.

"Are there any problems with all the fry this time?" Gu Hongyu asked calmly as he walked.

Hearing Gu Hongyu ask about this second cousin, he was very happy and said: "Xiaoyu, you don't believe this when I talk about it. Not one of the fry we bought died last time. No matter how small the fry were, they would die." We can also find them floating on the water, but it’s really surprising that there aren’t any.”

"That's right, for this reason, I called back to the mountain city to ask some relatives who had raised fish. They couldn't understand the reason. In the end, it came down to the fact that we met a good seller, and the water quality here is indeed suitable for these fish. Growth." It was rare for the eldest cousin to say such a long string of words, which made him very excited.

However, Gu Hongyu knew these reasons. He must be the one who caused this result. Before buying the fry and returning to Honghu Village, he made the fry absorb a lot of space spring water. After returning to Honghu Village and putting them in the fish pond, he also bought them every now and then. Release some space spring water into the fish pond. It would be strange if these fry still die because of the powerful space spring water!

Without saying anything, Gu Hongyu turned his attention to several fish fry ponds he passed by. Perhaps he was attracted by Gu Hongyu's aura. He only saw densely packed fish heads floating on the water. The opening and closing of the fish's mouths was very interesting. .

According to Gu Hongyu's observation, these small fry are not only full of vitality, but they have also increased in size in just a few days. When they were bought, the splash fry were the size of rice grains, but now they have toothpicks in them. So big.

"Well, these fry do grow very fast. When the aquatic products are harvested this year, the two cousins ​​will have made their first contribution!" Gu Hongyu said with a smile.

"Isn't that what it should be?" the eldest cousin replied naively.

The second cousin rubbed his hands: "Xiaoyu, if there are no accidents with these fish we raise, we can really make a lot of money by then, right?"

"Of course, with me, you will be indispensable when the time comes!" Gu Hongyu will definitely be more generous to these relatives who work diligently to help him.

Unexpectedly, the second cousin then waved his hand: "Xiaoyu, we are not trying to figure out how much money you will give us in the future. With the current salary, our family is satisfied. As long as we can continue to work here for a long time, my family will never have anything to do with us in this life." Compared to being a millionaire, being a millionaire is more than enough!”

Gu Hongyu smiled. Now the two cousins' families are not idle. In addition to the children studying, the two cousins ​​​​also work in the orchard. The work is not heavy, that is, taking care of the accounts, collecting money, and doing... According to some statistics, the combined income of a family of two has exceeded 10,000 yuan.

The two cousins ​​who have been in Honghu Village for a while also know that Gu Hongyu gave the farm employees a lot of bonuses last year. With their current work arrangements and status, they will definitely earn 200,000 yuan a year. They didn't run away, and the life they live now is something the two cousins ​​could never imagine before.

While Gu Hongyu was talking to his two cousins, someone on the water bank shouted at them: "Little old boss, little old boss, it's bad, someone is making trouble in the orchard!"

"Someone is actually causing trouble in the orchard?" Gu Hongyu's face immediately became serious after hearing the news. Good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles. This matter must be dealt with.

"Cousin, row me quickly and take me to the shore!"

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