Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 37: End of the road [Please recommend and collect]

He went to several pharmacies to get a piece of meat from Gu Hongyu. Knowing the source of ginseng, Gu Hongyu would not let others succeed. After several fights with those treacherous pharmacy owners, the ginseng was finally in Gu Hongyu's hands, but his wish to make a lot of money was still not realized.

However, Gu Hongyu was not discouraged. No one really needed ginseng in the largest medicinal material market in Dan County, so there would always be people who needed it in other markets. In today's world where such things are hard to find even with money, Gu Hongyu would sooner or later make the pharmacies regret it.

Unexpectedly, his wish had already come true.

When Gu Hongyu left the pharmacy with ginseng, the managers and shopkeepers of the pharmacies recognized that it was top-grade ginseng, but when they were blinded by interests, they undoubtedly wanted to lower the price to the lowest to obtain the greatest benefits, but Gu Hongyu failed to let them do so.

In fact, from the heart, who doesn't want to own a precious ginseng that can save lives at a critical moment? However, their initial behavior gave them no reason to keep Gu Hongyu, and they began to regret it secretly after he left.

However, what was about to happen made them regret it even more.

At this time, several people in gorgeous clothes suddenly broke into the drugstore near the gate of the medicinal materials market, which was the first one that Gu Hongyu went to sell his ginseng. However, they looked anxious and saw the owner of the drugstore and asked anxiously: "Boss, do you have wild 100-year-old ginseng for sale? It doesn't matter how much it costs, as long as it must be in stock and we will take it away immediately."

The drugstore owner was shocked by their words. From their anxious looks, he knew that there were patients in their families who needed this thing to save their lives. As long as their drugstore had stock, they could take the opportunity to charge a high price and make a lot of money.

At this moment, the drugstore owner regretted it, and his heart was more serious than heartbreak. It is said that large drugstores usually prepare high-grade precious medicinal materials, but old mountain ginseng over 100 years old is becoming more and more difficult to find, and he just missed an opportunity to make more than a million immediately.

There is a kind of person in the world who knows that he can make a million right away but misses it because of his greed. The owner of the drugstore was so angry. This was his clever price. Especially when he remembered that he didn't even leave a phone number for the young man just now, it seemed that this opportunity to make money did not belong to him.

"Boss, please say something. Do you have it? Don't be silent. If you don't have it, there are other stores!" At this time, a slightly younger person who came said dissatisfiedly.

"What if there is no, even if there is, I won't sell it to you because of your character. You guys go!" Unexpectedly, the owner of the drugstore had a worse temper than the young man.

"Let's go. It seems that this store doesn't have a hundred-year-old mountain ginseng. Let's go to the next store to ask, otherwise it will be too late!" The young man said and walked out of the store first, and the other two who came in very well-mannered nodded to the boss apologetically and followed him out.

The pharmacy owner looked at the behavior of the last two visitors and said with some emotion: "Just before you came, a young man brought a fresh old mountain ginseng to me to sell, but he left before the price was agreed. You may still make it in time if you hurry up."

"Really, that's great, thank you boss!" The two older people couldn't help but thank him and left excitedly.


Gu Hongyu didn't know that after he left the medicinal material market, the whole market began to go crazy for this century-old mountain ginseng. Many people began to spontaneously look for the young man selling ginseng everywhere. The reason is naturally that there must be a brave man under a big reward. The family who came to find medicine said that even if they found Gu Hongyu, they would give him a reward of 50,000 yuan. This is not a small amount and no one can remain calm.

However, Gu Hongyu was not in this medicinal material market. He took a taxi to another medicinal herb market. Gu Hongyu still encountered the situation he encountered in the previous market. It seems that the social atmosphere is really going downhill now. People's hearts are not as good as before.

It was not until he walked into a small pharmacy with all his hopelessness that he began to doubt whether his action today was too reckless. The medicinal materials industry was a field he had never been involved in, not to mention precious medicinal materials. Since he was not introduced by an insider, he would naturally encounter many setbacks.

"My friend, what are you doing here? I see that you are in good spirits, why are you so confused?" Hearing such a question, Gu Hongyu suddenly found that there was an old man with gray hair standing in front of him, but he looked good and his face was rosy and healthy.

"Old man, do you buy ginseng here?" Gu Hongyu asked habitually.

"Oh, what kind of ginseng do you have? If it is wild ginseng of a certain age, our pharmacy can buy it. As for those that are not of much value, I suggest you sell them directly to the drug dealers outside." The old man pointed to the drug dealers outside who were shouting to buy medicinal materials at high prices.

"I don't know much about ginseng, so I'd better show it to you first!" Gu Hongyu said as he opened the box.

When the wooden box was opened, the old man's expression changed when he saw the ginseng in the box. Then he carefully put on gloves and slowly picked up the stem of the ginseng and observed it repeatedly. His expression was very focused.

The old man's behavior was completely different from those of the previous drugstore owners. Gu Hongyu felt very trustworthy, so he asked with expectation: "Old man, what do you think of the quality of this ginseng? How many years has it grown? Does it meet your requirements?"

The old man did not immediately answer Gu Hongyu's question. After carefully observing all the details of ginseng, the old man nodded repeatedly, and then began to shake his head and sigh.

His actions frightened Gu Hongyu. Is there any problem with the space product? He quickly asked: "Is this ginseng really not Laoshan ginseng? Is it really worthless?"

Gu Hongyu has really endured a series of disparagements about ginseng from drugstore owners. Could it be that this old man wants to use the same strategy to deal with him.

Just when he was thinking wildly, the old gentleman spoke: "I told you this is not Laoshan Ginseng. Isn't this ginseng worthless?"

"Ah, then why were you shaking your head just now?" Gu Hongyu couldn't figure it out.

The old man said angrily: "I am sighing that you have encountered such old wild ginseng. You are very lucky, but it is a pity that this pharmacy cannot afford this wild wild ginseng." Ah, do you know how much it’s worth?”

Seeing Gu Hongyu shaking his head, the old man stretched out two fingers. Gu Hongyu said casually: "2 million?"

The old gentleman smiled and nodded: "You are smart. Just now I praised this ginseng plant for its value, so you guessed it too high. Our store really can't afford such a precious medicinal material!" After finishing speaking, he sighed, feeling sorry for missing out. Such medicinal materials are a pity.

Gu Hongyu looked at the facilities in the drugstore. It looked very simple. The store area was much smaller than the drugstores in the same market, and the storefront was also very remote in the market. He felt sorry that the old man could not afford this kind of ginseng. I believe it a bit.

But then he immediately said: "Old sir, didn't you just say it's worth 2 million? I'll transfer it to you 1.8 million. As for how much you can buy, it's all your money."

Selling ginseng is a very urgent matter in Gu Hongyu's heart. Several construction projects in the village are waiting for the ginseng money to be taken back. The reason why he took the initiative to give the profit to the old gentleman is that the old gentleman is relatively honest and did not deceive a layman. This A person's character is worthy of respect.

The second is that Gu Hongyu is eager to sell. He has no acquaintances in the field of medicinal materials, and the old man is considered an insider. It should not be a problem for him to find a new owner.

At this moment, the phone in the old man's store rang. The old man picked up the phone before he could answer Gu Hongyu's words. After hearing a few words on the phone, the old man suddenly became excited: "What, this is really happening. , then you ask them to come to me!"

After that, he said happily to Gu Hongyu: "The person who needs this ginseng will be here soon..."

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