Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 371 Kanas Water Monster (Subscribe)

There are many restaurants not far from Changse Lake. Many shops are built in the mountains according to the terrain, leaving a narrow path in the middle.

"Don't look at these simple shops. Every small shop here has its own specialties." Uncle Qin, who was following Gu Hongyu, seemed to have guessed what Gu Hongyu was thinking.

Mei Ning became a curious baby when she came here. She fully developed the principle of asking if you don't understand: "Oh, uncle is quite familiar with this place. Can you tell me which store here has the best food?"

Uncle Qin laughed: "Didn't I tell you, I have no resistance to delicious food. I almost visited these stores when I came here before. I didn't expect it to be more than ten years ago. The whole place looks neat. It’s changed a lot, but the overall appearance remains the same.”

Uncle Qin, who felt a little sentimental, did not speak, but led Gu Hongyu and his wife straight towards a small shop.

This is a small shop that is not in a very good location, but there are many people inside. A two-story building with an all-wooden structure is also built against the mountain. It looks like a stilted building in southwest China. There is an open space on the side of the building. It was surrounded by a wooden fence, with a roof over the head but no walls. There were about a dozen wooden tables in the open space, and the bustling crowd came from here.

"Ting Yuxuan, such a small shop has a formal name." Mei Ning muttered to the side.

Uncle Qin smiled and said: "Haha, you don't have to worry about the name. Didn't you see that there is a restaurant named Anletang on the roadside where we just came? Is this a place where living people go?"

"Uncle Qin, you brought us here, so this store must have some special skills, right?" Gu Hongyu asked, holding back his laughter.

"Of course, come with me. It's a good time now. If it were later, there would be no place to live." After that, Uncle Qin walked into Tingyuxuan.

Just like what Uncle Qin said, he walked in and quickly found a free table. A waiter in the store immediately came over with a menu and handed it to Uncle Qin, who was the first person. However, Uncle Qin did not take the menu and said directly: " Fried white strips, grouse herbal soup, stewed dogfish, braised salmon, and a plate of stir-fried wild mushrooms!”

It seems that Uncle Qin is very familiar with this place. He said that the last time he came here was more than ten years ago, and he can accurately remember the names of these dishes. It can only be described as a food obsession.

However, the store clerk did not leave when he heard the name of the dish announced by Uncle Qin. Instead, he looked at Uncle Qin strangely and said: "Masters, I'm sorry, we don't kill and sell nationally protected animals in our store. The Zheluo salmon you mentioned is here." No."

Uncle Qin was stunned when he heard what the shop owner said: "The salmon has become a national protected animal. The last time I came here, I just ate it casually. Who said that red seabass doesn't have a unique taste, but it is also a very good delicacy. "

Shaking his head, Uncle Qin said to the store clerk: "If you don't have Zheluo Salmon, forget it. There are still a lot left, so hurry up and make these!"

After leaving the store in a hurry, Uncle Qin said with a sigh: "This restaurant used to be the best at making Zheluo salmon. It's a pity that you can't taste that deliciousness anymore."

Humans have done great damage to the world. In order to satisfy human appetites or to possess them alone, many biological species have disappeared. Think about the program Gu Hongyu watched before, which is very harmful to human beings. If other animals If there were spirits, humans would definitely be ranked first, and still far ahead.

The dishes come out quickly, and each dish here has its own flavor, but there is one thing in common. These ingredients all have a natural aroma and contain no additives or pesticide residues. They should be all green and natural foods.

Maybe it’s because the heaven and earth here are pure. Gu Hongyu also tasted the faint spiritual energy contained in many of the ingredients here.

It was a worthwhile trip to have a meal. After the meal, Gu Hongyu and Uncle Qin rushed to pay the bill, but in the end it was Gu Hongyu who treated us: "Uncle Qin, you treated us to a meal yesterday, and today you are free." Be our tour guide, we should ask you for anything!”

Uncle Qin was also free and easy: "Haha. You, Xiao Gu, are quite upright, so you can treat me at noon. I will take you to eat good food in the evening."

The food is good, and Gu Hongyu thinks that a meal of more than one thousand yuan is worth the money. Because the things here can't be bought elsewhere if you have money, and the raw materials of the dishes Uncle Qin ordered are relatively expensive, that's why they have become Tingyuxuan's signature and are remembered by people, and there is a lot of money left. of repeat customers.

According to the itinerary in the afternoon, everyone should go to Camel Neck Bay.

Speaking of Tuojing Bay, Uncle Qin started his role as a part-time tour guide again.

Camel Neck Bay is located one kilometer south of Kanas Lake. It is the inlet of Kanas Lake and the source of Kanas River. Kanas River forms a big bend here that looks like a camel neck.

The Kanas River forms a big zigzag turn here, turning from south-east to south-west, and then east again. The river has sharp bends, deep valleys and fast currents. There is a fusiform river center island at the beginning of the first turn, and a rapids beach is formed at the second turn.

The east bank of the river is a meadow, and the west bank is a primeval forest. The lake and mountain scenery reflected by the crystal clear Kanas Lake is particularly eye-catching, especially when the sun sets in the evening and rays of light shine on the lake, making the scenery there like a fairyland.

The Kanas Water Monster, which has been rumored for a long time in Kanas Lake, has been seen or photographed by tourists for a long time. It is also at this location. In short, it has left countless suspenseful stories in Camel Neck Bay.

We walked along the developed trail through the woods to the top of the mountain, which is the viewing platform of Tuojing Bay. There are still many tourists there, and many of them are constantly patrolling Kanas Lake with professional telescopes.

Are they expecting to find a lake monster? Gu Hongyu guessed unscrupulously.

But at this moment, a tourist holding a high-powered telescope shouted: "Water monster, a water monster has appeared in the lake."

However, when other tourists looked in the direction of his finger, there was nothing. There was only the sparkling light, shining dazzlingly under the sunlight, just like other places on the surface of Kanas Lake.

"Alas, a false alarm..."

"Uncle, are you in a trance?"

"I was so excited that I didn't see anything."

"Is the lake monster so easy to see? If it is true, there are countless photos of lake monsters on the Internet, but the truth is that there are very few photos of lake monsters taken since the liberation. Many of them are fake at first glance."


The man who discovered the lake monster and called out was a middle-aged man about the same age as Uncle Qin, but he had long hair and a long beard. He was dressed very casually, with a long windbreaker on the outside. He was wearing a pair of leather boots that looked a bit like hiking boots, and the whole person looked a little unkempt, but this kind of people are generally engaged in artistic creation or photographers.

Seeing that others did not believe what he said, the uncle said coldly: "I didn't lie to you just now. This thing is fleeting. It's strange that you didn't find me."

"Brother, did you see it just now?" Uncle Qin walked over with a smile.

After adjusting the telescope hanging on his chest, he glanced at Uncle Qin: "Does it make sense for me to lie to you about this kind of thing?"

"In that case. I just envy you. Brother, you're lucky." Uncle Qin still smiled, and didn't care about the indifference of the person who approached him. He maintained a very good mentality.

While they were chatting and Mei Ning was taking pictures, Gu Hongyu released his consciousness at this time. He went directly in the direction of the cold and arrogant uncle's finger.

As soon as his consciousness was put into the cold Kanas Lake, Gu Hongyu felt several tracks of creatures with strong consciousness, but many of them were far away from him. These creatures seemed to dodge when they encountered the consciousness emitted by Gu Hongyu. When Gu Hongyu traced the traces of consciousness again, many consciousnesses suddenly seemed to disappear.

It seems that there is indeed something strange in Kanas Lake. Could those creatures that emitted strong consciousness just now be Kanas water monsters?

But it is obvious that these guys have high IQs and know how to avoid trouble, because Gu Hongyu is undoubtedly very powerful in consciousness, and they may have felt it. They instinctively feel fearful.

Gu Hongyu's mouth curled up slightly in this situation. This trick had little effect on him. If he really wanted to find these existences, Gu Hongyu would not spend much effort. But this was not Gu Hongyu's purpose. He just wanted to see what these mysterious creatures were.

Let go of those consciousness emanating bodies that were far away. Gu Hongyu's consciousness locked onto a powerful consciousness body that he had just explored not far away. This location was not far from the place where the uncle just pointed out. It seemed that the uncle did see the creature.

The consciousness pounced on the mysterious creature, which might have scared the guy. It was very unfamiliar with Gu Hongyu's consciousness and had an instinctive fear.

Just when Gu Hongyu's consciousness was about to contact that guy, the mysterious guy suddenly accelerated and wanted to escape. And just when Gu Hongyu was about to make another effort to appease the mysterious creature, it was too late. Because many tourists standing on the observation deck screamed almost at the same time at this time.

"Brother Yu, did you see that? A huge creature suddenly appeared in the lake, and then suddenly dived back into the water and disappeared." Mei Ning's shout startled Gu Hongyu, who was about to communicate with the mysterious creature.

Fearing that he would cause too much disturbance, Gu Hongyu had to interrupt further contact with the big creature.

Uncle Qin was also very happy at this moment: "Good luck, I can see the lake monster not long after coming up."

Other tourists also began to discuss after seeing the lake monster disappear: "Oh, I didn't see clearly what it was just now, I saw a black shadow float out of the water, rolled around and dived into the water."

"Me too, but this guy is really big, his body is probably more than ten meters..."

"It's a pity that I took several photos in a row, but I didn't take any photos."

"Haha, I'm so lucky, I took a photo."

"Let me see, why is it just a black shadow, this camera should have been eliminated long ago."


This is the cold and proud uncle on the side snorted: "How about it, I didn't lie to you just now?" This made many tourists speechless and do their own things.

After waiting for a long time, the tourists saw that there was no movement on the lake, and many people began to go down the mountain.

Gu Hongyu and Mei Ning took pictures of the mountains and rivers here to their heart's content, and after feeling the fresh air above, they also went home.

It was only 3:30 in the afternoon when they walked around Camel Neck Bay. Uncle Qin was still their guide. After they got down the mountain, he immediately suggested, "Xiao Gu, weren't you very interested in red bass yesterday? How about I take you to buy red bass seedlings now? There are some other interesting things there."

"Oh, is the place you mentioned far from our hotel?" Mei Ning had been walking for a day, and Gu Hongyu didn't want her to be too tired. If it was too far, he didn't plan to go there.

Uncle Qin laughed: "That place is in the Kanas Lake Scenic Area. Think about it. Can this thing survive if it is far away from Kanas Lake? Besides, who can I sell it to if it is not in the scenic area?"

Gu Hongyu smiled bitterly: "In that case, then I'll have to trouble Uncle Qin to lead the way."

When they reached the destination, Gu Hongyu and Mei Ning smiled at each other. This place was not far away. It was only a few hundred meters away from the hotel they were staying in.

Before arriving at the place, Gu Hongyu was still guessing what the place selling red perch looked like, but when he arrived at the end of the place, he was a little surprised. It turned out to be a small market, with things on both sides of the road in a small alley.

There are many colorful fish swimming in the glass fish tanks, and there are plants with different branches and leaves in the flower pots. There are also small turtles, bamboo rats, rabbits... This place is simply a miniature flower and bird market.

"Red perch are sold here?" Gu Hongyu couldn't believe it.

Uncle Qin laughed again: "Haha, isn't it in front, but the quantity here is not very large. If you want to buy a large number, the boss here will take you to their breeding farm."

So that's it. Gu Hongyu and Mei Ning understood everything.

Gu Hongyu didn't care how many red perch he bought. As long as this guy was brought into the Xianyuan space, he could reproduce a lot in a short time, just like the last time he bought poultry seedlings in Shancheng, there were not many at first, but when he built the chicken, duck and goose house in Honghu Village, these things actually multiplied in the space.

So much so that Gu Hongyu later spent a lot of time explaining the source of those chickens, ducks and geese, and finally made his family believe it.

He also left some poultry in the space, but he always controlled the number. Once the number exceeded the standard, he would kill them with the big snakes in the space and the Saker Falcons that occasionally entered the space. The number of Saker Falcons killed was very limited, but the poultry in the space was just enough to fill the teeth of the big black snake.

This time he bought red bass seedlings. Maybe when he and Mei Ning returned to Honghu Village, the red bass seedlings in the Xianyuan space would have become a disaster.

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