Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 378 Cave Heaven-Water World (Subscription Request)

I have seen the snow-capped mountains, admired the glaciers frozen for millions of years, browsed the historical heritage of this land, climbed the peaks to see the mountains and small mountains, and calmed my soul in the jade-green lake... , the beautiful scenery of Tianshan Mountain makes Gu Hongyu and Mei Ning linger.

After visiting the last scenic spot in Tianshan, another sweet honeymoon resort awaits.

The night in Tianshan Mountain was completely quiet. Gu Hongyu, who was holding Mei Ning who had fallen asleep in his arms, opened his eyes and looked out the window at the extraordinarily bright full moon.

Another day passed outside. Since coming out, Mei Ning has only contacted her family on the phone when she was sending local specialties to her family. The rest of the time they were playing to their heart's content, wasting their time this month, and came out several times. Although every scenic spot has its own unique charm, Gu Hongyu still misses Honghu Village because it is the place where he succeeded in his career and there are many things there that he cares about.

He lowered his head to see Mei Ning sleeping so soundly in his arms. Gu Hongyu also smiled happily. Finally, there are two people who are connected in life and spend time together. This is actually something that many people cannot envy. , Gu Hongyu believed that Mei Ning was his life-long companion.

After covering Mei Ning with the quilt again, Gu Hongyu also planned to rest.

However, just as he was lying down, there was a sudden twitching in his heart. The twitching was for no reason. It seemed that there was a consciousness in his mind telling him that something was about to happen.

Gu Hongyu quickly suppressed the abnormal situation in his heart, and used his powerful consciousness to wander around and search for the situation within a three-kilometer radius around the hotel. Yes, Gu Hongyu's spiritual consciousness is particularly strong now. This three-kilometer range is his The limit that can be used now.

But he was disappointed. When he glanced around consciously, he observed many tourists who had not returned to the hotel to rest, hawkers doing business nearby... and several couples making love in hidden places in the woods. However, he did not notice that something had just happened to his soul. Something that touches.

At this moment, the full moon in the sky emerged from the clouds again. The night sky seemed particularly solemn and desolate.

Gu Hongyu, who smashed his head into the pillow again, was suddenly attracted by that mysterious thing, as if an invisible sound wave penetrated straight into his heart without any hindrance..., penetrated.

Gu Hongyu was in a very irritable mood. He kept telling himself in his heart that something big was about to happen, but he just couldn't clearly detect it.

Carefully get up from putting on your clothes and walk to the window. Gently making the gap in the window wider, Gu Hongyu looked at the full moon in the night sky, and his heart suddenly moved. He intuitively told himself that the fluctuation in his soul just now was caused by the full moon.

Sure enough. Gu Hongyu, who had been standing under the window without moving, once again received a mysterious message. This time it was clearer. It was like a kind of consciousness, or more like a calling, which made Gu Hongyu feel like he couldn't help but take the initiative. The desire to just walk towards a certain place.

Gu Hongyu looked towards the place that tempted him. Through the window, he recognized that the direction was Tianchi, and the bright moonlight was still like a silver plate hanging in the sky, seeming to illuminate the way to Tianchi for him.

eccentric. There is something weird in Tianchi! Gu Hongyu was puzzled.

But when he visited Tianchi during the day, even though he was closest to Tianchi at that time and even drank a handful of water from the pool, nothing unusual happened. There was no sign of heat in the mark on the wrist.

It must have been caused by the full moon. Gu Hongyu was even more certain of this idea.

What is there in Tianchi that can cause him to react like this?

Gu Hongyu's consciousness once again scanned the situation of many tourists around him, and saw that those people were all normal. They were not affected at all by the mysterious messages sent out several times, and they just did what they were supposed to do. Even there were people in the deep forest. The two of them were fighting without being affected at all.

Is this mysterious signal only for people with strong consciousness? Gu Hongyu deduced again.

Gu Hongyu stood in the room and walked gently back and forth on tiptoes. He is very conflicted now. To be honest, he still wants to go outside and take a look. Try to find out what it is that caught his attention, but there are unpredictable fortunes and misfortunes outside. This kind of thing may be very risky.

However, it didn’t take long for Gu Hongyu to put on his clothes quickly and tiptoe out of the room. The unknown information still made him decide to go and inquire about it. It was another intuition. He thought that going out this time would be good for him. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Coupled with the boldness of a skilled artist, he would at most run away immediately when the opportunity arises. Gu Hongyu comforted himself and quickly walked through the forest path and headed straight for Tianchi.

The moonlight was still hanging high in the night sky like a bright mirror. When Gu Hongyu came to the edge of Tianchi, the mysterious call seemed to have disappeared. At this moment, Tianchi looked particularly deep and mysterious under the moonlight. I don’t know where it came from. A trace of mist drifted from somewhere and was swimming on the lake.

Something big is going to happen here soon, Gu Hongyu feels very sure in his heart.

Sure enough, as soon as the thought came to an end, several powerful consciousnesses suddenly emitted from Tianchi Lake. This meaning was no different from the snakes and dragon fish in Kanas Lake, and it was even stronger in terms of the intensity of consciousness.

Gu Hongyu had heard about the existence of water monsters in Tianchi, but that Tianchi was located in Changbai Mountain in China, and no one had seen or heard about the existence of water monsters in Tianchi. Now, several powerful consciousnesses suddenly appeared that Gu Hongyu Yu was frightened.

Since the mysterious information at the beginning could only be perceived by creatures with strong consciousness, Gu Hongyu woke up quickly at this time and immediately used consciousness that was slightly equal to the strength of the several consciousnesses in the lake. His inference was immediately fulfilled, and the several consciousnesses in the lake all withdrew their hostility towards him, as if they recognized his strength.

Gu Hongyu had been observing the situation around Tianchi. Not long after, he found that the several creatures with strong consciousness in the lake had no intention of fighting, as if everyone was waiting for something to happen together.

The creatures in the lake did not stop Gu Hongyu's exploration of consciousness. It didn't take long for Gu Hongyu to finally be able to make it clear that there were a total of three creatures with very strong consciousness in the lake. One of them was a bit like a dolphin in the ocean. It could also emit sound waves in its mouth that ordinary people could not hear.

The other two creatures with strong consciousness were of the same species, and they were also a kind of fish, but this kind of fish looked really ugly. The huge body had basically separated each of the dorsal fin spurs, and the pectoral fin and tail fin were no exception. However, what is even more frightening is that it has an ugly and ostentatious huge mouth. The whole mouth is not very neat, and sharp teeth like blades are exposed outside the fish mouth.

When Gu Hongyu was observing them, these big guys were also observing Gu Hongyu, an alternative creature. Several consciousnesses swept through Gu Hongyu, and Gu Hongyu quickly increased his consciousness to make these consciousnesses retreat in a hurry.

Before confirming whether these guys were friendly or hostile to him. Gu Hongyu didn't want these guys to find out his details, and in order to appear strong, he couldn't let a few guys search and scan him at will.

Time did not stop. Just when Gu Hongyu and several big guys in the lake were confronting each other, the full moon in the sky looked like it fell on the top of Bogda Peak from the direction of Tianchi, and the whole bright moon seemed to be supported by Bogda Peak.

Gu Hongyu didn't know whether other ordinary people knew this scene. But this is really an incomparable beauty, a rare wonder in other places!

Just when the full moon fell on the peak, Gu Hongyu felt that several big guys in the lake all moved.

Gu Hongyu was attracted by the scene of Bogda Peak just now. After feeling the two strange fish and the dolphin-like guys in the lake moving, he looked back at the lake. This look made Gu Hongyu open his mouth and it was difficult to close it. The scene in front of him was too difficult to execute.

Only to see a full moon appeared in the middle of the lake of Tianchi at this moment, but when three lake fish with strong consciousness swam into the full moon in the lake, Gu Hongyu immediately felt that the three fish were gone. They disappeared...

What's going on?

What on earth is going on?

Gu Hongyu rubbed his eyes. The full moon in the lake was still there, but there was really no trace of the whereabouts and breath of the three fish. Could it be that the full moon in the lake is a time-space portal that transferred the three fish to other places?

While he was thinking, the full moon in the night sky began to rise in the west and set in the east. The whole moon slowly shifted away from the top of Bogda Peak. Gu Hongyu looked at the bright moon in Tianchi Lake. At this moment, the bright moon actually began to show signs of dissipating.

Could it be that when the full moon in the sky completely leaves Bogda Peak, the bright moon in the lake will completely dissipate?

Should it enter or not? Gu Hongyu scratched his hair in annoyance.

However, he obviously didn't have much time left. The full moon above his head gradually left the peak. The bright moon in the lake actually began to blur.

"Plop" Gu Hongyu jumped directly into the lake. The cold water in the lake had almost no effect on him. He paddled with both hands and swam towards the full moon in the lake that was about to dissipate.

Now he couldn't care less. When the full moon suddenly formed in the lake, the mark on his wrist actually emitted a white light. This time, there was no burning sensation. Just now, Gu Hongyu had been paying attention to the full moon and ignored the strange phenomenon caused by the mark on his wrist. When he found it, he jumped into the lake without hesitation.

His intuition was correct. The mark was glowing now, but it had never existed before. If he entered the moon shadow in the lake this time, there might be a real adventure.

Fortunately, Gu Hongyu had good swimming skills. After super performance, he finally reached the destination when the moon shadow was almost blurred.

Just after he reached the destination, he felt dizzy and then Gu Hongyu didn't know what happened.

After an unknown period of time, Gu Hongyu woke up slowly. He found that he was still in the water, but the water here was very strange, because Gu Hongyu didn't feel any pressure in the water, and he didn't feel any stuffiness.

Where is this...?

Gu Hongyu has been looking around, but he is disappointed that there is water everywhere. Although there seems to be light shining in from above his head, Gu Hongyu decisively gave up after swimming up for several hundred meters, because the situation is exactly the same as that of the hundreds of meters above and the hundreds of meters below.

Just when Gu Hongyu was confused, a consciousness came from one direction. The consciousness was somewhat familiar. Wasn't it the consciousness that emanated from the body of a strange fish in the lake when it was confronted before?

Since they are fine here, it seems that they are somewhat familiar with this place. Maybe they have been here before, otherwise why would they rush directly to the full moon in the lake when the full moon is set on the top of the mountain? Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu swam directly to the place where the consciousness came from.

This feeling of soaking in the water made Gu Hongyu feel very interesting. He didn't know how long he had been in it, but he almost didn't feel tired. He was so energetic that he couldn't even believe it.

Following the direction of the consciousness, Gu Hongyu also saw some things in the water that opened his eyes. After swimming for a long time, he could actually see some fish swimming in the water. What's more amazing is that each of them seems to have a strong consciousness. After discovering Gu Hongyu, they quickly fled. Even if Gu Hongyu's consciousness is strong, he can't find their traces anymore.

It seems that these small fish are the natives here. They even know how to hide their consciousness. It's really an interesting place.

Gu Hongyu didn't think much of it. Although he felt that these small fish were very novel, he didn't take them seriously. The first task was to find the other fish that ran out of Tianchi. Gu Hongyu also believed that since they knew to come here, they should know how to leave.

However, what Gu Hongyu didn't expect was that when he rushed past a plant similar to algae growing in the water very quickly, he suddenly felt that there was something threatening to him in front of him.

An emergency brake stopped the forward trend, and soon Gu Hongyu felt a wave passing less than one meter in front of him, and the algae that was a whole just now was cut into several pieces.

This is an attack!

Gu Hongyu was still frightened, but he couldn't find any clues about what attacked him.

Floating in the water, Gu Hongyu calmed down and used his consciousness to feel the surrounding situation. Finally, next to an algae about ten meters away from him, he felt a spiritual wave. Even with disguise, Gu Hongyu still found the guy who attacked him. It was one of the small fish he saw in the previous round.

They have something like a corolla on their heads, and their tails are like goldfish with several wrinkles. On the surface, they look like a good-looking guy, but I didn't expect it to be so aggressive.

If I guessed correctly, the means of attacking it just now was water arrows, a skill that exists in the category of magical creatures. I didn't expect this beautiful little fish to be so powerful.

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