Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 381 Passage, murals (Subscription required)

First of all, let me say something. Can I ask for a day off for all the book friends? My aunt passed away and I have to go back to attend the funeral. Today's update number is only 2000. I will definitely not be able to update tomorrow. I will try to update normally on Sunday night. I hope everyone understands!


Originally, the hall looked particularly simple and heavy, and a breath of ancient breath came to my face, but when the throne sank to reveal the cave below, Gu Hongyu suddenly felt that this passage was more majestic and solemn.

The scattered gravel and dust gradually calmed down after a while. These things seemed to have not caused any harm to Gu Hongyu. He still sat on the huge throne, and the throne was still firmly in the cave at this moment.

What appeared in front of Gu Hongyu was indeed a deep passage. It was blurry and unclear from a distance, but he could clearly see the corridor made of unknown materials from a close distance. The walls on both sides were very smooth, and on this smooth cave wall, there were exquisite patterns carved.

What would be behind the passage? Gu Hongyu couldn't suppress his excitement.

However, according to the message sent by the divine dragon fish, this should be the place built by the ancestors, so there might be something that only humans can learn and use, whether it is a secret book... or a collection... or a panacea...

Before entering the passage, Gu Hongyu was already imagining the benefits he would get later.

After waiting for a while and calming down, Gu Hongyu stood up from the throne and took a step towards the passage. He should make the best of it and go on regardless of the good or bad results.

But when he took a step towards the passage, he was shocked by the current scene.

After he took a step into the passage, countless lights on the walls of the cave on both sides of the dark passage lit up. Look carefully. Those things that emit light are not oil lamps, but things that look like energy-saving lamps. The glowing halo makes people feel extremely comfortable.

In the brightly lit environment, the walls of the cave now all look colorful and dazzling, reflecting colorful light. The patterns on the cave walls are even more vivid in this kind of effect, and the scenes in the murals seem to have vitality.

The wisdom and craftsmanship of the ancestors are so shocking that Gu Hongyu sighed after seeing these murals.

Before he took two steps, Gu Hongyu was attracted by the things on the murals.

There are some scenes of hunting by ancient ancestors, as well as scenes of building palaces and solemn sacrifices. There are also many scenes of normal life...

However, there are many things that make Gu Hongyu puzzled in these murals, among which the characters in them are all carved with a height of 20 or 30 feet, and they are all fat and big.

Zhang is a unit of measurement in ancient China. The specific length of one Zhang is 3.33 meters. Doesn't it mean that the characters on the cave wall with a height of 20 or 30 feet are 7 or 8 meters? Is this the territory of an ancient giant tribe?

Thinking about the height of the palace outside and the huge throne he had just sat on, Gu Hongyu began to confirm this conjecture in his heart. Besides, even the cave in front of him was unusually large, about nine meters high, and wide enough to drive a car.

What treasures will the giants leave for him? Gu Hongyu became more curious about the next trip.

Before entering this strange space, the mark on Gu Hongyu's wrist emitted a dazzling white light, but now after entering this water area. The mark on his wrist showed nothing, which made Gu Hongyu feel extremely confused.

Continue to walk along the cave, and the murals on the cave wall are becoming more and more exquisite. The content of the carvings is also more vivid, and some scenes that seem to be life in the palace are added, because Gu Hongyu saw a man wearing a headdress who is particularly different in the picture. Gu Hongyu has never seen anyone wearing these costumes before.

There are many characters in this picture scroll. This middle-aged man wearing a headdress looks particularly majestic and domineering. In addition to him, there are many people standing on the opposite side of him. Gu Hongyu felt strangely familiar with the scene.

By the way, isn't this the scene of court attendance seen on TV? Could it be that the man with the decoration on his head is the leader of the tribe or the ethnic group, and the others who are against him are his subordinates?

Gu Hongyu stood a little further away. The picture is too big and if you stand close, you can't get a glimpse of the whole picture, and you can't see the specific content clearly.

Sure enough!

Gu Hongyu quickly confirmed his guess. On the opposite side of the man with the decoration, there was a man bending over to him, with his hands raised above his head, holding something in his hands to offer to the man with the decoration. The characterization was very detailed, and Gu Hongyu could also see the charming smile on the face of the man who presented the gift from the picture.

Following this scroll, there is another scroll describing an extremely magnificent battlefield. Both sides of the battle are human. This should be a tribal war, but the whole scene is extremely tragic. In the end, only a few people are left on a kind of elephant mount on the battlefield. The rest of the scene is the dim sunset against the broken body, the dying injured mount, and there are huge birds circling in the sky. War equipment can be seen everywhere on the battlefield.


Gu Hongyu sighed.

The warrior sitting on an elephant-like body in the picture looks like the man with decorations in another painting. There are many warriors around him, one of whom is holding a tattered battle flag, but these few people who survived the battlefield all have a certain glow on their faces.

It seems that the tribe of the man with decorations has undoubtedly won the war. Then the first painting is another group of people offering gifts to the man with decorations. Is this the defeated party?

Gu Hongyu hurriedly turned around and carefully looked at what the gift-giver gave to the man with decorations. After careful consideration, Gu Hongyu recognized it. It looked like a short spear or dagger.

Could it be that the defeated party surrendered to the victorious party by offering this thing? Gu Hongyu was a little at a loss.

After looking at several murals, Gu Hongyu was very sure that the order of these murals should be sorted from the inside. The order he checked the murals now was completely the opposite.

Gradually withdrawing from the scene described in the murals, Gu Hongyu looked up at the other side of the passage and still couldn't see the end. He didn't know how long the passage was. Such a high and wide underground project was extremely huge. What secrets were hidden at the end of it?

Gu Hongyu really liked those murals. If he could take them away when he left, he would definitely pack them up and take them away without hesitation. Anyway, there was the Xianyuan space. There was no problem even if all the palaces were taken away.

He didn't plan to continue to entangle with these murals. After a long time, he didn't know what would happen when Mei Ning couldn't find him when the outside world got light. He should explore the secret at the end of the passage first!

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