Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 391: Astonishing Profits

You don't know if you don't tell her. After her mother finished speaking, no one else responded. Gu Hongyu and Mei Ning were completely shocked.

In just twenty days, the total revenue from all Gu Hongyu's projects in Honghu Village actually exceeded 1.5 billion. No one would believe this, but this is the fact, and it is also something that both parents are worried about. Having too much money is too hot to handle at home!

Without letting Gu Hongyu and Mei Ning wait, his father took out a notebook and opened the first page and said: "After you left, your mother, my parents, and I were afraid that there would be mistakes in the accounts, so we used this notebook to record these 20 years. Day’s earnings for all projects detailed.”

"First of all, after May Day, the number of tourists in Honghu Village showed a surge. Xiaoyu's projects have increased rapidly in every aspect, including the income from investment projects in Haojiawan Village and Ma'aozi Village. , Party Secretary Hao and Party Secretary Ma sent last month’s dividends two days ago.”

"Old man, just | excellent | excellent | small | say | update | new | fastest | | don't say these useless things, why don't you just tell Xiaoyu and the others the income from the specific project? What are you doing? "My mother urged with an unpleasant look on her face.

It seemed that my father really planned to make a long speech. After hearing what my mother said, he quickly turned over an article in his notebook and said, "Okay, I will report to you the income of each project."

"Of all the project income, the orchard has benefited the most. During this period, there were millions of dollars in income every day. The first day we knew this data, we thought we were wrong (), but the fruits sold I calculated the quantity and unit price and confirmed that they are correct. It’s still incredible when I think about it now. The total income of the orchard is 45.72 million.”

"Ah, the orchard has such a huge profit now. I remember last month, the profit was only about 20 million. How come it has more than doubled this month?" Gu Hongyu hadn't asked yet, but Mei Ning took the lead. asked.

Father Mei smiled and explained: "Haha, it seems you don't care about the orchard. If Xiaoyu is the one, he must know."

Gu Hongyu thought for a while, and the orchard must have a large area to mature if the income has increased so much. When he was inspecting the orchard before May Day, Gu Hongyu remembered that the watermelons planted under the citrus trees had matured in small batches, so He immediately blurted out: "Is watermelon on the market on a large scale?"

"Yes, yes, I think Xiaoyu must know, right?" Mei's father regarded this place as his home, and continued with a very happy face: "The watermelon has been loved by tourists as soon as it goes on the market. Even if Xiaoyu sets a high price, There is still an endless stream of people buying at the price of 10 yuan per catty. The orchard employees are really working hard during this period.”

Gu Hongyu nodded and said with a smile: "Since we have made huge profits, we might as well double the bonuses given to employees at the end of this month. Dad, how about you continue to talk about the benefits of other projects?"

The father picked up the paper with his fingers and turned a page and read: "The second place is the winery. Xiaoyu, you hold 70% of the shares in the entire winery. Now we have added brewing equipment and can make 30,000 kilograms of wine every day. It is the best grade." The fine wine is almost 10,000 jins, and the remaining 20,000 jins are divided into 38.8 million yuan based on the current price.”

"Ah, Uncle Wu hadn't purchased the equipment when I got married. When did the wine-making production increase?" Gu Hongyu was overwhelmed by what happened in a short period of time.

"Do you still think the brewing equipment has such high technical content? With Wu Ge's brewing technology, it only takes two or three days to purchase, install and adjust the equipment. The money divided is in addition to the amount of installing the equipment, otherwise it will be necessary A little more." Dad explained with a smile.

The mother also said happily: "Xiaoyu, you have such good vision. You invited the fifth brother of Aza Party Secretary to Honghu Village. He is a wine-maker. There is nothing to say about him. The one you invited back is just a man who lays golden eggs." Where’s the chicken?”

"You old woman. Is there such a metaphor for people? Xiaoyu's vision is much better than ours, but let me tell you that the fifth brother also relied on our Xiaoyu to embark on the road of getting rich. Think about it if you haven't met Xiaoyu. Why hasn't Qian's brewery near Qing Town become popular? "My father is now very protective of Gu Hongyu's face, and now he dares to talk back in front of his mother.

Gu Hongyu was very pleased to see the two people quarreling now. The atmosphere at home was much better than before. Although his parents treated each other with respect before, their expressions and hearts were far less relaxed and comfortable than they are now. This was really what he wanted to see.

"Mom and Dad, please stop discussing this issue and tell us about the benefits of other projects!"

"Yes, yes. Let's get down to business. Let's go on to say that besides the above two items, the most profitable thing is vegetables."

The father paused for a moment and took a sip of tea and continued: "Our family actually knows the income from vegetables in the past. This month it has not increased but dropped to only 33.67 million yuan. Everyone knows the reason for the decrease. Xiao Yu used a lot of vegetables in the vegetable greenhouse during the three days of her wedding. Afterwards, the villagers who managed the greenhouse calculated that the vegetable consumption was more than ten tons. "

"Because of this, I heard that Xiao Lin almost ran out of vegetables in Xiangjiang, and the owners and managers of many big hotels came to him to complain!" Mother added on the side.

Mei's mother also echoed: "If more than ten tons of vegetables were consumed in other places in three days, I would definitely not believe it, but I believe in the vegetables grown by Xiaoyu. Who would not miss this kind of vegetables once they have eaten it?" I think vegetables of this quality and taste are worth the money.”

This was a bit full of words, but no one refuted anything. The quality of these vegetables is indeed something that people will miss after eating it once. Gu Hongyu did not dwell on this matter and continued to ask: "What project is more profitable after the vegetables?" ?”

"Next is the military fan club. Although Xiaoyu only occupies 30% of the entire project, due to the large number of tourists in this club, people spend a lot of money in it. With the simulation Several live action scenes in deserts and grasslands have been put into use, and our revenue this month has reached 27.2 million.”

"The difference in the income of the remaining projects is not very big, such as Folk Street, Ma'aozi Village, Haojiawan Village...these projects only have a few million in income, but in the next few months they will The growth rate should be relatively large, and the income will further increase.”

"Finally, the wildlife protection center, ancient city ruins, folk street hotel projects, etc. are still under preparation. There is basically no income and a lot of expenses. This time when you come back, the county leaders and town leaders will definitely come back to you. They are preparing to bring Honghu Lake to China." The one on the side was inspired to develop.”

"Anyway, during this period, my family's income totaled 16 to 70 million, and the construction expenses exceeded 150 million. Moreover, all of this money was kept in cash at home, in your room. What should I do with it? It's not our responsibility." After explaining this, the fathers finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Hongyu took the notebook and looked at it. The records in the notebook were very detailed, which showed that his parents had really put in a lot of effort. Gu Hongyu was deeply moved. When he was about to say something, the doorbell rang outside the villa. (To be continued...)

ps: Thank you to 20150801-02 book friends for the past two days, "Emperor Queen Earth King", "Xia Family Dynasty", "0 Nianxiang Yiduo", "Light Rain Sihan" for their rewards and support, thank you "Xiao Feng Xi Lai", "Midnight Shepherdess", "The God of Painting is Always Beautiful", "The Young Master of the Li Family", "Desert‰Lone Wolf", "0拈香一花0", "lovejun", "Loulan Ancient Sword" monthly ticket support, thank you " "Ai Shao Shao" gives away free chapters! r1292


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