Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 403: Stay Away from the Ground

After three games, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon before he knew it. Looking at the time displayed on his watch, Gu Hongyu really couldn't believe it. The happy time always felt too short, and he still had a little fun. I’m still not finished!

"Are you coming again?" Everyone sat around on the grass. Except for Gu Hongyu himself, everyone was covered in sweat.

"Come on..., I don't want to be tortured by you again!" Sun Bo, who has always been an opponent, waved his hands in opposition.

"I am physically and mentally exhausted now. How comfortable would it be to have a glass of iced watermelon juice?"

"Hey, that's right. On such a hot day like this, I think our club can do better. Direct services will be in place. In the future, we will set up some convenience stores at the exits of each venue. Isn't this very convenient for guests who come to visit! "

"Well, it's easy to do this. Just leave it to me!" Isn't it just a matter of adding a few sales points? Make a few simple prefabricated houses and place them at the entrance and exit, and add some products suitable for this place.

"Okay, let's go back. I don't think everyone is in the mood today..."

Before Chen Luofeng finished speaking, Liang Qinghui interrupted: "We are not interested anymore, but this does not include Hongyu. This guy must still be thinking about how to torture us now!"

"Hongyu, tell me what else you don't know how to do. Last time you were lubricated on the ice, you shocked the world. Now your shooting skills are better than those of latecomers. Can we still have fun..."

"That's right, after this period of time, have you noticed that although Hongyu has never played many things, he can pick it up very quickly. He is really a genius. Damn, if he had been discovered earlier. Maybe in what field? They are all awesome people.”


"I'm telling you, brothers, please don't praise me to death. You must know that the higher you praise me, the more painful the fall will be. I am not as talented as you think. Otherwise, why would I come here to farm? I am almost desperate!" Gu Hongyu can be self-aware. All of this is due to the fragments of the fairy source, otherwise he would not know any fairy magic now, and he can also refine medicine, make talismans, and grow top-quality vegetables and fruits.

At this point, Sun Chao suddenly said: "Hongyu hasn't seen the gift we gave you during this time, has he?"

"Yes, this guy went on a trip as soon as he got married. He definitely didn't see the treasure we gave him!" Chen Ming also said.

Soon everyone realized that the thing these two people were talking about was the helicopter that everyone collectively gave to Gu Hongyu on his wedding day.

Just when Gu Hongyu was scratching his head in embarrassment, Liang Qinghui got excited and said, "Let's go back to the village right now. I'll fly out for a walk later. This Hongyu will definitely not do it. I'll be your master." Teach you."

The helicopter given to Gu Hongyu has been stored in the steel shed where the banquet was held at the last wedding. Now that steel shed is specially used as a place for villagers to hold various weddings and weddings or for entertainment and leisure. As a result, that place has become a place for many tourists or A place for villagers to exercise.

Originally, there was a very wide space in Hongfu Community, but the villagers who got up early in the morning to exercise would affect other people's rest. Besides, many tourists here spontaneously danced in the square. The villagers who have gradually become rich are also learning from the same thing, not to mention that it also promotes exchanges between villagers and tourists. Many tourists and villagers have put forward a lot of good suggestions, which has allowed the villagers to develop very quickly in terms of services and diversity. This is what Gu Hongyu hopes to see.

Everyone changed out of the military fan club and came under the huge steel shed. The sun had not yet set, exerting its last heat of the day. It was already very lively under the greenhouse at this moment, with people walking birds, playing chess, drinking tea, and setting up dragon gate formations everywhere.

Even the old men of Chen Luofeng and the others were among them, wondering what exciting things they were telling about. They were surrounded by people, including tourists and villagers. Listening attentively, many people did not notice the arrival of Gu Hongyu and his group.

Seeing this, Gu Hongyu did not disturb these people and came to the place where the helicopter was parked quietly. There were some children chasing and playing around the helicopter, and some tourists stopped in front of the helicopter to take pictures.

In a short time, this helicopter almost became a sight in Honghu Village.

Liang Qinghui waited unceremoniously on the helicopter and immediately howled: "Hongyu, although this helicopter was eliminated from the army, its performance in all aspects is quite well maintained. You can see that the surface of the aircraft is now It’s covered in dust, and I now suspect that the plane was secretly shot by Mingzhu!”

"Come on, let's release the brake pads quickly and let's push the plane out of the steel frame greenhouse. Now I have free time to play around with it. When the work is over in two days, I will hire a trainer to come over and teach me. At worst, I will have to repair it specially. An aircraft hangar," Gu Hongyu said jokingly.

Unexpectedly, Gu Lin nodded and agreed: "Hongyu, it is still necessary to build an aircraft hangar. You will find Qinghui's grandfather later. He has many recovered pilots. In the future, you will have people who are qualified to maintain and drive the aircraft." It’s over!”

"Stop talking, now let me enjoy my addiction to flying airplanes." Liang Qinghui said urgently at the airport.

While Gu Hongyu and the others were handling the plane, many other people were paying attention. Seeing the plane slowly sliding toward the outside of the steel shed, some people also followed and gathered around.

Seeing that strangeness is the nature of Chinese people, in less than a moment, the open space outside the steel shed was filled with people.

"Hongyu, get on the plane. This time I'll take you to get familiar with the feeling of being on the plane." The helicopter blades have begun to rotate. At this time, Liang Qinghui opened the hatch and said loudly to Gu Hongyu who was standing on the ground.

With a strange feeling, Gu Hongyu climbed onto the plane swiftly. The sound of the rotating blades on the top of the headphone was immediately much smaller. At this time, Liang Qinghui's voice came from the headset: "The plane has enough fuel. Hold on to the handrails. The plane is starting!"

Following Liang Qinghui's voice, the helicopter slowly left the ground. Looking at the many tourists on the ground taking pictures of them, it really gave people an unusual feeling.

"Where are you going to fly to?" Liang Qinghui's voice came from the headset again.

Gu Hongyu thought for a moment and said, "Go to the direction of Honghu Lake, then cross Honghu Lake to the wildlife reserve."


With a beautiful turn, the helicopter flew towards Honghu Lake with a roar. At this moment, the plane was a distance from the ground, and the figures on the ground began to get smaller. The buildings of the entire Honghu Village were in full view. Honghu Lake was a blue expanse. On one side was the stone mountain, which is now the military fan club, on the other side was the swamp wildlife reserve, on one side was now a huge orchard, and on the other side was the built village community and folk pedestrian street.

And farther outside the village was a sandstorm... (To be continued...)i1292


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