Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 416 A professional pilot has arrived

The morning sun shines into the windowsill, and the rays of light shine on the wide bed in the room.

Gu Hongyu gently hangs two wind chimes made of green crystal fruit on the window frame, then turns around and quietly watches Mei Ning's lazy sleeping posture.

As a woman who has just become pregnant, Mei Ning is served very well by her mothers on both sides. She cannot sit or stand here, and she has basically no autonomy in eating and drinking. Sometimes Gu Hongyu is very anxious for her in his heart. Who set so many rules for pregnant women, making Mei Ning's life painful and happy now?

Mei Ning, whose body has gradually gained weight, is still so beautiful in Gu Hongyu's eyes. She used to be petite and delicate, but now her figure is like a mountain with ups and downs, and she is big where she should be big and curvy where she should be curvy. Thinking of the time when he just brought Mei Ning home, his mother once told Gu Hongyu that Mei Ning was a woman who was easy to give birth to. Or is it that people who have experienced these things understand these things? Mei Ning is really like this?

Looking at the beautiful face, Gu Hongyu gently stroked Mei Ning's cheek with his big hand and smoothed her messy hair. This is the woman who has been with him all his life, and this is the mother who is about to give birth to his child. As a woman, she has worked hard in many aspects.

Perhaps she felt that something disturbed her sleep. Mei Ning, who was sleeping, grasped Gu Hongyu's palm and held him tightly under her head, then turned over and continued to sleep.

Are pregnant women sleepy?

Gu Hongyu didn't understand it before, but now he believes it a lot when he sees Mei Ning's appearance.

Thinking of this, he used the fairy method to travel around Mei Ning's body. Although he had never learned medical skills, Gu Hongyu concluded that she was very healthy just by the vigorous blood around Mei Ning, and even the baby in his belly was growing continuously.

It seems that he should find some medical books to learn by himself, so that he can control Mei Ning's physical condition at any time, so that he can really feel at ease.

"Brother Yu, when did you come?" Mei Ning opened her hazy eyes at some point. Seeing Gu Hongyu's eyes narrowed and smiled, he asked.

Gu Hongyu responded with a bright smile: "I just arrived, and I saw that you were sleeping soundly, so I didn't wake you up."

Mei Ning sat up from the bed and looked at the sunlight outside and shouted: "Oh no, did I oversleep? It's very late now, right?"

"Who said that? It's summer now and the sky gets bright early. It's not even 7 o'clock yet, and you should rest more now, right?" Gu Hongyu said with a smile.

Mei Ning pouted when she heard this: "Brother Yu, even you laugh at me. I'm at home all day long, and I'm almost sick..."

"Haha, it's because your parents love you so much, and I can't enjoy this treatment." Gu Hongyu teased and then said: "The doctor said that you have to take good care of the fetus in the early stage of pregnancy. The elderly on both sides of the family are waiting to hold their grandchildren. You have to hold on for a month or two. After this period of time, I will talk to the doctor and let you walk around the village."

Mei Ning kissed Gu Hongyu sweetly on the face, and her hands were wrapped around his neck: "Brother Yu is still the best to me..."

"Okay, since you're awake, get up and go downstairs to eat!" Gu Hongyu scratched Mei Ning's little nose, turned around and handed her clothes.

At this moment, the breeze was caressing the windowsill, and the two wind chimes made of green crystal fruits collided and made a "dong dong" sound. Mei Ning, who was getting dressed, was attracted by the sound of the wind chimes. She turned around and said in surprise: "Brother Yu. Is this a gift you gave me?"

"Well, this is a very magical wind chime. The sound it makes will not only not affect your sleep, but will make you sleep better and more relaxed. I believe it is beneficial to your current situation. I got one for you. Try it and keep it if it works well."

"Thank you, Brother Yu..."

As a result, Gu Hongyu's face was kissed again.

After going downstairs, Mei Ning began to be asked about her mother's well-being. Gu Hongyu found an excuse to do morning exercises and ran away, but still caused his mother to mutter: "Why run every day? Back then, people couldn't even make a living in our era, so how could we have the energy to run around..."

It's a pity that the mother didn't understand that society is different in the development era.

Maybe their generation understands it in their hearts. However, after a lifetime of frugality, the way of life and habits are still preserved. Many things are traditional virtues that should be inherited, but many are no longer suitable for modern society, and people should resolutely abandon them.

Just after breakfast, Liang Qinghui actually ran to Honghu Village.

This time, he came with a sturdy man in his early thirties. When he saw Gu Hongyu, Liang Qinghui said enthusiastically: "Hongyu, meet this helicopter pilot you asked me to find for you. When I'm not around, he will be responsible for teaching you how to fly a helicopter."

"Brother Liang, with your level, you can't catch up with this big brother even if you practice for a few more years!" Gu Hongyu chuckled and said, "What's your name, big brother?"

"Haha, I forgot to introduce myself. This is my comrade-in-arms and buddy Sun Fei..."

"Hello, Brother Sun, my name is Gu Hongyu, you can call me Xiao Gu or Hongyu." Before Liang Qinghui introduced himself, Gu Hongyu introduced himself in time.

With Liang Qinghui around, Gu Hongyu and Sun Fei quickly became familiar with each other. Sun Fei was a pilot in the army, but was forced to demobilize due to a flying accident. Gu Hongyu did not ask about the hidden story, but Liang Qinghui patted his chest and guaranteed that Sun Fei's driving skills were awesome.

The helicopter quickly moved out from under the steel shed, and several people boarded the plane. This time, Sun Fei was operating with his fingers pressing the buttons on the instrument panel quickly. Gu Hongyu observed that he almost didn't use his eyes to check. How familiar must he be with this type of aircraft to do this!

Seeing this, Liang Qinghui began to brag again: "Hongyu, I'm not bragging to you. Brother Sun is among the best in the army in both simulated flight and actual operation. Not only helicopters, Brother Sun is a fighter jet pilot. It's a concession to come to you. You are a super boss now, so you can't treat him badly!"

"From what you said, it's as if I'm a big stingy old man. Don't worry, Brother Sun's future job is to patrol the wildlife reserve and fly over the village. Now the main thing is to prevent poaching in the wildlife reserve, and then the public security of Honghu Village..." said Gu Hongyu.

"As for the salary, it is currently set at 10,000 per month, plus some bonuses. What do you think, Brother Sun?"

"Boss Gu, isn't this too much? I'll be satisfied with a salary of 5,000 yuan!" Sun Fei, who was flying the plane, changed his expression when he heard the salary offered by Gu Hongyu.

"How can there be an employee who actively asks for a basic salary? Brother Sun, since you are here and will need some time, you might as well ask about the salaries of other employees. Don't say that my salary is too low then." Gu Hongyu interrupted him.

After a short time together, Gu Hongyu could see that Sun Fei was a man of few words. When he heard Gu Hongyu's words again, he did not refuse and responded, "Thank you, Boss Gu..."


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