Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 419 Defeat the Wolves?

Today’s update is a 4,000-word chapter!


Soon, without Liang Qinghui's guidance, Gu Hongyu and Sun Fei also discovered the movements of the wild horses.

The ground below the helicopter is already a desert area, and the smoke and dust caused by the running and trampling of the wild horses are becoming more and more obvious. No one can ignore it when looking down from a high altitude.

However, not long after their observation, Gu Hongyu discovered a strange phenomenon. The group of wild horses seemed to be running in a circle. The smoke and dust raised not only obscured the situation inside the large circle, but also the area close to the wild horses. Yu couldn't see clearly either.

"It's weird, why are these wild horses always circling down there... It's so wrong!" Not only Gu Hongyu, but also Liang Qinghui quickly discovered this situation.

Because Gu Hongyu was flying a helicopter, he was definitely not as careful as Liang Qinghui and Sun Fei in observing the situation of the wild horses. Liang Qinghui finished speaking, and Sun Fei immediately revealed the answer: "Wolves..., such a big group of wolves..., they Stop the wild horses!"

Following Sun Fei's direction, Gu Hongyu did see traces of a few wolves, but then he discovered that there were still a few wolves lurking in the grass, and there were at least twenty or thirty others not far behind them. The pack is approaching.

"Made, these wild horses were targeted by wolves, this is so fucked up!" Liang Qinghui slapped his thigh hard and said regretfully.

Gu Hongyu also felt strange and said while flying the plane: "How could the horses block the way of the wolves in this plain? It's really puzzling."

"Hongyu, hurry up and drive the helicopter over to scare the wolves away. These wild horses are very rare. Killing one of them to a wolf will be a loss to the reserve!" Liang Qinghui's careless mind suddenly came up with an idea.

Gu Hongyu had no objection, and the helicopter immediately flew towards the wild horses according to Liang Qinghui's advice. However, he still sighed and said: "Brother Liang, your behavior this time is not like your usual style. When did you start to be compassionate?"

"Damn, I have always been a Bodhisattva!" Liang Qinghui retorted casually and continued: "Originally speaking, we should all abide by the laws of nature. Grass-eating animals are originally food for carnivores, but my aunt is a wild animal. Conservation expert. Every time I go to her place, I get a little bit of inspiration. If she hears that there are wild horses here, she will definitely come here. If she hears that we didn’t save the wild horses, she won’t stop nagging him!”

"Haha, it turns out that this is the reason, well, look at me, these wolf cubs don't have to think about this delicious meal today..."

The helicopter flew quickly towards the wild horses, and the height from the ground was no more than ten meters. The loud noise made by the aircraft indeed restrained the wolves' attack. But at the same time, it frightened the wild horses. A group of wild horses snored uneasily and still surrounded a circle. There seemed to be something in the middle that was protected by them.

"Hongyu, haha, what did you say I saw..." Liang Qinghui suddenly exclaimed again.

"Don't talk in circles. If you have anything to say, please tell me!" Liang Qinghui occupied the best observation position alone. Listening to his words, Gu Hongyu wanted to beat him up.

"There is also a wild horse in the middle of the wild horse herd, but this wild horse is half lying on the ground. It was not bitten by a wolf, right? They are really united to protect their companions..."

"I don't think so!" At this moment, the smoke and dust caused by the wild horses were blown away by the helicopter propeller blades. Gu Hongyu also clearly saw the situation among the wild horses.

"A female wild horse is giving birth right now. Didn't you see a little one behind the wild horse lying in the middle? It seems that the wolves may have been attracted by the blood of the wild horse giving birth."

"Hey, it's true. Hongyu has sharp eyes. It turns out that the horses are protecting the mare after giving birth!"

"What should I do? The wolves not far away haven't left yet, and they seem to be fighting with these wild horses." Fei also said worriedly.

Everyone sympathizes with the weak, and the wild horses are a globally endangered species. Gu Hongyu doesn't mind making an exception to save them. After making up his mind, Gu Hongyu turned back to Liang Qinghui and said, "Qinghui. What do you think we should do now?"

"The helicopter continues to descend. Although the wild horses are afraid of us, they will definitely not leave for the sake of the mare giving birth. Our most important thing now is to drive away the wolves." Liang Qinghui analyzed.

The attention was good. After Gu Hongyu heard this, the helicopter descended again and slowly approached the wolves.

Maybe this wolf pack is the same one he met last time when he was hunting. Gu Hongyu was surprised to find that the wolves acted in perfect harmony. Each wolf stood as if in a marching formation, facing the helicopter. Although they retreated a certain distance when they got closer, that was all. Some of the wolves still looked fiercely and bared their teeth at the "big monster" called the helicopter.

"It would be great if the weapons on this helicopter were not removed, and these wolves wouldn't run away after a few 'chut's." Fei sighed.

"Brother Liang, is there anything else I can do? It's not okay to keep doing this. The plane is running out of fuel. We have to drive back later!" Gu Hongyu, who was driving, really had no time to come up with any ideas.

Liang Qianhuo scratched his head: "Hongyu, I'm just a big boss. I can't find any other way now. How about we park the plane between the wild horses and the wolves? Even if the wolves want to trouble us, they can't." Nothing can be done."

"Let's do this first..."

The helicopter slowly landed in the open space after the wolves had withdrawn. Fortunately, the terrain here was flat, and Gu Hongyu, a novice, landed smoothly.

Without the buzzing sound emitted by the helicopter, the plane did not pose a further threat to the wolves. The wolf is a cunning animal. When Gu Hongyu was observing the wild horses, he did not know which wolf made a cry. All the wolves began to slowly move towards the wild horses again.

Fei, who had been paying attention to the wolves, discovered this situation and immediately shouted: "Gubo, those wolves have taken action, what should we do next?"

"Damn it, these wolves are so cunning, they really think we can't deal with you!" Liang Qinghui slapped the armchair hard.

The wolves slowly approached the helicopter. In their opinion, the helicopter could not pose a threat to them. The leading wolf actually jumped up and planned to harm the people on the plane. However, the plane did not open the door and the wolves could do nothing.

Gu Hongyu, who had been silent for this period, suddenly said: "There must be a wolf king among the wolves. From now on, you should search carefully. As long as you can deal with the wolf king, there is nothing to fear from the other wolves."

"But what do we have to deal with them now? There are twenty or thirty wolves. We can't get off the plane and fight them with our bare hands!" Liang Qinghui said depressedly.

"Tch, if you want to go down and die, don't drag me and Brother Sun along." Gu Hongyu said with a smile: "Actually, it's not impossible. Look behind the cabin, maybe you can find someone useful."

"Haha. Don't tell me. I remembered that there was really a guy on this helicopter." Liang Qinghui suddenly became happy. Now this helicopter is their gift to Gu Hongyu, but except when Gu Hongyu gets married, After riding for a while, the helicopter was idle for the rest of the time.

Liang Qinghui still clearly remembered that the helicopter came with a lot of repair tools, because it was a second-hand product. No one knew when the aircraft would break down. Could it be that even a small problem would have to be sent to the military area for repair. This or that, giving gifts is nothing more than giving away burdens. Chen Luofeng and his gang would definitely not do this.

Finally, while rummaging through boxes and cabinets, Liang Qinghui actually found a shrinking iron rod about four to five meters long. Gu Hongyu took a closer look, wasn't this the prop that the cameraman used when he took aerial shots from the plane last time he got married? , why are you still on the plane now?

There are many other tools, but only a few steel drills more than 2 meters long can be used. Wrenches and hammers are of no use to the current situation.

Liang Qinghui has very strong hands-on skills. He connected all the shrinking iron rods. A sharp Swiss Army knife was added to the front end. At this moment, Gu Hongyu had to open the window of the plane a little to prevent the four-meter-long iron rod from having any room to turn in the cabin.

However, Liang Qinghui was not satisfied yet: "Hongyu, roll down the airplane windows quickly. With this weapon, I can see how rampant those wolves can be!"

Sun Fei also picked up a 2-meter-long steel drill and stood beside Liang Qinghui. It's equivalent to being his guardian. As long as a prairie wolf that slips through the net pounces on him, the two-meter-long steel drill can come in handy.

Gu Hongyu didn't make any extra moves. If Liang Qinghui and Sun Fei weren't around, things here would actually be very easy to handle. As long as the spiritual consciousness spreads a little, those wild wolves will not be discouraged and go back and forth.

At this moment, the vanguard of the wild wolves had already passed the helicopter and was about to approach the wild wolves again. Unexpectedly, Liang Qinghui's super long weapon came out. The 4-meter-long iron rod was light in Liang Qinghui's hands, and the Swiss Army knife was in the sun. Sparkling.

"Hmph..." Aiming at a wild wolf that was very close to the helicopter, Liang Qinghui stabbed it with a knife. The wild wolf immediately fell to the ground and let out a scream.

Liang Qinghui thought this was hunting and had no sympathy for wild wolves. This was his wildlife reserve. It seemed like he didn't listen at all when he asked them to find the alpha wolf just now.

Gu Hongyu slowly searched for the Wolf King, and there was definitely no one among the leading ones. The Wolf King would not try it personally, and the leading wolves were usually the old and weak among the pack.

The sight slowly shifted to the middle of the wolf pack, but there was still no one. The one in the middle was basically the main force of the wolf pack, and they were generally young and strong, and they were the fundamental strength of the wolf pack.

The last ones are usually some young wild wolves. They will improve their combat effectiveness and learn hunting skills by observing actual combat. Therefore, wolves are a very hierarchical group with a clear division of labor and some hunting strategies. .

Where would the wolf king be? Gu Hongyu looked around. According to common sense, the wolf king would usually be at the rear of the large army, and would also be not far from the cubs or the mother wolf.

These are the positions that Gu Hongyu focuses on.

But there were overgrown weeds in the desert, and the wolf was obviously very cunning, and he didn't know where he was hiding behind the bushes.

Liang Qinghui fought fiercely with Zhenghuan with simple weapons. He had already sneak-attacked two wild wolves with the "spear" bound with a Swiss Army knife, which made other wild wolves very wary and never dared to approach this area again.

At this moment, another cry came from the wolf pack. Apparently the wolf king gave another order. Many wild wolves bypassed the helicopter and attacked the wild horse.

The wild horses are not vegetarians, especially those that have survived in the wild. They are very aggressive. They watched the wolves rushing towards them without any fear or retreat. Led by a dark gray horse that is a circle larger than all the horses, the wild horses also screamed and raised their hooves towards the wolves.

The wolves' several sprints were unsuccessful. Although the wild horses blocked the wolves' attacks, one of the wild horses was bitten by the wolves on the front leg. The wound was bleeding. The only thing to be thankful for was that the wild horse's movement was not affected. The wound should be a skin injury, but it is hard to say if it has been a long time.

Gu Hongyu has been investigating the news of the wolf king and has also got results. That is, when the wolf king launched another attack, after careful search, the wolf king was behind a tree. The terrain there was slightly higher than the surrounding area. The wolf king could see the surrounding situation clearly standing behind the small tree.

He is worthy of being the king of a wolf pack!

With a sigh, Gu Hongyu slowly released his powerful consciousness, which was only aimed at the wolf king. He did not want to cause too much anomaly, and he had no intention of harming the wolf pack. In Gu Hongyu's view, as long as he could control the wolf king, this group of wild wolves was not worth mentioning.

Sure enough, under Gu Hongyu's powerful consciousness, the wolf king looked around in panic, with a hint of resistance and unwillingness in his consciousness, but who was Gu Hongyu? Even creatures with powerful consciousness in the space could be subdued. The wolf king was quickly defeated, trembling all over, and almost urinating.

Then Gu Hongyu conveyed the order to leave to the wolf king, so the wolf king howled again, and the wolf pack slowly evacuated the area without knowing why all the wild wolves were doing so. Even the two injured by Liang Qinghui ran away with their tails between their legs.

Orders are orders, and the wolf pack is a group that obeys the orders of their superiors very well.

Seeing the wolf pack retreating, Liang Qinghui laughed: "Damn, why did these wolves leave? I haven't had enough fun yet!"

"You haven't had enough fun yet, so be thankful. If these wild wolves continue to attack, do you think you can stop them?" This sentence was said by Sun Fei. Although the wolf pack could not pose a threat to them, he was also very disdainful to see Liang Qinghui's boundless arrogance.

"Anyway, with our intervention, the wolf pack finally withdrew. This is a fact!" Liang Qinghui was very thick-skinned.

Gu Hongyu smiled helplessly. At this time, arguing with Liang Qinghui was undoubtedly a scholar meeting a soldier. It was better not to entangle with him.

The wolf pack left, and Gu Hongyu turned his eyes to the wild horses. At this moment, the wild horses were still protecting the mare in the middle. Suddenly, a foal's tender cry sounded, and another foal was born in the wild horses.

ps: Thanks to the book friends "Xiaoyao? Wenqing", "Jiangqiu Yuhuo", "Huangtianhoutuzhiwang", "Lijiadashaoye", "Tianyikuangwei" for their rewards and support, thanks to "Feihushuchi" for the monthly ticket support, and thanks to "Midnight Shepherdess" for the free chapters.


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