Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 424 Anxious County Leaders

At around 9 o'clock in the morning, at the entrance of Honghu Village, there were loud gongs and drums, firecrackers, red flags, and crowds of people. The sun was hanging overhead and had begun to scorch the earth.

When Gu Hongyu heard that the TV station was coming, he was surprised at first, but nothing happened. Just come. The sensation caused by Honghu Village was shocking enough, and the appearance of wolves and wild horses in the protection group was at most icing on the cake.

When he thought that the TV station staff was coming, he would have to go through a lot again. Gu Hongyu really resisted the TV station reporters who were coming.

But Uncle Azha was different. When he heard that the TV station staff were coming, and the city TV station staff were coming, he immediately organized the young and old men in the village, and all the idle people could not escape.

In the evening, an emergency villager meeting was held. The main topic was to prepare for the city TV station. The content was roughly as follows:

First, the issue of personal dressing of all villagers in the village. Now that the weather is getting hotter, some villagers have begun to expose their breasts or other uncivilized images. All of these must be stopped. Uncle Azha said it firmly without any room for tact.

Second, bring out the traditional performances of the village. In fact, Honghu Village has nothing to show off. Now the conditions in the village are better. Uncle Azha took out some money to get some gongs and drums and locks, and organized some villagers who are interested in them to learn for a while. It seems that they will also show them tomorrow.

Third, each household in the village should seize the time to do a big cleaning, and the environmental sanitation near each household must be 360 ​​degrees in all directions without dead ends.

The rest of Uncle Azha actually brainwashed the villagers in advance. When facing many questions from reporters, he gave some agreed answers, and the villagers must answer according to these answers. Anyway, it is called unified thinking.

What are these? When Gu Hongyu learned about Uncle Azha's series of actions, he smiled helplessly. The first few points are still somewhat reliable, but the latter ones are simply nonsense. Now Honghu Village is at least a wealthy village within a radius of 100 miles. It's just that he doesn't do ideological education, and the villagers are still unsure. They know better than anyone what to say and what not to say. This is completely unnecessary.

No matter what, the villagers' welcoming team led by Uncle Azha really surprised the members of the TV station who came. What's more, several children came forward to give flowers. Uncle Azha's grandson Xiaohao was the one who was conscripted.

The city TV station came to Honghu Village with three cars, two business cars and one Audi.

Just when Uncle Azha moved several young employees who got off the business car, Gu Hongyu actually saw Deputy County Magistrate Gao get off the Audi car and stand aside waiting for another person in the Audi car. It doesn't take much to know who is in it.

"Secretary, County Magistrate Gao. Aren't the TV station here today? Why are you here too? Why didn't you tell us in advance? Are you planning a surprise attack?" The self-conscious Gu Hongyu still greeted them with a smile.

Seeing Gu Hongyu take the initiative to greet him, the county party secretary was very happy. With Gu Hongyu's current worth, the secretary of Shan County could basically ignore him, because Gu Hongyu has been highly concerned by the city and his main relationship is in the province. Even if the secretary of Shan County wanted to stop the project in Honghu Village, he didn't have the courage.

"Xiao Gu, the achievements of your Honghu Village are really shocking. The secretary and I have heard good news about Honghu Village every few days. This time we are just the front station. Later, the leaders in the city will come to you to inspect in person. I hope to promote the model of Honghu Village!" Deputy County Magistrate Gao also smiled.

Gu Hongyu said politely: "As long as I can help the government, I will definitely tell you everything I know..."

"Haha, look at Xiao Gu's awareness. Comrades like you are the advanced ones in our county!" The secretary walked out of the car and said with a smile.

"In that case, I am still far behind. It is under the leadership of the county leaders that I have achieved the current results. I have to continue to learn and improve..."

"Okay. Let's not be polite to each other here!" Deputy County Mayor Gao said: "Xiao Gu, let's go to your house!"

The city reporters and the county leaders temporarily split up. The county leaders mainly went to Honghu Village this time because they were shocked by the Honghu Village plan that Peng Minghao from the town passed to Shan County last time. They couldn't suppress the anxiety and excitement in their hearts. No matter who sat in their position, no one would easily throw away this great political achievement.

The reporters were fooled by Uncle Aza to visit all aspects of Honghu Village. The county party secretary and County Magistrate Gao came to Gu Hongyu's home and chatted about some family matters. Then they immediately changed the topic to the planning of Honghu Village to build the largest comprehensive outdoor sports and leisure center in the northwest.

"Xiao Gu, how come it's been almost five days since Qingzhen reported the new plan of Honghu Village to us?" At the signal of the county party secretary, County Magistrate Gao took a sip of tea and asked casually.

Gu Hongyu replied slowly: "Secretary, County Magistrate Gao, we have this plan, but if we want to implement it, we still have a lot of work to do in the early stage!"

"Is there anything else that needs to be prepared? Our county government will definitely agree to the request you mentioned to County Magistrate Gao last time. We will give the green light to all aspects that require the county's cooperation. Shan County is a small county, but our county's transportation and overall environment are still good. Your plan must have a bright future."

The secretary couldn't sit still. From Gu Hongyu's words, the planning period of this project must be long, but seeing that the county's election is about to begin, if the project has a clue and can officially start construction before the end of the year, he can use this platform to rise to prominence.

And if the project plan still has no whereabouts, the secretary may still work in Shan County for another term. Even if he finds connections to climb to the city, the position will not be satisfactory. Those are not the results the secretary wants to see.

This time he rushed to Honghu Village with a clear purpose, which is to hope that Gu Hongyu will start the planning of this project as soon as possible.

Knowing that Deputy County Magistrate Gao has a good relationship with Gu Hongyu, he also forced him to come here this time, which is equivalent to having one more lobbyist. It's really easy to calculate!

Seeing the secretary's urgent tone, Gu Hongyu didn't know how to answer for a moment. It was Deputy County Chief Gao who picked up the teapot and poured a cup for each person, smiling and saying, "Don't worry, we are here to visit you. Xiao Gu, think about it slowly and make sure to consider how to deal with it. You just need to know that our county absolutely supports your plan!"

ps: Thanks to book friends "Xuan Yu", "Huang Tian Hou Tu Zhi Wang", "Tian Yi Kuang Wei" for their rewards and support, and thanks to "Dang Yu Ming Yue" and "Li Xiao Gou" for their monthly ticket support!


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