Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 427: The Secret of Fishing Lake Fish

The interview lasted two hours without us noticing. With the post-editing, a 40-minute feature program is enough. However, in Xiaowen's heart, the closer Gu Hongyu got, the more mysterious he felt. He seemed to be surrounded by a fog, which always made people want to explore.

Gu Hongyu didn't know what the beautiful reporter Xiaowen was thinking. If he knew, he might feel happy, but he would rather avoid the trouble in front of him.

Before the program was finished, Gu Hongyu couldn't stand Xiaowen's sharp questions. Even though the temperature in the living room was very low, his back was almost wet with sweat.

"Boss Gu, let me ask you one last question. After you established the wildlife reserve, as far as I know, many of the former desert areas have been restored to lush grasslands. The species and number of animals have also increased significantly. Now we have discovered a population of wild horses. How did you do it?"

How to answer this question? Should I just tell Xiao Wen, who is still smiling, that I often irrigate the wasteland in the wildlife reserve with water resources, and add space spring water to it. What's more, the grass grown by the space spring water is more attractive to animals.

Gu Hongyu, who was having a headache, shook his head and answered casually: "Since we have established a wildlife reserve, of course we will take some measures, and planting grass in the desert is our main action. As for attracting various animals, with lush green grass on this barren land, they will inevitably come over, because we have not set up a fence on one side of the reserve, and lucky animals can always break into this paradise that belongs to them."

"Thank you, Boss Gu, for your wonderful and wise answer, and thank you for your cooperation. We will carefully select these clips after we go back. If it were me, I would put this interview on TV in its original form, so that more people can know Boss Gu. Know that you have built and transformed the remote village in the past year."

After the camera equipment was turned off, the beautiful girl Xiao Wen extended her hand to Gu Hongyu very friendly.

"Don't be polite, there are still many fun things around Honghu Village, and one morning is not enough. It's still early now, you can have fun!" Gu Hongyu said with a smile.

"Okay!" Xiaowen brushed his hair and answered very straightforwardly, but immediately changed the subject: "I hope next time. This time we have to go back and try to broadcast today's interview in a short time."

Gu Hongyu no longer blocked such righteous words. He also hoped that Honghu Village would become more and more well-known, so that more tourists would come to visit their construction in the future.

To expand the popularity, the promotion of the TV station has an incomparable advantage.

There are many things to show off, but the vegetables and fruits of Gu Hongyu's family have basically become a business card of Honghu Village. Each person has a basket and the members of the reporter column group of the city TV station are happily sent away.

Gu Hongyu is also happy, spending a small amount of money to do a big thing, that is to say, the current situation!

The TV reporters who came with excitement and returned happily left, and two business cars took the excited interview team away. Honghu Village was not affected. There were still many tourists in the village, and there were basically long queues at various scenic spots. Even so, it did not stop people's enthusiasm.

There are still too few amusement facilities at present, Gu Hongyu sighed in front of these tourists who came to give money.

It's time to speed up the construction of Honghu Village, and stop you from becoming a water town in your dreams and a fairyland in reality.

"Brother Yu, what are you still in a daze? People have gone a long way!" Mei Ning brought Meng Meng to the side of Gu Hongyu and said angrily.

Gu Hongyu didn't care: "Wait for the news to be broadcast. Honghu Village will usher in a peak period of tourists again. I'm so happy!"

"I don't think so. When you were interviewed, I saw you and the beautiful reporter talking and laughing and cooperating very well!" Mei Ning looked at Gu Hongyu fiercely and said.

"Xiao Ning, my wife, I only love you. Xiao Wen is just interviewing me. There is no extra relationship between us. Don't think too much." Gu Hongyu saw it. Mei Ning was jealous. This involved a matter of principle and had to be explained quickly.

"Huh..." After warning Gu Hongyu, Mei Ning proudly took Meng Meng and started to walk back.

I heard that married women become suspicious. Gu Hongyu didn't know much about it before, but now he knows it well.

However. It's still because my buddy is handsome and handsome, and girls like him... There's nothing I can do, Gu Hongyu thought complacently, and then quickly shook his head. This trend can't be allowed to continue. I can't even serve a queen at home!

When the hot summer sun gradually sets in the west, the heat in the sky is expelled, and Honghu Village becomes cool again. For a while, the chirping of insects and birds in the grass by the lake began again, and tourists took advantage of this time before it got dark to swim in this beautiful scenery.

Gu Hongyu was free and took a fishing rod to the lake next to Xianyuan Winery to fish. This place has long become a paradise for fishing enthusiasts, but people with poor fishing skills should not go there, because it is rare to catch a lake fish here without good skills. Even fishing masters have very little harvest in a day, and it is common to hit blank boards all day.

"Hey, Xiao Gu, why are you in the mood to come here today?" When Gu Hongyu arrived at the location, all the old men of Chen Luofeng's brothers were also fishing. They saw him and greeted him.

"All the old men are here, how was your harvest today?" Of these old men, Chen Luofeng's grandfather is actually quite good at fishing, while the others are just trying to make ends meet. There are two others who are studying, saying that they have to have fun when they are old.

"Xiao Gu, this Red Lake is really confusing. All the fish in the lake have become sperm. We have been here all afternoon and haven't caught a single fish. Do you think it's evil or not?" Liang Qinghui's question The old man also had a loud voice. It took Gu Hongyu several contacts with him to truly understand that Liang Qinghui's character was indeed inherited from his ancestors.

Gu Hongyu smiled: "Old men, this lake is full of really wild lake fish. Some fish have been growing for tens or hundreds of years. You said it is really possible for them to become sperms!"

Gu Hongyu did not deceive everyone. There are indeed many growing spiritual awakenings in the Red Lake, such as golden bricks and black snakes living in caves at the bottom of the lake. Even other lake fish have received fairy source fragments for a long time. The impact is much more vigilant than ordinary fish.

But no one believed what Gu Hongyu said. Mr. Peng Minghao raised his eyes and pretended to be angry and said: "Xiao Gu, you can't deceive us old guys. When you went fishing in the Red Lake at the end of last year, I listened to my Minghao. That’s right, it’s a big fish weighing over a thousand kilograms at a time!”

"There is definitely something weird here. None of us fishing have ever caught big fish, but this guy almost always catches big fish. I think Xiao Gu must have some secrets that he hasn't told us."

"This..." Gu Hongyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he immediately turned his head: "If I say luck, you won't believe it, so I'll tell you the truth. I ate secret bait last time I went fishing, otherwise I wouldn't be able to catch anything. Here comes the big fish!”

After he finished speaking, he deliberately lifted a plastic bag in his hand. Inside was some sorghum wine dregs he got at the Xianyuan Winery. The water used to make the wine was diluted space spring water, but even this wine dregs were good. The fish in the lake were naturally attracted, and now it suddenly became Gu Hongyu's excuse.


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