Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 443: Honghu Village Event (Part 2)

"come on!"

"Pull quickly..."

"Why is the team on the seventh track on the left so far behind?"

"Is this all teasing?"

"Everyone looks like five or six people, but this... is simply too horrible to look at!"


Because there were too many people, Chen Luofeng and his brothers were not included in the group that was supposed to compete. All those who came were replaced by the "little brothers" who fawned over them. However, without systematic training, these people also Everyone was fighting on their own. After the race started, the dragon boat not only failed to move quickly along the track, but also kept spinning at the starting point. ∑

"Holy shit, Boss Zhou, what should we do now?" Not only the audience on the shore were anxious, but a team member on the dragon boat was also very anxious.

The man called Boss Zhou is the mayor of Zhang City. He is standing on the bow of the boat playing drums. Hearing that the younger brother who was hanging out with him was anxious, he suddenly became angry: "Everyone, stop, you have never eaten pork." Haven't you ever seen a pig run away? Now that I see how other people row their boats, I immediately remember it!"

Without Chen Luofeng and his gang, these people would be less powerful than Boss Zhou, but a few of them still muttered in a low voice: "Fuck, we haven't trained even once. We wanted to hang out with Boss Chen and the others. At most, they just wave the flag and shout. Who would have thought of letting us compete? "

"Oh, it's easy for us people to get along with those big guys!"

"That's right, don't look at us yelling in front of other people, but compared to Master Chen and the others, we are nothing. You see, Master Chen and the others didn't take us seriously this time, and they didn't ask us to race the dragon boat in advance. Let us know!"


One person's words caused everyone to complain, and the same was true for Boss Zhou who was stuck in the bow of the boat. However, he did not dare to slander Chen Luofeng and the others in front of these people. The other people in the ship may not remember Master Chen, but as long as he said a few bad words about Master Chen, there is a chance that he would be determined by Chen Luofeng and the others, and nothing would happen in the future. Played with him.

Thinking of this, Master Zhou shouted: "What are you talking about? Do you see clearly? Now let's follow the rhythm of others and start paddling hard!"

They were far behind. Even though they made some final adjustments, they were still unfamiliar with dragon boats. They came in last place, and they were far behind others in just a short 200-meter track.

Amid the cheers from the audience, these young men rushed out of the crowd with red faces and dejected faces.

But fortunately, it was not Boss Zhou and his team that had this kind of situation happen today. Many netizen teams who signed up online also had this kind of situation happen to them. After some discussion, the audience was quickly attracted by the next game. .

until about 5:30 p.m. Many participating dragon boat teams have not competed, but as the sun sets in the west, time waits for no one!

As a last resort, Gu Hongyu discussed it with Uncle Aza and the referees of other competitions, and decided to postpone the final. Gu Hongyu prepared lighting equipment at night.

For others, this matter is troublesome, but for Gu Hongyu, it is a piece of cake. There are many searchlights in his fishing ground. There are also many wires, so find some villagers in the village who are watching. There were also many tourists who took the initiative to help, and soon they put up their headlights every ten meters, waiting for them to be used after nightfall.

When the sun completely sets below the horizon, the flaming clouds in the sky slowly lose their color, and the returning birds continue to fly back to their nests on the lake.

At this time, the competition has come to an end, and the preliminary rounds and group matches are almost complete. However, the number of tourists around the lake is still sparse and has not decreased at all. On the contrary, some tourists saw the dragon boat race in Honghu Village and called many relatives and friends.

The sky finally turned dark, searchlights illuminated the entire arena as if it were daytime, and the audience finally ushered in the final.

The game reached its climax at this moment. A total of twelve teams entered the finals, six netizen teams registered online, and four teams were composed of Honghu Village and surrounding village communities. One of them was actually the Qingzhen Dragon Boat Team represented by Peng Minghao, and the other one was actually It's funny. Chen Luofeng didn't know when he formed another dragon boat team. This team is all their own people, and there is also an unfamiliar face. It seems that they have practiced hard during this period, otherwise there will be no finals. their share.

"Get ready!" Shortly after the command was shouted over the radio, a "bang" sound was heard, and the gun sounded.

Twelve dragon boats flew out like arrows with the shouts of the audience. At first, the two netizen teams took the lead temporarily. However, for urban people, rural people have better physical strength. They were just halfway through the track and there was no full technical content. The villagers' team relied on brute force to catch up.

Peng Minghao and Chen Luofeng could only play soy sauce in the finals. They were on par with the dragon boat teams composed of several netizens. There were almost four or five teams on the track competing for the top three, while the rest were powerless. Damn it.

"Alas, the dragon boat team I support has no hope now, but the team in the second lane on the far right of the track is still awesome!"

"No, I heard that this team is the representative team of Honghu Village."

"How do you know so well?"

"Haha, I came here a few days ago. I have seen this group of people. They practiced in this lake two days ago. They are familiar with the venue!"

"There's nothing we can do about it. The weather is not as good as the right place. They occupy the right place!"

"Others are still stronger. Look at their arms, veins are bulging, and their muscles are so strong..."


The dragon boat team from Honghu Village rushed to the finish line with the cheers of everyone. The audience on the lakeside gave warm applause. The second place was won by a team of netizens. The members of this team are all young and strong youths. It is said that they are outdoor sports enthusiasts. However, they are not particularly familiar with dragon boat racing, otherwise they should have won the championship.

The third place was another rural team, but this team was composed of members from several villages, which was considered a ragtag army.

All those who entered the finals were rewarded, but the rewards for the top three were the most generous. Each member of the first-place dragon boat team received ten kilograms of special Xianyuan wine, 20 kilograms of various fruits, and 20 kilograms of various vegetables (fruits and vegetables can be selected according to personal preferences), and a consumption voucher for 50% off for consumption in any small store in Honghu Village for three days.

The second place winner will get 5 kg of premium Xianyuan wine, 15 catties of fruits and vegetables, and 30% off coupons for Honghu Village for three days. The third place winner will get 3 catties of Xianyuan wine, 10 kg of fruits and vegetables, and 20% off coupons for three days. The rewards for the 4th to 8th place are the same, but Xianyuan wine is gone. The rest are the same as the third place.

Don’t underestimate these things. Take Xianyuan wine for example. It is actually on the black market. The black market price of premium Xianyuan wine is more than 500 yuan. It is so expensive that people often sell it and it is directly bought. In addition, the delicious fruits and vegetables of Honghu Village are only available in Hongjiang, but the price of more than a thousand yuan is not something that ordinary people can taste.

No matter who they are, they are very satisfied with these rewards. Of course, there are also some who are not satisfied. They think the rewards are a little less!

ps: On the first day of September, I wish all book friends good luck in life and work in the new month! 09.01 Thank you book friends "The King of Heaven and Earth", "Qin Weijin", "0Nianxiang Yiduo0" for your reward support, and thank you "Midnight Shepherdess" for your monthly ticket support!

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