Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 45 The vegetable greenhouse is completed [Please recommend and collect]

(Thanks to '无无good points', '人一杰', '百金百', '0宁香一多0', '谢志秀' for their support, and ' sheep species' for three highly praised votes, thank you very much!)

In the following period of time, Gu Hongyu usually stayed in the space, which was full of spiritual energy, but the space did not expand the land area again.

Since Gu Hongyu received a lot of information from the stone tablet, he also knew that if the fragments of the Xianyuan space could not absorb natural spiritual energy, although the space would not leak spiritual energy, it did not have the function of automatically absorbing external energy, and could only be consumed by the creatures in the space and become ordinary things.

This is the only thing that Gu Hongyu is worried about at present, but fortunately, Gu Hongyu has not fully developed and utilized the space. He only planted about one acre of vegetables and dozens of expensive ginseng and a few orchids. Although there are many fish swimming in the pond now, Gu Hongyu will gradually clean it up when he has time. Before the space is upgraded or spiritual energy is absorbed, he will carefully maintain the existing spiritual energy of the space.

Many vegetables on the one-acre land are still growing vigorously. Tomatoes are as big as shot put. Gu Hongyu has to use all his strength to eat one. The same is true for other vegetables. Cucumbers look like loofahs, eggplants look like small winter melons, peppers look like umbrellas hanging upside down on branches, and beans look like sharp knives stuck on vines...

All of this comes from the gift of space to them. Gu Hongyu is 100% sure that the genes of these vegetables should be improved. He does not intend to take these things outside. He will pick them when the vegetables inside are ripe and can't be ripe anymore. In the future, the greenhouse vegetables outside will be cultivated from space vegetable seeds.

After ginseng did not receive Gu Hongyu's special hospitality, its growth slowed down a lot. Thinking of the time when he used "Qingmu Jue" and "Xuanshui Jue" on ginseng whenever he had the chance to promote their growth, he still remembered the feeling of exhaustion after exerting force, but it was also true that his skills had increased a lot.

Now ginseng only accepts the spiritual energy of this space, which still benefits them a lot. Gu Hongyu believes that even if he collects them immediately and takes them to Shi Lao's shop, he will regard this ginseng as wild ginseng from the past ten years.

Beyond the vegetable field and ginseng planting area, the fish in the small pond are not calm. Many of the wild fish that were first moved to the space have changed the most. They are the largest fish in the space. Not only have they bred many offspring, but they have also swallowed countless small fish, shrimps and crabs.

By the way, he caught two wild fish weighing about two kilograms in the pond, turned back and left the space, took some firewood by the wooden house, and flashed into the space again. He set up firewood by the pond and roasted the fish. Gu Hongyu had already stored a lot of seasonings in the space. In a short while, waves of rich fish fragrance filled the space. The two fish were naturally feasted by Gu Hongyu at a rapid speed, and they were so embarrassed!

After eating grilled fish, he went up the stream and reached the outlet of the gushing spring water. He leaned over and drank the spring water with the most spiritual energy. Only Gu Hongyu could enjoy that feeling!

Soon Gu Hongyu came to the stone tablet on the top of the hill again, sat cross-legged on a slightly flat stone and practiced the immortal family magic. According to the information conveyed to him by the stone tablet, Gu Hongyu's current level is only equivalent to the middle stage of the acquired stage.

The immortal method in the information tells about many cultivation methods of "Medicine King Hall". Each method can only be practiced to the acquired perfection at present, but it explains how to enter the innate stage. It seems that when Gu Hongyu reaches the innate stage, the seal in his mind will be unlocked again.

Among them, the five branches of the Five Elements Magic Formula have no direct connection with the degree of cultivation. Practicing the Five Elements Magic Formula well can only make Gu Hongyu feel close to the corresponding natural elements, and it also directly affects the power of the magic in the future. For those top immortal cultivators who received the information, the proficiency of practicing the Five Elements Magic Formula determines their strength.

If Gu Hongyu's talent was discovered in the world of immortal cultivators, it would definitely be amazing, because he has a good feeling with the elements of the five elements magic. A trip to the bottom of the lake made him grow rapidly in the practice of water magic. If he could give birth to ginseng again at this time, it would be much easier for Gu Hongyu to cast water magic.


Unconsciously, he woke up from meditation. It was already bright when he walked out of the space. He jumped into the lake to wash off the sweat produced during the practice. At this time, the sun had not yet emitted its scorching heat and the lake water was very cool, but these would not have any effect on Gu Hongyu. He had done this more than once or twice recently.

"Uncle Gu, Uncle Gu..." A child's cry came from the lakeshore. Gu Hongyu knew without thinking that the person was Xiao Hao.

Usually, this child was spoiled by him. This little guy was also very smart and sweet, and he was not as clingy as other children. Gu Hongyu wants whatever you give him, and when you don't give him anything, he will just smile at you, making Gu Hongyu think of this innocent child next time he buys something.

"Little guy, what are you yelling about so early? Is your grandfather looking for me again?" Gu Hongyu, who was wet, climbed up the platform built by the lake and asked with a smile.

Xiaohao looked at Gu Hongyu with his hands empty. He thought Gu Hongyu was catching fish again, but his dream was ruthlessly shattered.

"Uncle, the vegetable greenhouse will be completed this afternoon. My grandfather asked me to come and ask if the workers in your village can come to work tomorrow?"

Gu Hongyu was stunned: "The vegetable greenhouse will be completed this afternoon. Time flies in this world!"

These days he has been busy practicing immortal arts and messed up many things. A few days ago, Manager Liu who worked on the vegetable greenhouse and Manager Shi who worked on the irrigation system called him, but Gu Hongyu was immersed in the wonderful world of immortal arts and didn't care about these. He never thought that the first project of his life would be completed this afternoon.

Seeing Gu Hongyu in a daze, Xiao Hao was anxious: "Uncle, let's go over quickly, Grandpa and the others are still waiting for you!"

"Well, I'll put on a coat, you go back and tell your grandpa and the others that I'll be there soon!" Gu Hongyu immediately returned to the wooden house after speaking.


"Xiao Gu, do you think the villagers can come to your place to work tomorrow?" Aza Branch Secretary asked hurriedly when he saw Gu Hongyu coming from a distance.

Gu Hongyu smiled and said, "Uncle Azha, I didn't run away for this matter, why is it urgent? Just give me a call and it will be done soon?"

"This..., isn't this phone call quite expensive? Why don't you tell me whether the villagers can come to your place to work tomorrow?" Uncle Azha turned the topic to the issues that most people are concerned about.

Gu Hongyu thought for a while and said, "There is no problem here, but I have to go and see in the afternoon whether the vegetable greenhouse and irrigation equipment are installed, whether they can be used, and whether there are any omissions. These things can't be sloppy!"

"Yes, yes, yes, we will all help you check in the afternoon, just give us orders and do what you need us to do. All of us in the village will listen to your orders." This Azha branch secretary is really anxious.

Seeing that he was the one who would benefit in the end, Gu Hongyu simply waved his hand and said, "It's settled then. I'll arrange a few villagers to help me check the irrigation system this afternoon. As for the vegetable greenhouse, I'll also find a few people to check if there are any flaws. If not, we'll start digging the soil in the greenhouse tomorrow."


"Now those kids won't chase me around asking questions every day!"

"In the future, I can work next to my home. I never dared to think about this before!"


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