Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 450: Revisiting the old place with many emotions

Mr. Liang was saved. With simple medical equipment, professional doctors pulled him back from the brink of death. Super fast and stable novel update, this article is published by . . .

However, the attending doctor did not dare to take credit. While he was humble and gave Dr. Lin a good temporary treatment, he was also very puzzled in his heart, because Mr. Liang's condition was not as serious as Dr. Lin told them at the beginning. This made him wonder if Dr. Lin and his team exaggerated the condition. It was inevitable that some of the private doctors who followed the big shots were wronged.

This was a great injustice to Dr. Lin and his team, because Dr. Lin and his team were also puzzled, because the cases of people with acute cerebral thrombosis did not recover as quickly as Mr. Liang, and at least they needed to recuperate in bed for several months.

But the performance of Mr. Liang was that he was still fighting with the King of Hell on one day, and he could eat two bowls of porridge on the second day. On the third day, he was stubborn and wanted to walk on the ground. As a result, he walked steadily in front of everyone. If there was no gate blocking him, Mr. Liang would definitely go out for a walk.

In this way, a week passed. The doctors saw that Mr. Liang's recovery was beyond their imagination and never mentioned inviting him back to the provincial capital for treatment. Several other old men also came to visit Mr. Liang every day and were overjoyed to see his condition.

When many people were wondering about the rapid recovery of Mr. Liang, Liang Qinghui guessed the reason why his grandfather was like this. That was the bottle of "pure water" that Gu Hongyu gave him, which looked ordinary. In addition to the pulse diagnosis before, Liang Qinghui would think of this even if he was careless.

However, he did not express his gratitude to Gu Hongyu openly, but in his heart he thought that he would never do anything to hurt Gu Hongyu in his life. Gu Hongyu thus captured the sincerity of a brother, and their relationship was more real and close than that of others, even Chen Luofeng.

However, something that Gu Hongyu and a group of old men never expected happened. The news that Mr. Liang recovered rapidly from cerebral thrombosis spread like wildfire, and as a result, many old subordinates who had dealt with Mr. Chen or had been in the past called one after another.

The theme was very clear, that is, they thought that the environment of Honghu Village was good - it could support people, and they all wanted to find a place in Honghu Village to live out their lives.

This situation was initially spread only in the officialdom, and the more it spread, the more it became. In the end, those wealthy businessmen who had no loopholes rushed to Honghu Village for field investigation. They did not ask Mr. Chen, but the idea of ​​living here was still obvious.

Until one day, a wealthy businessman in the county found Gu Hongyu, and Gu Hongyu was happy when he saw him, because he knew this person. Gu Hongyu had saved their old man's life before!

"Boss Lin, long time no see, what brings you here?" The man was Lin Qingyou, who bought the first ginseng sold by Gu Hongyu.

Lin Qingyou used to be the richest man in Shan County, and his family was involved in all kinds of businesses. Now his business has developed to Zhang City and the provincial capital, which can be said to be soaring, and he is also a very important figure in the city.

Lin Qingyou has been busy with business development. He really hasn't paid attention to the news of Honghu Village for a long time. This time he went back to Shan County to visit his father Lin Tiangui. Last time, he relied on Gu Hongyu's ginseng to cure his father's illness. Now Lin Tiangui has been in good health.

However, the only thing that makes Lin Qingyou uneasy is that his mother died early. Now he and his son have been running around in other places for many years. It is a bit uneasy to let his father go out alone, and it is not a solution to let his father live in a mansion.

When Lin Qingyou talked about this with an old friend in Shan County, he couldn't help sighing. As a result, his friend suggested that he go to Honghu Village to take a look, and told Lin Qingyou about the rumor.

Thinking that Gu Hongyu, who saved his father's life, lived in Honghu Village, he was interested in it for a while. When Lin Qingyou came to Honghu Village, he was stunned by what he saw and heard.

The remote and backward Honghu Village has undergone earth-shaking changes in less than a year. The most important thing is that the green area here has increased a lot. Lawns, street trees, fantasy gardens, and more than 10,000 acres of orchards are rare scenery in the desert land of the northwest.

Without alarming anyone. Lin Qingyou walked around Honghu Village, and the result shocked him even more.

In addition to greening. Honghu Village already has many projects, such as the military fan club, folk pedestrian street..., fishing, diving, bird watching, enjoying the scenery along the lake, queuing to pick fruits, shopping on the pedestrian street, eating snacks, all these scenes look desolate and remote.

Tourists are leisurely in Honghu Village. The small village is not noisy because of the large number of tourists. Everything still looks so well-organized and well-coordinated.

Thinking of the suggestions his old friend gave him, Lin Qingyou was moved at this moment. Honghu Village is indeed a good place to cultivate one's character. If he invites his father here, he should be much happier.

Thinking of the promoter here, the young man who was still childish when he first came, Lin Qingyou's desire to meet him became even stronger.

When Gu Hongyu greeted him cordially, Lin Qingyou was stunned. Gu Hongyu had changed a lot in less than a year. First of all, in his understanding, Gu Hongyu had matured a lot. His whole body could not hide a kind of convincing affinity, but there was also a kind of majesty that people could not ignore. The mixture of several temperaments did not feel abrupt at all.

"Xiao Gu, I haven't seen you for more than half a year, you have changed a lot!" Lin Qingyou said the first sentence when they met.

Yes, anyone could have predicted what Gu Hongyu had experienced in the past year.

Practicing immortal arts gave him a kind of elegant temperament. Because he followed the way of nature, he looked more friendly. Majesty, which had been with officials for a long time, was slowly formed. This is why there was a mixture of contradictions.

"Haha!" Gu Hongyu chuckled twice: "Boss Lin is busy on weekdays. He must have something to do when he came to Honghu Village this time?"

There was no old relationship before. Lin Qingyou came here in a daze. Gu Hongyu simply came straight to the point.

Lin Qingyou responded with a smile: "Xiao Gu is still so straightforward. Yes, I came here to discuss something with you. I wonder if Brother Gu agrees?"

"Tell me..."

"Do you plan to build a senior apartment or a nursing home in Honghu Village?"

"What?" (To be continued)


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