Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 456 Investigation

Seeing the fierce questions and doubts from the villagers, a deep voice soon rang out: "Okay, the old man finally made a special trip here today. Are there any of you who treat guests like you?"

In fact, the sound was not loud, and was quickly covered up by other sounds, but suddenly many of the speakers stopped, and everyone familiar with the matter looked in the direction of the sound.

"Old Party Secretary, why did you come out?"

"Aren't you still recovering from your illness? It's too windy and sandy outside, so you'd better go back quickly!"

"Uncle Gan..."


A lean old man slowly walked out of the crowd. In Gu Hongyu's sight, this man's hair was almost all gray. His criss-crossed face looked like the bark of an old tree. He was leaning on a tree. His arms on crutches were trembling, and he was wearing a military uniform from an army that he didn't know decades ago. Although his clothes and pants were patched, they were clean. He gave the impression of a man who lived a difficult life but was arrogant in his heart.

"Brother Gan, I haven't seen you in a few years!" Just as Gu Hongyu was sizing him up, Uncle Aza greeted him affectionately.

Party Secretary Gan broke free from his crutches and was supported by the villagers next to him. He also walked towards Uncle Aza: "You haven't spared me for several months. In fact, the old men in our villages all have similar wishes. In the end, you are lucky. A God of Wealth descended from the sky. Master, your Honghu Village has changed in less than a year!”

"Stop talking like that, Brother Gan. Didn't you see that the God of Wealth is here today? Your village will get better soon. I can guarantee it!" Uncle Aza was a little excited. This has been the case for a long time. After seeing what was going on, he later heard someone say that Party Secretary Gan had attended a private school for a few days before liberation. Many people younger than him within ten miles of Qingzhen had studied under him.

Party Secretary Gan is weak. The condition is not terminal, but it is very difficult to cure a disease like bronchitis. Basically, it costs a lot of medical expenses every year. This relies on the connections he has established in the past. Many people who know how to be grateful come from time to time. He needs some help, otherwise he wouldn't be able to survive now at the age of Party Secretary Gan.

Although people are sick. The prestige of Party Secretary Gan in Guquan Village is unmatched. Over the years, many villagers have chosen him unanimously when electing village leaders.

When Gu Hongyu finished looking at Mr. Gan, the other party also stared at him with a pair of cloudy eyes, and said with emotion: "This is the old boss who changed Honghu Village. He is really young and promising, and his future is limitless! "

Gu Hongyu responded with a smile: "Old Party Secretary Gan, it's not as good as you said. Today we are here to disturb your Qing Xiu!"

Waving his trembling hands, Party Secretary Gan kept saying: "Don't bother... Don't bother, we are too late to welcome you!"

Then he said to Uncle Aza: "Let's all stop standing outside and go into the village. The situation in our village is actually clear at a glance. I wonder if the ancient board can change the current situation in the village?"

"Brother Gan, please be at ease. I had the same idea as you at the beginning, and you have seen the result. There are many things that I don't need to worry about at all. Now that I think about it, it's just like what you just said. Fortunately, our village has come What a shame!" Uncle Aza reassured Mr. Gan.

"That's good, that's good!"

Surrounded by a group of villagers, Mr. Gan, Uncle Aza, and Gu Hongyu walked at the front of the crowd, heading towards the innermost courtyard of the small village.

But before leaving, Gu Hongyu whispered a few words to Gan Yuanpei and threw the car keys into his hand. Soon Gan Yuanpei found a few men to follow him in the opposite direction.

Gu Hongyu followed Mr. Gan's instructions and entered a small courtyard. There are also a few rare trees in this village in this small courtyard. The same two banyan trees are growing in a much worse condition than the one at the entrance of the village. The leaves on many branches do not look green. What do you think of the yellow-green leaves? They all seemed malnourished.

"Xiao Gu. This is Brother Gan's home. Aren't you interested in the ancient well in Guquan Village? That well is in this small courtyard." At this time, Uncle Aza's explanation came to Gu Hongyu's ears. sounded.

It turned out to be like this, Gu Hongyu suddenly understood.

Looking around the small courtyard, Gu Hongyu's eyes soon locked on the ground between the two banyan trees. The reason why he didn't find it directly was because the well was no longer suitable for use and there was no one at the well platform. traces of action.

I came here just for this ancient spring well. Gu Hongyu apologized to everyone and walked towards the well.

When Gu Hongyu got closer, he realized that the well in front of him was really big. It had a wellhead made of a whole circle of bluestone. The middle part of the bluestone had been knocked off, and the circular wellhead was polished very smooth. , you can tell at a glance that it was used quite frequently in the past.

Not far from the mouth of the well, it is in a lower area, where a large pit is formed close to the courtyard wall. There are several strips of bluestone beside the pit. The tops of the bluestones are also polished very smooth. It is obvious that this puddle used to be Maybe a village communal laundry.

However, the water level in the pit was very low at the moment, and the water quality also showed a faint green color. At first glance, it looked like stagnant water that had not been touched for a long time.

Picking up the broken wooden ladle beside the well, Gu Hongyu scooped up a ladle of well water from the well. There was not much water in the ladle, but it was still green. There seemed to be some impurities floating in the water, which made people look at it. Absolutely disgusting.

"The water from this well was not like this before. I still remember when we were children, adults and children would scoop up the water from this well and drink a few big gulps when they were thirsty. The taste of the spring water was as sweet as honey. However, after I became an adult, the water was not so sweet at first. Later, there was this kind of dark green stuff in it. Experts also came here to investigate and test. I heard that this is a kind of algae. The change in water quality is due to the excessive reproduction of this algae."

"The experts explained the reason clearly, but they couldn't find a solution to our drinking water problem. In the end, it was left unresolved. This made hundreds of people in our village suffer." This incident was accompanied by the voice of Grandpa Gan, so his emotions kept fluctuating when he was telling the story. From the excitement of the sweetness of the ancient well to the depression after the spring water deteriorated, all of this was seen by Gu Hongyu.

In a harsh natural environment like the northwest, where there is no water resource, there are almost no villages. People rely on the mountains for food and the water for water for food. When there is no support or the support disappears, everyone faces the cruel nature directly, and the hope of survival becomes slim.

Just like nomadic people, in order to balance cattle, sheep and pastures, they have to migrate all year round...

But the Chinese who have settled down still have such a traditional concept, that is, it is difficult to leave their hometown.

The tricky thing for Gu Hongyu is how this well water is formed...

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