Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 47 Lin Yuantao's situation [Please recommend and collect]

(Thanks to ‘Changsun Yuzhe’, ‘Pistachio 2014’, and ‘chlkuei’ for their reward support, thank you!)

There were no bright lights in the small village, let alone dim lights. Living on the shore of Honghu Lake, Gu Hongyu sat quietly on the platform in front of the wooden house and looked at the empty and lonely lake. After a period of life away from the hustle and bustle, he gradually fell in love with this ordinary work and rest habit.

I bought the seeds in the evening and planted them in the fertile soil of the space. According to the growth rate of the vegetables in the space, it only takes two or three days for the seeds to sprout and grow into vegetable seedlings that can be transplanted.

It was also when he returned to the village that Uncle Aza, who had been supervising the work all day, explained to him the situation of the villagers working in the vegetable greenhouses for a day. The soil was turned over very quickly, mainly because the soil in the village was basically sandy. It only takes up to three days to clear all the land in the vegetable shed. At that time, Gu Hongyu can just take out the vegetable seedlings and transplant them into the greenhouse.

Gu Hongyu brought back a lot of daily necessities from his crazy purchase in the county today. Some conspicuous household appliances and objects can only be loaded into the bed of a pickup truck, such as a refrigerator, washing machine, color TV and a computer. He originally planned to pack them into the space and bring them back. It's very trouble-free, but if these things appear in the wooden house for no reason, it will arouse doubts in others if they are seen.

In order to have a hot bath at night, Gu Hongyu bought two gas bottles when he bought the water heater. Later, he even bought a set of stoves and several pots, so that he could cook in the wooden house in the future. The facilities are complete.

Grilling fish and drinking wine by the lake with the gentle breeze was a perfect life. Gu Hongyu had a special liking for it far more than any petty bourgeois sentiment.

It's not that Gu Hongyu just came back from the county town with a grill, so he declined Uncle Aza's invitation to have dinner with him. It wasn't very good, but the fish was produced in the space, and with various seasonings, it was really fragrant.

After a while, while waiting for the grilled fish to look golden, Gu Hongyu tried a piece of fish and tasted it. It was very good, so he quickly took a fish off the grill and devoured it.

After taking a sip of wine, Gu Hongyu shook his head. The white wine was still a bit bad. Then a thought popped into his mind, should he make some wine himself? What if the wine was brewed from the spring water in the space? It must taste unique!

At this time, the ringtone of the mobile phone beside me rang melodiously. I put down the grilled fish and wiped the corners of my greasy mouth. I looked at the incoming call on my mobile phone. Wasn't it Lin Yuantao's call? This kid and Shen Fengzhu went to Xiangjiang to live a happy life. I haven't contacted him for a while. , I don’t know why I called this time!

"Hey, Tao Zi, are you and Shen Fengzhu okay now? Can the company you founded together continue to work?"

Lin Yuantao's hearty laughter in the past was not heard on the other end of the phone. He could only hear him saying in a deep voice: "Well, we were so wild when we were in college. We always thought that we had received higher education and were better than those who dared to go to sea and make a lot of money without going to school for a day. People are much smarter, but now I realize that this is really wrong. It’s because we, the flowers growing in the greenhouse, cannot withstand the wind and rain of reality!”

"What's wrong? You're in such a pessimistic mood. Tell me!" Gu Hongyu was still very concerned about this little boy.

Lin Yuantao thought for a moment and sighed again: "I really don't know where to start. Didn't Fengzhu and I plan to start a business in the coast before we graduated from college? But we overestimated ourselves. Not to mention that we are not familiar with the place here, and there are no corresponding connections or channels for what we do. Let’s just do some agricultural and sideline products trading business. We have contacted the farmers, but the customers think that the quality of the agricultural products we provide is not good. Fengzhu and I are here We have checked the market and found that all companies that sell agricultural and sideline products are pretty much the same. Even though our prices were lowered, we were still being criticized. Not only did we not make any money, but we also lost tens of thousands of dollars. Alas... …”

"If it doesn't work out, just make another plan. You are indeed a bit hasty and think that there is money there and many people are stupid. It is true that you should go ashore as soon as possible before all the money is gone. Niu Ming's second brother's family is in the leather goods business." On the other hand, you can think about it!" Gu Hongyu paid attention to Lin Yuantao on the side.

Lin Yuantao is still stubborn at the moment: "Let's just pay the tuition now, but we will not give up here in Xiangjiang. If Fengzhu fails to start a business, he will go back and be coerced by his father to marry someone from the same family. I Whatever you say, you have to grit your teeth and persist!”

After hearing what Lin Yuantao said, it was not easy for Gu Hongyu to go against him, so he patiently advised: "But don't be anxious. Didn't Shen Fengzhu's father give her a year? It's only been less than 2 months now. Slowly When you come here, you must consider everything carefully and don’t rush for success.”

Gu Hongyu blushed a little when he said this, thinking that he decided to take root in Honghu Village before his head was overheated. He felt that it was very brotherly, but he didn't care whether such a place was suitable for the growth of vegetables, or whether it was suitable. His development, but fortunately, he still has space for immortality, otherwise he will regret it for the rest of his life.

"This time, I learned a lot from the experience. We will pay attention to it in the future. Alas, it would be great if we could sell vegetables like we did when we graduated from college. It would be great to earn thousands of dollars every day when the demand for vegetables exceeds supply!" Lin Yuantao's will was a little decadent, and he started sighing again before he said a few words.

Following Lin Yuantao's words, Gu Hongyu also recalled the time when he was selling vegetables. The vegetables produced in his space were distributed to Lin Yuantao and Peng Minghao at 500 kilograms a day, and he himself had 1,000 kilograms. This was the first pot of gold in his life. It’s coming!

Suddenly Gu Hongyu had an idea and said to Lin Yuantao with great joy: "Taozi, don't be downcast. I have thought of a wonderful way, but I have to wait for almost two months. As long as you get through this, Everything will be solved in a while!”

"Ah, please tell me what can solve our urgent need?" Lin Yuantao asked anxiously over there.

"Haha, didn't you just mention the situation when we were selling vegetables when we graduated from college? Now to tell you the truth, I am growing such vegetables in a large area. The yield has increased a lot and the quality is a little lower, but you can rest assured that even with this, the quality of the vegetables It’s much better than what’s on the market!” Gu Hongyu explained.

Hearing what Gu Hongyu said, Lin Yuantao couldn't restrain his emotions and shouted loudly on the other end of the phone: "Do you have any vegetable samples over there now? If so, mail some to me. I will hand them over to the customer for identification immediately. I I don’t believe that this vegetable has not yet been recognized by them. When the time comes, I will use this vegetable to guarantee that they will spit out more profits to me.”

It happens that there are hundreds of acres of land here to grow vegetables. Originally, Gu Hongyu had not planned to find sales so early, but this saves him a lot of time. He was so sleepy that he encountered a pillow, and it rained in time during the drought.

"In this way, I still have some of the vegetables I grew before, and I will keep them fresh and mail them to you. You can help me do various tests and appraisals on my vegetables over there. My brothers will not talk about other things. If vegetables are put on the market on a large scale, we can negotiate the share then," Gu Hongyu said clearly.

Lin Yuantao naturally believed in Gu Hongyu. As soon as he finished his sentence, he said categorically: "Okay, then hurry up and get me the vegetables. Go there tomorrow morning. I will tell Fengzhu the good news. Now she I won’t be sad anymore!”

Gu Hongyu wanted to say a few more words, but Lin Yuantao hung up on the other end of the phone. Gu Hongyu smiled bitterly. Now that he has a girlfriend, he doesn't care about his brothers for many years. He really said the second half of the sentence "to hurt his brothers." "A double-dip for a woman"!

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