Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 479 Another feature of Guquan Village

It was another clear sky, and the morning glow from the horizon in the distance made it clear at a glance.

In order to ensure everyone's safety and guard against the beasts that might appear in the desert at night, Gu Hongyu sat outside the tent all night, but he didn't feel tired at all.

Last night he fell into a wonderful state, using his fingers as swords to practice the first style of Qingfeng Sword Art, and the sword moves became more and more pure. After practicing the sword art and consuming the remaining spiritual energy in the dantian, the Qingling Art was also circulated for two weeks in a row, completing three small cycles, that is, a complete big cycle.

"Uncle, good morning!" Lele was tired from playing yesterday, and the child slept soundly, but he didn't expect to be the first one to get up in the morning.

Looking at the well-dressed Lele, Gu Hongyu gently touched her head: "Lele is so good, now you dress yourself, we will go back to the village later and wash your little cat face!"

"Lele's face is not stained, uncle is a big cat." The little girl has been more concerned about hygiene than boys since she was a child. Although she said so, she was busy looking for a mirror and even wiped it with a small towel after hearing Gu Hongyu say that she was a little cat.

Maybe the conversation between Gu Hongyu and Lele just now woke up the other people who were hungover, and soon the quiet wasteland became lively again.

"Hongyu, you got up so early!" Liang Qinghui looked at Gu Hongyu and yelled.

Gu Hongyu said unhappily: "What's the early? The sun is almost shining on my butt!"

"Haha, I didn't expect it to be so comfortable to sleep in a place without noise. We have to come more often in the future!" Liang Qinghui didn't care.

He was addicted, and Gu Hongyu was really helpless with this person.

According to the plan, everyone planned to have breakfast in Guquan Village. Not long after getting up, everyone quickly packed up the tent and some camping tools and put them in the car.

Before leaving, Gulin sighed: "Last night was too comfortable, Hongyu. We have to quickly build these places."

"That's right, it's a pity that Hongyu was here last night, otherwise we would have to sleep alone."

"By the way, this place is so desolate, there must be wild beasts or something, it's a good thing Hongyu is here, otherwise if something happens, wouldn't it be..."


Everyone recalled what happened last night and couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. Gu Hongyu was secretly happy. Now he knows the importance of himself. He couldn't help but feel happy because of the gratitude of these latecomers for his efforts last night.

Not long after, the group drove back to Guquan Village in a luxury car.

This time, Gan Yuanpei stopped him just as he walked to the banyan tree at the entrance of the village. Gan Yuanpei's bald head had grown hair, and his clothes were similar to before, but he no longer looked careless. Looking at Gu Hongyu, Gan Yuanpei still had a weak smile. But in Gu Hongyu's mind, he was much more stable and down-to-earth.

"Second brother Gan, are you here to welcome us today?" Gu Hongyu asked with a smile.

Unexpectedly, Gu Hongyu guessed it right. Gan Yuanpei smiled politely and said, "Last night, Uncle heard that you were going out to watch the stars and were going back to the village in the morning. He asked me to come and see if you were back. Today, he asked you to go to his house for breakfast!"

"This, old man, is really thoughtful!" Gu Hongyu didn't know what to say to the conscientious old man Gan.

I won't say anything else. If someone respects me one foot, I will return one foot. The biggest reward for the old man is to develop Guquan Village well. In fact, this is not inconsistent with the idea in his mind. The better the development here is, the higher the profit he will get. It is a win-win situation!

The fragrant broken rice porridge made from corn, with some plant seeds added to it, is somewhat like eight-treasure porridge. But the taste is very unique, with some game fried with spicy peppers and pickled mustard greens, Gu Hongyu drank 4 or 5 bowls of rice porridge with these dishes.

"Boss Gu, is this porridge okay?" Seeing Gu Hongyu and a group of people scrambling for rice porridge, the old secretary Gan smiled.

Patting his belly, Gu Hongyu said contentedly: "Grandpa Gan. Didn't you see that this porridge is very special? I think we can introduce this kind of rice porridge when there are tourists in the village in the future. It will definitely be popular!"

Grandpa Gan lies in the rocking chair most of the time. With the arrival of the construction team in the past two days, his complexion can be regarded as a new one. When he is in good spirits, he can even go out and walk around with a cane. It really fits the old saying that when you are born, you will be in good spirits.

Listening to Gu Hongyu's speech, Grandpa Gan smiled, but then the smile gradually dimmed: "When there was spring water in the village before, the things in the rice porridge were the treasures of our village. Now there are fewer and fewer such treasures. The spring water has been dry for decades. The land where those treasures were planted before is now hard and can't be cultivated!"

"Baby, what treasures are put in this porridge?" Gu Hongyu is very interested in the secrets of Guquan Village.

Not only him, but also Chen Luofeng and his group were attracted by what Grandpa Gan said. Liang Qinghui, who was hanging on the bottom of the pot just now, put down his bowl and chopsticks and urged: "Tell me, Grandpa, what treasures did you add to the rice porridge?"

"Hehe, there is a kind of black bean added to the rice porridge, but this kind of black bean is only available in our place. The black beans in other places are quite different from those grown here. About 30 years ago, our village still planted it. Because of the deterioration of the spring water, the experts sent to investigate the spring water studied the black beans here. They said that this thing is very helpful for replenishing the internal organs of the human body. When those experts left, they took away a lot of it!" Grandpa Gan fell into the memories of decades ago.

As he spoke and gestured, Gu Hongyu finally understood the details of the black beans he was talking about. The black beans were the size of an adult's thumb and looked similar to broad beans. However, not only was the shell of this black bean pure black, but the whole fruit was black inside and out.

The magical thing about this kind of black bean is that it can only grow in the place irrigated by the ancient spring in Guquan Village. As the spring water in Guquan Village deteriorated, the yield decreased from the beginning to the end. It was not until later that people carefully preserved the few black beans, hoping that one day the ancient spring would gush out again and the water quality would return to its original state.

Seeing the changes in the spring water, Mr. Gan started to let the villagers grow that kind of black beans again. A few days ago, they finally saw a batch of black beans begin to sprout. The successful germination of those black beans means the future harvest. He took out the last remaining black beans and made a pot of black bean porridge for Gu Hongyu and others to show his most sincere gratitude.

ps: Thanks to the book friend "Book Friend 150706125944655" for the reward support! Thanks to "maplecsu", "Loulan Ancient Sword", "Xingyao Jiangnan", "Qingkongli" for the monthly ticket support!

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