Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 486 Settlement

The blue sky, the green grassland, and the occasional bird flying overhead. Gu Hongyu was lying on his back in the grass on the top of a hill, with an unknown grass in his mouth, looking very leisurely and contented. . ~

The weather in Queensland is very good. This farm close to the Gold Coast is shrouded in bright sunshine almost all year round. Even in winter, the daytime temperature here is more than 20 degrees, and the air in the sky is very dry.

Looking at the surrounding green fields, Gu Hongyu was very satisfied with this place.

After taking over the farm, Gu Hongyu signed a cooperation agreement with Lawyer Stiller. If there are any problems with Gu Hongyu's farm in the future, he can go to Stiller's law firm for consultation or resolution. This also gave the second party Cousin they have great security.

Before it got dark that day, Gu Hongyu, led by his new employee Cook, went to a nearby town to purchase daily necessities. In addition to quilts and daily clothes, they also purchased a lot of fresh food. , there is no way, Gu Hongyu has to slowly straighten out the stall that Tony left to him, at least he has to make a few delicious meals to reward himself.

However, the nearby towns made Gu Hongyu very disappointed. In this town in China, let alone Honghu Village, even a surrounding small village has more people than it. However, the residents of this small town in Australia obviously live better than the villagers in China. Be more superior.

Generally speaking, the materials in the town are very simple, and there are not many kinds of clothes. Apart from the staple food of beef and mutton, there are not many kinds of seafood. The prices of these ingredients are not very expensive, but they are all frozen things. , Gu Hongyu has no interest in these things at all.

However, what made him even more depressed was that according to Cook, apart from this small town, Brisbane, the capital of Queensland, had the most abundant supplies. If I had known this, I would have asked Tony Hall to wait a little longer and do some shopping in Brisbane first.

It was only then that Gu Hongyu truly felt that Australia was indeed vast and sparsely populated. If Australia were to develop these places as the population grew, it would take hundreds of years. It turned out that they went to China to find wealthy businessmen to negotiate land. There are also a lot of reasons for buying and selling here.

In the end, Gu Hongyu had no choice but to buy a lot of beef and mutton and move them to the pickup truck. Fortunately, there are still several kinds of flour sold in the town, otherwise they would only have beef and mutton to accompany them for a while.

On the night of the first day, Gu Hongyu called together the seven employees who were still staying at the farm. Although they lived in the farm, they did not live in the three-story courtyard here, but in the small courtyard. On the other side of the mountain is a wooden house where tools are placed. On the edge of the wooden house is the stable, and on the far side are the cattle pen and the sheep pen.

Except for Cook, all the employees on the farm were poorly dressed, and there was no look of joy on their faces because of the new boss. Gu Hongyu still couldn't understand their thoughts, but he still planned to pay attention to win people's hearts.

The most powerful way is to increase their salary and improve their living environment. Fortunately, in the past, the payment of employee wages was entrusted to Stiller Law Firm. Gu Hongyu was shocked to learn that their previous salary was 3,000 Australian dollars. In Chinese currency, it would be close to 15,000. This salary is too high!

However, Stiller told Gu Hongyu on the phone that the salary of 3,000 Australian dollars in Australia is not only not high, but also considered to be in the middle to lower range. The common wages in other industries in Australia are basically 5,000 to 6,000 Australian dollars, which is about 30,000 Australian dollars equivalent to about 30,000 Chinese dollars.

The reason why the wages of farm employees are very low now. That is because this farm has always been unprofitable. The farm employees who had some skills have left long ago, and the remaining ones almost have no other skills. Besides, the Australian economy is currently in recession, and there is no way to enter other farms. Anyway, I can get a salary of 3,000 Australian dollars without having to work. These people also face reality calmly.

Among these seven people, Cook's salary was obviously higher than that of the other six, at 5,000 Australian dollars. Gu Hongyu thought about it. When he took over the farm, he made up his mind to keep these people who were familiar with farm work. Now He decided to raise all of these people's salaries by twenty percent. There are additional bonuses if you do well.

By the way, the wages of the second cousin and Brother Qiang have also increased sharply this time. As the leaders of this farm in the future, their basic salary is tentatively set at 50,000 Chinese coins, and there are also bonuses. As for the employees recruited from China in the future, Basically, the 20,000 Chinese dollars per month is not lost. After all, this can be regarded as an expatriate. Maybe he is not familiar with farm management for the time being, but the salary cannot be too different from that of local Australians.

As soon as this matter was announced, the employees in the farm suddenly became happy. Cook patted his strong chest and said excitedly: "Boss, just take a look at it. I promise to take good care of this farm and treat it as my own business." manage!"

Gu Hongyu smiled: "Not only the salary, I think the wooden house you live in should also be demolished and converted into a cement brick house with several floors. More people will be added to this farm in the future, and the wooden house takes up too much space." place!"

"This..., this is great!"

"Thank you boss."

"Don't worry, boss, this will be my home from now on, and we will do everything with care!"


Gu Hongyu was very satisfied with the employees' attitude. Just as they were discussing what kind of houses to build, the sky darkened. Gu Hongyu planned to show off his skills tonight and let these employees taste Chinese delicacies.

Due to the ingredients, Gu Hongyu could only cook beef and mutton. Looking at the pretty good beef and thinking about the bad black pepper steak he had at noon, Gu Hongyu decided to cook some unique black pepper steaks according to his own cooking method.

Originally, the beef should be marinated for a while before processing, but it was too late tonight. Gu Hongyu picked up the beef and cut it into pieces, beat it over and over with a meat hammer, marinated it with salt, cooking wine, a few pieces of onion, and ginger and stirred it vigorously.

On the other side, take a frying pan to heat oil, but not too much, but the oil temperature must be controlled in place. The oil temperature should be higher when frying steaks, so that the moisture inside can be locked when putting the steaks in, and the steaks can be kept fresh and tender.

Fortunately, Tony's kitchen utensils are all available. Gu Hongyu opened the double stove and watched him working non-stop. It didn't take long for several plates of steaks with the smell of black pepper to be ready.

Before everyone tried the food, some employees couldn't help swallowing their saliva. When the last plate was served, Gu Hongyu smiled and said to everyone, "Eat it all!"

ps: Thanks to book friends "Hailie 13" and "h2d437" for their support, and thanks to "Qin Weijin", "Emperor of Heaven and Earth", and "No Man Sea" for their monthly ticket support!

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