Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 502 A shocking idea

"Hongyu, don't be stressed. It doesn't matter whether you do it or not, and don't care about the opinions of people around you. The project of an outdoor leisure and sports center is beyond everyone's imagination, but there are some People are greedy, don’t take it seriously!”

Peng Minghao's words made Gu Hongyu fully understand that many leaders in the county and the town did not have unified opinions on this project. Although Peng Minghao came with a purpose, Peng Minghao's words were more about his classmates and friends. I have to consider his position, otherwise I wouldn't want to tell him some secret information.

Gu Hongyu did not answer, but fell into thinking. He went to Australia and saw foreign farm plans and introductions from some foreigners. Not to mention that Gu Hongyu's imagination was really open to people. Got some insights.

In the past, Gu Hongyu thought that his actions in Honghu Village had shocked others, but from the current perspective, the pattern is still too small. Even if it is restricted to one place, even if it is developed to the extreme, even if it is well-constructed The number of tourists received by Ma'aozi Village, Haojiawan Village and Guquan Village in the future is almost 100,000 or 200,000, which pales in comparison to the number of people on the Gold Coast - not enough!

There are a total of eleven administrative villages under Qingzhen, and the geographical conditions of five or six of them are similar. The most distinctive ones are undoubtedly the several villages currently under development, but now Gu Hongyu has a new idea.

The poverty of the other villages is not that they are lazy or that they don’t work hard, but that they do not have new ideas for development. They still retain the traditional and primitive modes of grazing and farming. However, the villagers may not have the ideas for development, and perhaps Gu Hongyu himself I can't think of a few, but wouldn't the wisdom of the Chinese people be able to come up with more novel ideas?

The plan to build a road around several villages is too narrow. It would be a big deal if it included all the villages under the jurisdiction of Qingzhen. Then we will carry out extensive construction in each village, and carry out distinctive planning and construction based on public opinion collection, so that each village and every dune grassland will have a different scenery.

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu couldn't help but laugh. Not to mention how much money it would cost and whether he could afford it, even if this bold idea couldn't be stopped, some people would say he was crazy.

But Gu Hongyu thought that this risk could be taken because he owned the Immortal Source Space. Even if many villages in Qingzhen are covered with yellow sand, he can make these desert lands green again.

As for money, Gu Hongyu was more open-minded. There were thousands of fertile fields, but the daily meal could only be one dendrobium; there were thousands of luxurious houses, but the sleeping space could not exceed five feet at night.

The meaning of human life is to create infinite value in a limited life.

And if Qingzhen, a place eroded by the desert, was turned into a piece of Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall, what would it be like and what a great achievement it would be!

"Hongyu, Hongyu..., what's wrong with you?" He looked at Gu Hongyu with a mysterious smile on his lips. Peng Minghao sat aside and felt a little scared.

After hearing the call, Gu Hongyu woke up from his thoughts. Looking at Peng Minghao, who was a little restless, Gu Hongyu smiled softly: "Minghao, tell the leaders who want to know my attitude, ring the village road I must build it, and it will not only surround the current villages, let me tell you this. I, Zhou Yao, will include the villages under the jurisdiction of Qingzhen, and I will also develop and build other villages. "

"Hongyu. You don't have a fever, right...?" Peng Minghao couldn't help but stretched out his hand to touch Gu Hongyu's forehead after hearing Gu Hongyu's crazy declaration.

Gu Hongyu knocked off Peng Minghao's extended hand: "Go..., am I very sober? Maybe you may find it incredible what I'm telling you now, but in a few years you won't be surprised when you look back. ”

"Now, I really need your government's cooperation. First of all, find out for me the topographic maps and historical biographies of the villages below Qingzhen. These things are very useful for the development planning of other villages. Secondly, you just said Didn't the government promise me a lot of conditions? Now add one, that is, the future ring road needs government survey and funding. And..., forget it, I haven't considered these things thoroughly yet, anyway, you go back first. The answer is, I will formally negotiate with the government after I have thought about it.”

Peng Minghao was shocked when he saw Gu Hongyu's serious look: "Damn, Hongyu, are you serious? This idea is too crazy!"

"Actually, it's not that crazy. Others don't know. But Minghao, do you still know? Let's talk about my 10,000-acre orchard. Do you know how much profit I will make this year? Conservatively speaking, 500 million is absolutely no problem. There are also several vegetables. Hundreds of millions, the aquatic products in the Red Lake are also indispensable. As for the other projects, the total is almost hundreds of millions. Besides, these profits exist every month and are growing. It should be enough to support other projects. If the funds cannot be turned over, Come on, isn’t there still a government? I don’t believe there is a bank that won’t lend me money,” Gu Hongyu analyzed one by one.

Peng Minghao must have been in shock today. Hearing Gu Hongyu talk about the profits he made in a year, he unconsciously kept repeating this mantra. He didn't know how many times he said this mantra, but finally he said in disbelief. : "Hongyu, you are so rich. Even if you rob a bank, you can make money faster than you. You have only been developing here for a year. If you continue to develop at this rate, can we still be good friends?"

Gu Hongyu smiled again. What he said just now was not complete. The profits of orchards, vegetable greenhouses, and aquatic products were actually far more than the data he said. On the surface, he had to pay a considerable amount of fees to the fictitious scientific research institutions, but in fact, the money went into his secret treasury.

Moreover, Gu Hongyu would go to Australia again soon. This time, he would not only bring dozens of employees, but also bring vegetable planting technology, and also bring a lot of fruit trees. These were of course plants that absorbed the space spring water. Gu Hongyu believed that foreigners must like these vegetables and fruits very much. The only result was to wait for those foreigners to pay for them!

"Okay, I won't keep you for lunch. I think you can't sit still now, right?" Seeing Peng Minghao sitting on the sofa and moving his butt from time to time, Gu Hongyu took the opportunity to tease him, guessing that he should be in a hurry to report this shocking news.

This time, Peng Minghao didn't care about Gu Hongyu's jokes at all. He left in a hurry without even saying hello to other people at home.

He had to do so as the news was too shocking and he couldn't handle it in his current position. Even Peng Minghao from the county probably didn't dare to jump to conclusions as leaders.

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