Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 516: Official signing, press conference

That day, the government officials of York County went back happily. After the general intention was unified, there was not much ambiguity in the remaining details. County Magistrate Andrew and Gu Hongyu did not take those seriously. In short, both parties reached a common agreement. ↑

A day later, just after Gu Hongyu led everyone to do morning exercises around the farm and returned home, Hendry from the Agricultural Administration called him: "Gu, are you okay tomorrow? Our county plans to formally sign a land purchase agreement with you. You need to go to the York County Government Building. So, I will pick you up tomorrow morning!"

"Ah, your government's execution is quite fast!" Gu Hongyu said with a smile on the phone.

Hendry on the phone was also very excited: "Tomorrow, not only you, but also some media friends will return to the scene. This time, Yorkland County will be in the spotlight."

Against the backdrop of Australia's sluggish economy, Yorkland County's ability to attract tens of millions of Australian dollars in investment will indeed give the local government a shot in the arm. If the publicity is good, it is not that others will follow suit. This may be a good start for Yorkland County's economic recovery.

However, Gu Hongyu still ignored the future investment in the farm. The current tens of millions of Australian dollars are just for purchasing land. In the future, farm construction, hiring employees, and purchasing facilities will not require funds. The politicians in Yorkland County have taken all of this into account.

According to the agreement reached privately with Gu Hongyu, the price of the land sold by Yorkland County is 50 million Australian dollars per square kilometer. Politicians from all walks of life have made preparations for publicity and are waiting for the official signing with Gu Hongyu.

There are new changes in the farm every day. The Australian employees in the past farms are very optimistic about Gu Hongyu's farm these days. They have delicious food every day, bright houses for them to live in, and full wages at the end of the month. They don't need Gu Hongyu to remind them to work hard every day. Their enthusiasm has changed dramatically compared with before.

The water quality of the five or six acres of pond formed by the stream is very clear. Gu Hongyu couldn't help sighing in his heart as he looked at the unpolluted water source. If it were in China, this stream could only appear in the mountains with few people, or in protected areas or scenic spots.

No. The water quality of many scenic spots now is far from comparable to the water quality here.

It's just a boring sigh. Gu Hongyu came here for a serious matter.

He did not put fish fry in the small pond, because there are often some palm-sized small fish in the stream. Before Gu Hongyu took over the farm, the farm staff often caught fish in it when they wanted to improve the food. According to Cook, the meat of several fish in the stream is very good. Gu Hongyu diluted some space water in the pond from time to time, but after attracting many wild animals to run to the pond, even if he put more space water, the amount would be much more.

This time. Gu Hongyu plans to build a new water tower on the edge of the small pond, just like Honghu Village. In the future, whether it is water for grazing or water for growing vegetables and fruits, it must use the water in the water tower.

Everyone should understand it by now.

Yes, Gu Hongyu wants to mix space spring water into the water tower and enclose the water source. First, he wants to have an excuse for operation. Second, this can also prevent many wild animals from gathering here and causing many bizarre things that are difficult to explain.

No, he called the material supplier for repairing the house again. The other party agreed very readily after knowing Gu Hongyu's request, and the building materials will be delivered this afternoon.

The employees heard about Gu Hongyu's plan. They didn't ask much. According to their thinking, the boss must have his reasons for doing this. For example, raising high-quality Australian Wagyu beef does have special requirements for drinking water sources. In this way, it seems that the current practice is reasonable.

Gu Hongyu didn't know about the employees' automatic imagination, and of course he was even happier after knowing it. This also avoided explaining to them.

The materials for building the water tower are very simple, river sand, gravel and cement, and some steel bars are added to it.

The area of ​​the water tower is not small. Gu Hongyu set it to about one acre, which is completely enough for the existing farms and the farms to be purchased next door. As for the newly purchased land, he has other plans.

After receiving the materials and paying, the rest of the things are basically handled by Lin Feiyu.

The day passed like this.

The next day, it was still dawn, and Hendry drove his Japanese car to wait beside the gray and white courtyard.

Today, Gu Hongyu will go to Yorkshire County Government to formally sign a land purchase agreement with County Governor Andrew.

Chen Luofeng and his group seem to have nothing to do these days. They have been in Australia with Gu Hongyu for almost a week, and no one has mentioned returning to China.

Gu Hongyu didn't care about them. These days, these people have been familiar with the area around the farm. Especially when they saw the quiet harbor and beach on the other side of the island, they began to remind him to buy the farm next to it as soon as possible.

Today, Gu Hongyu is going to the county government to sign the contract. Except for Chen Luofeng, the rest of the group of people don't know where they are going to play.

At about 8:30 in the morning, Gu Hongyu brought Mei Ning, Chen Luofeng, and Lin Feiyu to Yorkshire County Government.

Accompanied by Hendry and Amy, they enjoyed a special Australian breakfast.

After the meal, it was almost time for the government to go to work normally.

Gu Hongyu and his party were led by Hendry into the side door of the office building. When Gu Hongyu was confused, Amy Ai explained: "I'm very sorry, Gu, there are many reporters in front of the government today. You can't show up now." Not the time."

So that's it. When they were having dinner just now, Gu Hongyu was still a little confused as to why there were so many people blocking the outside of the government building. It turned out that they were all journalists who came after hearing the news.

Entering the government building, Gu Hongyu quickly saw Andrew, Bazel and Rodney. In addition to them, there were many government officials standing around them to greet them.

Just now, I was complaining that it was not even possible to enter the Yorkland County mansion for the first time, but when I saw the officials lined up inside to welcome them, Gu Hongyu's anger naturally dissipated.

The leaders who knew Gu Hongyu shook hands with Gu Hongyu one by one. Andrew also personally introduced some important government officials to him. In short, the county magistrate Andrew lowered his status very low and seemed extremely humble.

After getting to know everyone, it was already half past nine in the morning.

A young man who looked like a secretary whispered a few words beside Andrew. Then Andrew nodded and the secretary turned and left.

As the secretary left, Andrew walked directly to Gu Hongyu and said with a smile: "Gu, now I have asked the secretary to invite the media reporters in, and we will sign the contract soon."

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a group of reporters and photographers carrying microphones of different lengths to pour in from the government gate.

In advance, Yorkland County let the news about today's contract signing. However, Andrew had given instructions to keep Gu Hongyu's identity and background strictly confidential. The media was already curious and speculating about the businessman who purchased the land, so some uninvited media reporters came.

Yorkland County felt so happy when they saw this situation. The more media there are, the greater the intensity of publicity, which has indescribable benefits for the county. Those who come uninvited are also treated equally. As long as their identities are verified, they will be released. Go into the hall.

"Okay, don't be impatient. Today we in Yorkland County have invited many media friends. I believe that everyone knows the content of this media meeting. Yes, I am here to tell you clearly that we in Yorkland County The county reached an agreement to sell a farm this time, and the price of this agreement exceeded 100 million Australian dollars. "I don't know when, the official government spokesman stood on the side of the rostrum.

The rumors were confirmed, and many media reporters began to ask loudly:

"Mr. Speaker, I would like to know at what price the land was sold this time?"

"Hundreds of millions of Australian dollars. How much land area does that require?"

“Are the buyers domestic wealthy people or foreign investors?”

"We should all know. Almost all land sold in Yorkland County is used for grazing and planting, so what are the plans of those who buy the land this time!"


When many reporters asked questions one after another and the speaker kept comforting him, Gu Hongyu sat in the middle of the first row under the rostrum. Seeing this, Chen Luofeng leaned against Gu Hongyu's ear and said softly: "Hongyu, this One time, Yorkland County made a big noise."

Gu Hongyu smiled helplessly: "This is completely beyond my expectations. I thought it was just a matter of signing a contract and taking photos in front of the media!"

"Haha, taking this opportunity, the people in Yorkland County will definitely publicize it, just like the officials in the country. You will show your face in a big way this time." Chen Luofeng teased.

"Oh, if I had known, I would have just asked Feiyu to come over and sign the agreement. In fact, the agreement has been implemented a long time ago. Today is just a formality. I hate this kind of formalism the most." Gu Hongyu smiled bitterly.

Lin Feiyu was sitting next to Chen Luofeng. Hearing Gu Hongyu mention him, he quickly said: "I'd better forget it. It's up to you, boss, to sign such an important agreement, so that you can see your sincerity in purchasing the land. If I Go up, maybe they are worried about the future development and construction of the land!”

"It's okay, Hongyu, this is equivalent to exercise. You will get used to it after a few times. I didn't come here like this back then." Chen Luofeng said his personal experience with a smile on his face. No matter how he looked at him, he was fascinated by it. Somewhat gloating about one's misfortune.

This agreement has been negotiated with Andrew a long time ago. It is inevitable that he will come to power to sign it, and it is impossible to change his mind temporarily.

After waiting for the spokesperson to chat with the media reporters, it didn't take long for Gu Hongyu's identity to be exposed to the public: "Next, please invite Mist Gu (Mr. Gu) from China to come to the stage and Yorkland County Sign a formal purchase agreement.”

When Gu Hongyu stood up from the first row of the podium, the flashlights flashed at him non-stop, and accompanied by the sound of the flashlights there were some exclamations and comments.

"Coming from China, this Mist is so young."

"A mysterious country, a mysterious buyer."

"Xie Te, don't all Chinese people have money now? Selling it for hundreds of millions of Australian dollars is just to buy a large piece of ownerless land?"

"Oh, cake seller, this is incredible!"

"Today is not April Fool's Day. I heard you right!"


The protagonist Gu Hongyu had no time to pay attention to these surprises. He walked to the middle of the rostrum with a smile. Next to him was the county magistrate Andrew. Both of them had several formal land sales contracts in front of them.

After a cursory glance at the contract, I had read all these contracts just now, and there were no changes at all. Gu Hongyu signed his name on it without hesitation, and so did Andrew. After signing several copies, the two exchanged words. Signed several copies.

After signing the contract, the two held their hands tightly together. Facing the camera lenses and flashlights, both Gu Hongyu and Andrew left charming smiles.

The reporter's interview just now was evasive and the speaker was silent about the land purchaser. Now after signing the contract, facing the mysterious and young Eastern buyer, the reporters present started to go crazy.

"Mistegu, may I ask why you came to Australia to buy land?"

"Have you thought about your future development direction after spending a lot of money to buy land this time?"

"Gu Ban, I am very familiar with the mysterious Eastern China. What are you doing in China?"


"Silence, I know you are anxious, but please abide by the order of the scene. Please come one by one to ask questions. For the lady over there who raised her hand, you come first." In this regard, Andrew gestured to the speaker, who The quick wit was good and the scene was restored to order immediately.

"Three grams of oil (thank you) Mr. Speaker." A blond beauty stood up and took the microphone and said: "This handsome Mr. Gu from China, from what I understand, China is actually not rich, and the living standards of the Chinese people are still very low. You How did you come up with the idea of ​​developing in Australia?”

This question was asked by a reporter just now, but this beautiful reporter added something to it, which changed the question a little bit. In particular, she mentioned that China is not rich. Is this necessarily related to his investment in Australia?

This reporter either had an impure mind or did not understand the current China at all. Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu said calmly: "Thank you for your question, but I'm sorry, I guess you have never been to China. Although China's living standards are now "It cannot catch up with Australia, but it does not mean that there are no people in China who have become rich first. For example, can you say that there are no poor people in Australia?"

"There are many Chinese people coming to Australia to invest and develop. Let's just say that many farmers in Queensland are Chinese. Maybe their farms are not as big as mine, but we still cannot ignore the fact that they are not Chinese."

Just when the organizer was worried that Gu Hongyu was straying from the topic, Gu Hongyu changed his words: "Australia is a vast land with sparsely populated areas. For Chinese people, it is a hot land for investment. To be able to stand here today, in addition to the fertile In addition to the land, it is also inseparable from the candidness and support of Yorkland government officials who are dedicated to public affairs. I would like to sincerely thank them here. "

ps: Thank you to book friends "Huaaa" and "Liu Lijin of Dongshan Village, Ningxiang County" for their appreciation and support, and thank you to "Rogue Monkey" and "Wu Ronghua" for their monthly ticket support!

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