Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 52 Red Lake Giant Carp [Please recommend and collect]

In a short while, Gu Hongyu was stunned by the scene in front of him. This was not just one fish, but a large group of them. Moreover, the fish that swam here were all of the same species. If Gu Hongyu was not mistaken, they were carp from the Yellow River.

The carp swam over and drove away the other fishes to occupy the place where Gu Hongyu had just created the space spring water. However, at this time, the scarce space spring water was almost eaten up by other fish groups, and the carp that came here could only swim around randomly.

However, it was quite strange that this large group of carp did not seem to be afraid of Gu Hongyu. He floated in the lake less than one meter away from them, but he was completely ignored by the fish group.

Although there was moonlight in the sky, the visibility at night was not very good. After knowing that the fish group that came here was carp, Gu Hongyu also put down his worries. Although carp is an omnivorous animal, no one has ever heard of carp being aggressive towards humans. They are only a threat to other fish that are smaller than them.

Seeing the restless carp wandering back and forth on the narrow water surface, Gu Hongyu quietly released some space spring water again. He also planned to wait until these guys were closer to him and take the opportunity to catch a few of them and put them into the space.

But he never thought that when he released the space spring water, the lake water immediately rolled up a large wave. Damn, there are really big guys in this lake.

Just now, Gu Hongyu relaxed his vigilance. A group of black carp swam over. He thought that the huge shadow was formed by many carp. If it weren't for the huge force of the space spring water, he would have missed the big fish.

He waited in the water silently and continued to put the space spring water into the lake. Gradually, a giant carp much larger than ordinary carp appeared in front of him. In Gu Hongyu's opinion, those ordinary carp were already big enough, but the one he saw at this time was still a small witch compared to a big witch.

Gu Hongyu estimated that the big carps weighed more than 10 to 20 kilograms, and the small ones weighed only 3 to 5 kilograms. However, the biggest carp was at least three meters long and weighed more than 100 kilograms. The carp shocked Gu Hongyu as soon as it appeared.

It was incredible. As a foodie, Gu Hongyu had studied the Yellow River carp for a period of time. The growth rate of the Yellow River carp in the natural environment was very slow. In the first year, a carp could generally grow to half a kilogram, and in the second year, it only grew to about one kilogram. How long would it take to grow to more than three meters and more than 100 kilograms!

In addition, food controlled the growth space of the giant carp. The Yellow River Basin was not like the Mekong River. The largest Siamese giant carp Gu Hongyu had caught in the Mekong River was about 300 kilograms, but the Mekong River was very close to the estuary, and the food source there was not comparable to the Yellow River with a huge amount of sand. I really don’t know how this giant carp over three meters long grew to this extent!

Gu Hongyu was excited and thought that if he spread the news of the giant carp found in Honghu Lake, countless people would rush here immediately!

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu made a decision in his heart that he must tame this giant carp no matter what and let it listen to his orders and act obediently. Thinking that Honghu Village might be able to do some projects to attract tourists to play in the future, the more Gu Hongyu thought about it, the more he felt that this was a very feasible thing.

Without further ado, Gu Hongyu quietly released some space spring water into the lake again. He started to use the water system technique, because when he used the technique, the fish would gather around him. This was the best way Gu Hongyu could think of to deal with this big guy.

However, when he was using the water system technique, one thing made him overjoyed. The water system technique that was close to perfection not long ago was now running in Gu Hongyu's operation. He could actually use the water system technique to understand a lot of information around him, including some inexplicable messages conveyed to him by the water.

Calming down his mind and excitement, Gu Hongyu thought about the thoughts mentioned in the massive information conveyed to him by the stone tablet. The more spiritual the creature, the stronger the consciousness it carries, and the more Gu Hongyu can feel it.

In response to this situation, Gu Hongyu took the largest giant carp as a research object without thinking. When practicing, he slowly approached the consciousness emitted by himself to the giant carp. That consciousness was full of kindness and a trace of spiritual power of water-based exercises.

I never thought that Gu Hongyu's random test would succeed. Perhaps this was not entirely his credit, and the intelligence of the giant carp also accounted for a large part.

The giant carp unceremoniously absorbed the water-based spiritual energy leaked to him by Gu Hongyu, and immediately shoveled huge water splashes in the water with its huge tail, scaring many small carps to run around.

"It looks very excited!" Gu Hongyu estimated.

But that's not all. After the giant carp rioted for a while, it immediately swam towards Gu Hongyu. Gu Hongyu seemed to receive some strange information in his mind at this time. If he guessed correctly, it should be the giant carp's feedback to his consciousness.

Gu Hongyu could only send out some simple thoughts and consciousness, and he couldn't understand the application method. The consciousness transmitted to him by the giant carp was very strange but seemed to have no malice, which gave Gu Hongyu the courage to convey more goodwill to the giant carp.

The situation between Gu Hongyu and the giant carp at this time was like two foreign friends speaking their own languages. Both sides said their own things. Although they couldn't understand what they were saying, they could feel the friendliness and goodwill of each other from each other's behavior.

After spending some time like this, Gu Hongyu felt a little tired. The giant carp also let Gu Hongyu touch its dorsal fin and head, and it seemed that there was still a good result.

However, Gu Hongyu was not stingy with the space water. As long as the giant carp showed a little impatience, Gu Hongyu would release some space spring water. The space spring water had a fatal attraction to these swimming fish or giant carp. With many efforts, the giant carp and Gu Hongyu finally got along well.

When it was late at night and the dew was heavy, Gu Hongyu saw that the stars in the sky began to slowly disappear. Maybe it would be dawn soon, so he planned to release some space spring water to let the carp school drink a full meal before turning back to the shore.

After staying with the giant carp for so long, the two sides still established some feelings, and the simple consciousness of mutual transmission was also explored. Gu Hongyu said goodbye to the giant carp through a combination of gestures and consciousness, and only waited for the next opportunity when he released the space spring water again to summon the giant carp again.

Gu Hongyu swam slowly towards the lake shore. The giant carp had established basic trust with him. After following him for a while, it stopped at the lake surface and stirred the water with its huge tail, as if waving goodbye to him.

Gu Hongyu, who saw the giant carp's behavior while swimming, told it through consciousness that he would come to play with it next time. When he gave it the space spring water, the giant carp flipped in the lake water, and then responded to him with gratitude consciousness, which really made Gu Hongyu want to tie it to his side. However, this Red Lake is also contracted by him now. As long as the giant carp is still in the lake, it is easy for them to meet.

Highly recommend the masterpiece of Nan Xian: bookid=3331251,bookname=《Urban Thief》]

The descendant of the thief king broke into the city and overturned the international dark order.

A hot-blooded and refreshing urban and campus article. [bookid=3331251,bookname=《Urban Thief》]

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