Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 520 Undersea Corals

Red coral is an organic gemstone with a pleasant color and a lustrous texture. It grows in the deep sea 100 to 2000 meters away from human beings. √∟

It is listed as one of the three major organic gemstones along with pearls and amber. It is also listed as one of the seven treasures in Eastern Buddhist scriptures. It has been regarded as a symbol of wealth and auspiciousness since ancient times.

Natural red coral is formed by the accumulation of coral polyps. It grows very slowly and is non-renewable. Red coral only grows in a few straits (Taiwan Strait, Japan Strait, Baltic Strait, Mediterranean Sea). Due to the restrictions of the sea area, red coral is extremely precious.

In ancient China, red coral was regarded as a symbol of auspiciousness and happiness, representing noble power, so it was also called "Auspicious Treasure", a symbol of happiness and eternity.

The famous coral connoisseur Zhou Mo said: "Coral, the spirit of the sea."

The Indians believe that "precious coral is the mother of the earth."

The Japanese emperor also regards red coral as his national quintessence. From the history of ancient and modern China and foreign countries, red coral has a lofty status.

When Gu Hongyu said that red coral reefs appeared under the sea, Chen Luofeng and others obviously couldn't believe it.

"What? How can a red coral reef grow here?"

"Strange things happen every year, but this year there are more of them."

"Red coral, that's very valuable, Hongyu, hurry up and find a way to buy this sea area."

"Is it possible that I'm seeing things? This place doesn't match the environment where red coral grows at all!"

"Oh, I say we can just dive down and take a look, why are you all talking about it up there!"


Gu Hongyu dived to the bottom of the sea where the red coral grew, which was less than a hundred meters from the sea surface, but except for Gu Hongyu who was very good at swimming, others could only sigh at the red coral.

However, there were few other items in the nearby market, but the equipment for diving, fishing, swimming, etc. was very complete.

Everyone was very enthusiastic, especially Liang Qinghui. This guy ran to the shore without saying a word, put on his clothes, and said, "You just wait in the sea, I'll go buy diving equipment and come back" and drove away.

In less than half an hour, the back box of the pickup truck driven by Liang Qinghui was loaded with several sets of diving equipment, and the box was slightly bulging.

The others saw this situation and just waited for Liang Qinghui to stop the car, and the diving equipment was divided up by this group of people. One by one, they grabbed the equipment and put it on themselves randomly.

Gu Hongyu did not fight with others. Seeing Liang Qinghui picked up the last diving equipment and put it on, he said viciously: "Brother Liang, did you miss it? Why didn't you buy me a set of diving equipment?"

Liang Qinghui looked at Gu Hongyu strangely and said impatiently: "Hongyu, with your swimming skills, it would be a waste of time to buy you a set of diving equipment!"

"Damn, this is just in case. No matter how good my swimming skills are, I can't stay underwater for long!" Gu Hongyu was so angry.

"Haha, I prepared it for you a long time ago!" Liang Qinghui opened the front door of the pickup truck and took out an oxygen cylinder for him: "Hey, you will be completely fine just like this!"

This guy is intentional. Gu Hongyu could see it.

Fortunately, there was a mask on the oxygen tank, which could only be used to breathe through the mouth, while the others were fully equipped, wearing diving goggles, respirators on their nostrils, and even a pair of flippers on their feet.

Everyone laughed when they saw Liang Qinghui's partiality. Gu Hongyu was too lazy to chat with them. He took a few big steps into the sea and disappeared.

He didn't care whether these people could keep up or not. Seeing them laughing was really unpleasant.

After entering the water, Gu Hongyu slowly released his mental power to find the place where the red coral reef appeared before. As long as he stayed in the water, his breath would remain there. Gu Hongyu dared to return to the sea and walk back to the beach.

However, when he released his mental power, he was suddenly shocked by the situation he sensed.

What kind of sea area is this?

In his spreading mental power, several submarine reefs with the same breath as coral reefs passed by him.

These should undoubtedly be coral reefs. It's just that we don't know whether they are red corals.

Gu Hongyu couldn't control his curiosity and swam towards the place that gave him an abnormal reaction recently. Not long after, he really came to a reef that was no different from other reefs and stopped.

The surface of the reef was almost covered by the deposited sand and gravel, but after watching for a while, Gu Hongyu was a little disappointed. There were indeed corals on this reef. However, they were not red. Under the erosion of sea water, they showed the common grayish white.

After looking at several reefs in a row, the situation on those reefs was still the same. Then he looked at more than ten places, and only one or two had some blue and black corals on them. The rest were basically white.

However, this did not disappoint Gu Hongyu. The reefs on this seabed were piled everywhere. If you really want to talk about the number, there are at least piles of reefs in a radius of several kilometers. He believes that there are definitely more than one reef with red corals.

If this is the case, he encountered it for the first time before. What a heaven-defying luck!

However, just as Gu Hongyu was observing the reef, something hit his shoulder. He turned around and saw that it was the large group behind him. He couldn't talk in the sea, so the others could only gesture to him.

What a group of anxious teammates!

Fortunately, the red coral reef was not far from where he was standing now. When Gu Hongyu waited for everyone to gather around him, he quickly got out of the water, took a deep breath, returned to the bottom of the sea, and set off with them.

Soon, Gu Hongyu led everyone to the red coral reef, pointed at the reef pile and gestured to the others a few times, and the group of people swam towards the reef pile in a hurry.

Gu Hongyu had never seen anyone dancing underwater, but Chen Luofeng and the others were lucky enough to find a room after watching the pile of red coral reefs for a while.

Looking at that big guy, it was obvious that he was Liang Qinghui. He didn't care about wasting energy and oxygen on the bottom of the sea, and he didn't care that his teeth and claws were making people laugh. If he could talk, he would at least smile up to the sky.

After a while, other people also became excited and started dancing with Liang Qinghui's hands. In the end, a large group of people including Chen Luofeng and Gu Hongyu were pulled into the queue.

The red corals growing on that reef are particularly spectacular. There are several clusters of red corals that are like a few small trees growing on the seabed. They look weird without leaves, but the crisscrossing branches and the bright red color Extraordinarily eye-catching.

Gu Hongyu did not break off a piece from the three largest red corals, but picked a small piece from other smaller coral trees next to them, held it in his hand, and waited for everyone to come out of the sea together after being happy for a while.

Liang Qinghui was still excited when he took off the oxygen mask: "Damn it, Hongyu, you know it. The three largest clusters of red corals on those rocks are at least enough for you to buy the farm near the sea."

Gu Hongyu smiled and said loudly: "I also want to tell you some news. I just observed this sea area and found that there are corals growing on other reef piles, but after looking at more than ten piles, I couldn't find any red corals."

"Hongyu, even the wall of luck can't stop you!"

"Fuck me, why don't I buy the farm by the sea?"

"The coral group on the seabed, I'm not greedy, I just want to own the red coral that I've discovered."


ps: Thank you to book friend "Yi Ling San Ren" for your reward and support!

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