Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 546 A Pleasant Scene

A group of old men came to the door just for this matter. Even if Gu Hongyu didn't want to agree, he had to. In the end, he agreed to make a picture album or video of the fitness technique for teaching. Why not do it to help the Chinese people improve their physical fitness!

As for talking about money, there is no need. Now his business has at least several billion fixed assets, and he really doesn't see the benefits of fitness techniques. There is another biggest benefit to doing this. At least it can leave a good impression in the minds of the top leaders. As a businessman at a certain level, this is such a precious opportunity.

However, in terms of elixirs, Gu Hongyu can only agree to supply a certain amount of elixirs per month in order to be lazy. Otherwise, he will take out the elixir formula and let these old men find experts to refine it. In the future, he can ignore anyone who asks for it.

At first, Mr. Liang Qinghui was very supportive of your idea, but when Gu Hongyu wrote the names of the medicinal materials in the elixir formula, they were all dumbfounded. Even Mr. Gu Lin immediately called domestic experts in traditional Chinese medicine. He knew a little about the medicinal materials in Gu Hongyu's elixir formula, but only heard of them.

This time, Gu Hongyu's skill shocked the old men. They were all high-ranking people, and it was true that they were well-informed. However, Gu Hongyu now casually took out a pill formula and made the domestic professional leaders at a loss. What kind of concept is this...

A series of surprised eyes swept across Gu Hongyu's face. He could grow vegetables, fruits, wine, and breeding... and he did everything perfectly in all walks of life. Now he has another skill, which is making medicine, a pill that can make experts confused and you can know the effect immediately after taking it. Who wouldn't be surprised to have all these skills in one?

Moreover, the old men had a guess in their hearts. Gu Hongyu was sometimes very slippery. Sometimes he was like a tube of toothpaste, usually not showing his ability, but when he needed to show his ability, Gu Hongyu always solved the current problem naturally and easily. How many skills did he have that he hadn't shown? This made the old men completely unpredictable.

Maybe they have thought that Gu Hongyu had a strange encounter, but no one has seen such a strange thing with their own eyes, and there is no scientific basis at all.

The only thing that reassures them is that Gu Hongyu, as a Chinese citizen, is really good in terms of character, especially the Honghu Village where they live now. A year ago, it was just a remote small village. Under Gu Hongyu's operation, it slowly became the place where tourists flock to now.

In short, the last group of old men left with a satisfied smile. They had long thought that there was no problem with the fitness technique being authorized by the owner. But the elixir made them feel uneasy. Although most of the names of the medicinal materials could not even be explained by Chinese medicine experts, many of the herbs they heard about were magical herbs. The medicinal materials could not be good, and they were not capable of refining them, but Gu Hongyu promised to provide a certain amount every month, which was worth the trip.

The people left, and the villa became deserted. Gu Hongyu simply went to the village to patrol under the not-so-strong sunlight.

I haven't seen it for several months, and everything is fine in the village.

The vegetables growing in the greenhouse are still lush and green. In particular, the two technologically advanced vegetable greenhouses built by the United States here are extraordinary from a distance. Those vegetables have been supplied to the Hall Family Company of the United States for three times. The profits from the previous two times plus other greenhouse vegetables have exceeded 1 billion yuan. If it were in the past, Gu Hongyu would definitely be delighted, but now the Australian farm can produce 180,000 kilograms of vegetables every day, even if it has to be divided with Joyce Company. Gu Hongyu's income is also 20 million yuan. Just from the vegetables on the farm, he can make back the farm and the fishery in two months.

Passing the vegetable greenhouse is the grassland. Now the grassland is divided into many small areas, and chickens, ducks, geese and other animals are raised in it. These are the main sources of ingredients for all restaurants in Honghu Village. As long as it is Honghu Village Xianyuan brand poultry and livestock, it is a price of hundreds of yuan per catty, but don't think it's expensive, because many tourists and foodies come for them.

In the words of a foodie: "After eating the poultry and livestock meat raised in Xianyuan Farm, I no longer love other similar foods."

Walking past the grassland, you will see the fantasy garden area connected to the corridor along the lake. Here, after being continuously nourished by the space spring water, many trees have regained their vitality. Walking into this place is like entering a strange botanical garden. People who can come here will be attracted by the various plant growth conditions or flowers and fruits inside.

Baobab trees, sausage trees, blood dragon trees with giant umbrellas, giant man-eating plants, green vines around the wall, precious trees, and the explosion tree. Everything is amazing, especially once children enter, they often can't move for a long time. There are explanations and interesting stories about them next to the path where the plants grow.

Walking through the fantasy garden, there is an orchard of tens of thousands of acres. The orchard has been planned for a long time, and fruits mature in it all year round. It is also the most popular place in Honghu Village. Because there are many people who love Xianyuan fruits, many people have formed a fruit fan club on the online forum to discuss, introduce and promote... the characteristics and taste of various fruits in the Honghu Village orchard.

It is autumn now, and the golden fruit and ginseng fruit introduced last year in the orchard have entered the ripening season. For the ginseng fruit with unique taste and crisp taste, almost every tourist buys 10 or 100 kilograms. Even if the fruit costs hundreds of yuan per kilogram, it does not affect their enthusiasm for buying fruit.

The golden fruit tastes second, but it has a powerful medicinal function, a beautiful appearance, and even a nice name. In addition, the fruit-hanging period is very long. In summary, many tourists use it as a bonsai or a Feng Shui ornament.

The Xianyuan series of agricultural and sideline products launched by Gu Hongyu in Honghu Village are rapidly forming a strong brand, attracting the attention of foodies. As long as tourists have eaten Xianyuan agricultural products, they will say that these things are good. Some of them may think it is too expensive, but more people say it is worth the money.

In addition to eggplant, there are also late-ripening watermelons, apples picked in autumn, and pressure, etc. These fruits are almost all picked by tourists on the fruit trees. Farm employees only need to maintain order around or charge by kilogram at the exit.

For this reason, a particularly interesting phenomenon has appeared on many web pages online, that is, some netizens actually sell fruits, vegetables and even liquor produced by Xianyuan Farm on them, and the price is twice as high as the price directly in Honghu Village, which also greatly helps more people understand Honghu Village, but some of them are counterfeit and inferior products. Gu Hongyu has no time to control them, but he will not let this situation spread.

Next, Gu Hongyu went to Folk Custom Street and inspected the situation of Xianyuan Winery and the operation of the Military Fans Club. In short, everything is good, and various projects are surging under the stimulation of the National Day holiday.

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