Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 551 The surprise continues

I want you to be shocked. Seeing the dumbfounded look on everyone's faces, Gu Hongyu was very happy. ←

These are all based on the local scenery and are suitable for the local area. The landscape formed by a little construction is indeed fascinating. Although this wind erosion landscape is more than ten miles away from Ma'aozi Village, and the path to get here is a bit difficult, it still can't stop the curious tourists. After estimating the number of tourists here, there are at least 500 people.

After everyone sighed at the wonders of nature, Gu Hongyu took them to fly directly to Haojiawan.

If many of the wonders in Ma'aozi Village are created by the natural environment, Haojiawan Village is basically artificially built. Regardless of their advantages and disadvantages, Haojiawan Village also ushered in a peak of tourists during the National Day.

The most important attractions in Haojiawan Village are the crescent-shaped Haojiawan. The small lake that is gradually shrinking in area has basically maintained its current size after Gu Hongyu's governance. A circle of lakeshores has been built around the small lake, and many flowers and plants have been planted, which also has a unique charm.

In addition, the residential houses in Haojiawan are also very popular now. Among these residential houses that maintain ethnic characteristics and keep the quaint style, some have become the first choice for tourism enthusiasts, while some have become the country residences of many people who are tired of urban life.

In addition to the residential houses, a lot of arable land was reclaimed in the planning and construction of Haojiawan Village. Some citizens who have lived here for a long time have also rented a small piece of land, and cultivated it by themselves or came to experience the pastoral joy on weekends. It doesn’t matter if they don’t come at ordinary times, because the rented land can be handed over to the villagers of Haojiawan for management, but a certain fee is charged, but for urban white-collar workers, this little money is nothing.

Haojiawan Village also has a black pottery production base, and black pottery is the symbol of Haojiawan Village in the village. There are many kinds of black pottery products hanging on both sides of many corridors and under the eaves of residential houses. These black pottery can be used as decorations, and when tourists like to buy them, they can also make money as commodities. In short, the income of villagers is much different from last year.

However, Director Zhang and Director Lei, who were sitting in the helicopter, could not see them. Gu Hongyu also gave them a brief explanation, but the two of them obviously did not listen. Their thoughts were still immersed in the two previous landscapes, and they were still arguing about something from time to time.

Gu Hongyu did not care. The rest was to take these people to Xingxingtan, where Gu Hongyu had his adventures. After some publicity of mythological stories and the unremitting efforts of all parties, Xingxingtan is now a self-contained place, a bit like another village, just like the scale of the village is much stronger than some villages under the jurisdiction of Qingzhen.

"Xiao Gu. Where are we going again?" The helicopter had flown out of Haojiawan Village for a while, and Director Zhang realized that the plane was still flying over a wilderness.

Gu Hongyu said: "Leaders, the place we are going to now is called Xingxingtan. It is actually a water source formed by an underground river in the desert exposed on the surface. However, there is a legend in it. I used this legend to develop and build there."

"Oh, what legend can make you develop that place where there is no village in front and no shop behind?" Director Lei became curious at this moment.

Gu Hongyu then told them the story of Genghis Khan's march here, and Director Zhang suddenly realized: "It turns out that it involves historical celebrities. Xiao Gu, you really know how to use various resources."

Not long after, a majestic building appeared in front of everyone.

Gu Hongyu pointed to the group of buildings and introduced: "Leaders. This is the Genghis Khan marching camp that we restored based on historical allusions and original ruins, and the temple that was later built to erect a monument for Xingxingtan. Now we have only built the outline, and it will take some time before it is opened."

"This..." Director Lei didn't know what to say. He thought that Boss Xiao Gu was really willing to invest in developing these villages. He built such a large building complex based on just a legend. At least tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of yuan were invested.

Director Lei was not wrong. Gu Hongyu did spend 80 to 90 million yuan on this place. If the building is completed, some antique utensils of the time will be placed inside, which will cost another 10 to 20 million yuan, and there are related facilities around it. The total investment is about 120 million yuan.

If it were somewhere else, Gu Hongyu would not invest regardless of the cost, but this is where he got the fragments of the Immortal Fate Space. It is because of the fragments of the Immortal Fate Space that Gu Hongyu has everything he has today. He really can't get over this hurdle if he doesn't build it here.

The helicopter landed nearby and attracted the attention of many tourists. Gu Hongyu invited Director Zhang and Director Lei to get off the helicopter and visit below, leaving Gao Fei to refuel the helicopter and maybe go to Guquan Village later.

Xingxingtan has been inlaid with marble, and a three-meter-high stone tablet has been erected beside the pond. The tablet tells the origin of the name of Xingxingtan and historical allusions. As long as people who have been here, Gu Hongyu believes that Xingxingtan will become a relatively deep memory in their lives.

Just as they were visiting the scenery around Xingxingtan, a group of people dressed in the uniforms of the Yuan Dynasty soldiers came from the other side of the building complex. They were all wearing armor, holding various long and short weapons, and marched in an orderly manner towards Xingxingtan.

"Xiao Gu, what's going on?" Director Lei expressed the question in everyone's mind.

Gu Hongyu said: "As the name suggests, their clothes are dressed as soldiers from the Mongol Yuan Dynasty, giving tourists a sense of being there. They are real patrol officers. If something happens, they will rush there immediately."

"Haha, this is a good idea!"

Although they are wearing armor, those armors are just similar in appearance. The materials are all made of modern lightweight fabrics, and wearing them does not affect the body's sensitivity at all.

Before they had enough, Gao Fei came to the crowd and said to Gu Hongyu: "Boss Gu, the helicopter is full of fuel. Do you want to leave now or wait?"

Seeing that it was almost noon, Gu Hongyu gathered everyone together: "Dear leaders, the last stop is Guquan Village, there are many fun places there, and it's almost noon. Let's go there for lunch first?"

"Okay, okay, today we will follow the host's wishes!" Director Zhang was in a good mood.

Gu Hongyu missed the black bean porridge in Guquan Village very much. When he was still in Australia, Mr. Gan from Guquan Village asked Gan Yuanpei to carry a bag of black beans harvested for a season to the villa in Honghu Village. This time, Gu Hongyu wanted Director Zhang and others to taste the taste of black beans.

ps: Thanks to the book friends "Langgezi", "Yangzhong", "Uncrowned Sorrow ss", and "Book Friend 150101114016700" for their support. Thanks to "Liu Lijin from Dongshan Village, Ningxiang County", "Magic Knife Boy Kill", "Le Le's Lula", "Heart Space War", "Little Wind Comes from the West", "Lou Lan Ancient Sword", "Midnight Shepherdess", and "Xuan Yu" for their monthly ticket support! Thank you for the highly praised votes from "Smoking and Reading".

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