Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 564: Top-grade Cold Orchid

The woods seemed a bit dark, and there was little sunlight under the shade of the trees, so there were not many plants growing inside. Only a few shade-loving plants could be seen under the trees.

There were almost no roads in the woods. Although climbing only required walking upward, the soil was extremely moist. One had to be very careful when walking. If one was not careful, one might fall. If one was unlucky, one might hit a tree stump or a stone with a water chestnut on the ground, and that would be a big deal.

Chen Luofeng had a special status, and as a leader among this group of people, he was very careful at this moment.

Seeing that Gu Hongyu, who was walking behind, was a little bit wrong, he immediately asked, "Hongyu, what are you thinking about? Now you have to be alert and pay attention to the situation around you."

After being called by Chen Luofeng, Gu Hongyu suddenly woke up from his chaotic thoughts, took a look at the situation of the large group, and smiled, "Thank you, Brother Chen, for reminding me. I will pay attention!"

The team continued to move forward slowly.

That inexplicable attraction has been lingering in Gu Hongyu's heart. The attraction becomes more obvious as he climbs to the top of the mountain. Is there something on the top of the mountain related to the Xianyuan space? But the nameless mark on the wrist has not changed?

I don't know if other people have this feeling. When Gu Hongyu thought of this, he asked Liang Qinghui in front of him: "Brother Liang, do you have any other feelings after entering the woods?"

"It's just that I feel a lot colder, nothing else. Hongyu, do you notice something wrong in this woods?" When hunting on the grassland before, Gu Hongyu was the first person to notice the wolf attack. This time, Liang Qinghui immediately thought of this aspect when he heard his question.

Not only him, Yang Bo in front of Liang Qinghui also asked: "Hongyu, is there a big guy in this woods?"

"Tiger or leopard?"

"Everyone is alert to observe the surrounding situation, and the hunting rifle is always ready to fire."


Looking at the panic of the crowd, Gu Hongyu was a little funny. However, everyone's actions made him very sure that these guys were not affected by any attraction. Gu Hongyu's mental power swept the area of ​​several kilometers around the woods. There were no large beasts. There were only a few mountain cats and many scattered wild herbivores and some owls in the whole mountain.

"You don't have to be so nervous. I didn't notice any danger approaching. You see, the golden lions and silver lions all look honest. If something else approaches, they will feel it." Gu Hongyu quickly asked the group of people to relax. If they kept this state, everyone would be exhausted before reaching the top of the mountain.

"Alas, Hongyu, you scared us just now." Liang Qinghui threw down his hunting rifle and sat on the ground regardless.

"That's right, Hongyu, we trust you very much. If there is any situation next, please let you and your two big dogs inform us. I will give half of my share to these two dog brothers at night!" Gu Lin also breathed a sigh of relief. The experience of being caught by wolves last time was still vivid in his mind. It was a thrilling and unforgettable experience.

"Okay, got it!" Gu Hongyu answered in a muffled voice.

The team continued to move forward, and the attraction in his heart always existed. If he was alone now, Gu Hongyu would have run in the direction that attracted him, but now he really couldn't find an excuse to leave the main group.

From time to time, Gu Hongyu released his mental power and observed this forest that few people entered.

Suddenly. A plant appeared in his sight, it was an orchid.

Thinking of his first pot of gold was given by orchids. Gu Hongyu has a special feeling for orchids.

Due to his eagerness, Gu Hongyu ran towards the location of the orchid without saying hello to everyone.

This attracted the attention of others again.

"Hongyu, what are you doing?" Liang Qinghui yelled at him.

Gu Hongyu didn't even turn his head: "It's okay, I found an orchid, you go first, I will catch up with you in no time."

"Orchid, it won't be the kind that is very valuable. Don't think of leaving me behind for such a good thing!" Liang Qinghui said smartly.

However, after he said this, the others also became interested. Except for the two newcomers, everyone else knew that Gu Hongyu sold the orchid at a high price. They were all amazed at Gu Hongyu's good luck and meticulous observation.

As a result, Gu Hongyu had just arrived at the location where the orchid grew. Others also found the orchid, and Liang Qinghui couldn't wait to pull the orchid with his hands before Gu Hongyu.

"You kid are going to waste the natural resources. Can this orchid be pulled up directly by hand?" Before he could do anything, Gu Lin hit Liang Qinghui.

"Damn, I don't understand orchids, so how can you understand them? How can I not know that you have those things in your heart?" Although Liang Qinghui stopped his actions, he immediately started to fight back against Gu Lin.

The others did not dissuade him. It was useless to persuade him anyway. The two were born incompatible, but they missed each other when they were not together. The gay love became stronger in this kind of quarrel.

Among the crowd, apart from Gu Hongyu who knows a lot about orchids, there are also the versatile Chen Luofeng and the taciturn Jiang Zhe.

"Hey, I didn't expect there are orchids of good quality in the Qilian Mountains. If I'm not mistaken, this orchid should be a cold orchid!" Chen Luofeng was slightly surprised when he saw the orchid.

"Orchid, I haven't heard of anyone discovering cold orchids in the Qilian Mountains before?" Jiang Zhe was more surprised than others, but he then observed the orchid growing on the hillside, and finally concluded that it was also a cold orchid.

Cold orchid is a terrestrial plant of the Orchidaceae family, with a narrow ovoid pseudobulb, which is hidden in the leaf base. The leaves are ribbon-shaped, thinly leathery, dark green, and often have fine teeth on the front edge. The flowers are often light yellow-green with a light yellow lip, and there are other colors, often with a strong fragrance; the petals are often narrow ovate or ovate-lanceolate; the lip is nearly ovate; the column is slightly bent forward, with narrow wings on both sides. The capsule is narrowly elliptical, about 4.5 cm long and about 1.8 cm wide. The flowering period is from August to December, and cold orchids are not very cold-resistant.

The Hanlan plant is slender and healthy, with elegant and handsome leaves, colorful and varied flowers, and a long-lasting fragrance. It is precious and is named "Hanlan" and is one of the national orchids.

It grows under forests, beside streams, or on slightly shaded, moist, and rocky soils at an altitude of 400-2400 meters. It is distributed in many places in China and abroad in Korea and Japan.

Hanlan generally grows on the mountainside valley walls of deep mountains and valleys, on inclined slopes or rock crevices with good water permeability and water retention, beside sparse mountain grass, and under the shade of secondary miscellaneous trees. Or there is shade, short sunshine time or only scattered light leakage. Places with high air humidity and air circulation, sometimes grow on cliffs beside mountain streams.

Looking at the surrounding environment, this orchid is just like what Jiang Zhe described about Hanlan, that is, the altitude is hundreds or thousands of meters higher than the normal growth of Hanlan.

At this time, Gu Hongyu was also carefully observing the physical characteristics of the orchid. When he took a closer look, he found that the middle part of the orchid was different from the other leaves. No, it was not a leaf at all, but a flower stem growing out of the orchid.

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