Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 593 A rich harvest

After lunch, some people were arranged to rest at the Xianyuan Hotel, while Premier Li, his secretary, Chen Luofeng's father and other provincial officials were placed on the second floor of their villa. √∟

In the afternoon, Gu Hongyu took a nap before getting up. He found that the secretary who was following Premier Li was whispering something to Premier Li. Unexpectedly, Gu Hongyu's keen ears heard it. It turned out that he was telling the Prime Minister that there would be a visit in the capital tomorrow afternoon. It was a very important meeting, and his departure schedule had been arranged for him.

But at this moment, Mr. Chen Luofeng also came out of the room, looked at Premier Li and said, "Prime Minister Guoqiang, can you still adapt to Xiaogu's house?"

"Old man, I see what you are saying. When I was young, I experienced much more difficult times than this. Being in Xiaogu's house is much better than the previous provincial party committee guest house!" Premier Li said with a smile.

"Haha, don't tell me, life was not as good as it is now, so now you have a long way to go. The most important thing is to let the people across the country live a well-off life as soon as possible." Because of the relationship, Mr. Chen also No consideration was given to Prime Minister Li's status at this time.

Prime Minister Li nodded: "I understand that I came to Honghu Village this time because I heard about Xiao Gu's deeds. I came here to see if the model here can be applied in other places. However, it seems that there are many places that cannot be learned from. "

"Then just be patient and calm down. There is no rush when it comes to people's livelihood matters. We must think long-term and fundamentally and thoroughly let the people living at the bottom run towards a well-off society." The old man said, feeling that he was a little too busy. Then he said: "This afternoon we will visit the surrounding villages and let Xiao Gu show us his other magical abilities."

In the complaining eyes of Prime Minister Li's secretary, Prime Minister Li was successfully held hostage by Mr. Chen and other provincial leaders.

During the afternoon visit, Gu Hongyu displayed his unique skill, which was to summon gold bricks, while making the leaders happy. This group of leaders also knew a little bit about some of Gu Hongyu's unknown mysterious powers.

After the BRIC performance, a group of people continued to follow Gu Hongyu's footsteps and went to Ma'aozi Village to see the unique village scenery there. As for the Danxia landform scenery, they did not go because it was too far away and time was tight, but in the future, the road around the village After the construction is completed, it will be very convenient to go to the very beautiful Danxia Scenic Area.

After seeing the scenery of Ma'aozi Village, the group went to Haojiawan Village. The clusters of residential buildings and Gu Hongyu's innovative land leasing model were all refreshing to the leaders who came. They then visited the Black Kiln Manufacturing Workshop and then rushed to visit Xingxingtan.

Taking advantage of the little time left, Gu Hongyu took everyone to Guquan Village. A black bean porridge made the people who had a big meal at noon very happy. The familiar leaders actually shouted to let Gan go regardless of their appearance. The branch secretary cooks another pot.

Stars filled the night sky, and the starlight illuminated the entire land as if it were daytime. Under this intoxicating starry sky, everyone was intoxicated. Even Prime Minister Lee later exclaimed, "This is a very charming night sky."

But then everyone started to praise Gu Hongyu.

He said that he could make use of all the resources in the village and do his best to help the villagers get rich.

Mr. Chen helped Gu Hongyu a lot this time. He told everyone many details that others did not know. Guquan Village was initially confused by the spring water. Gu Hongyu came to the village to help the villagers solve the drinking water problem. Later, Looking for the development path of Guquan Village, I finally discovered the bright starry sky when I was almost disappointed, and then cooperated with the village to invest in this project.

Generally speaking, Mr. Chen almost praised Gu Hongyu as a flower. For Mr. Gu Hongyu, Mr. Chen loves him from the bottom of his heart, let alone the elixirs and fitness techniques that Gu Hongyu gave them. Even in terms of his treatment of villagers and development strategies, his character is hard to find fault with.

As the saying goes, those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are black. Gu Hongyu does not think he is a pure and noble person, but he saw that Party Secretary Aza, Party Secretary Hao, Party Secretary Ma and later Party Secretary Gan were dedicated to serving the public and working in poverty and remote areas. Villages far away adhere to the responsibility of party secretary, and that perseverance is the most valuable thing.

Gu Hongyu felt that he should take this opportunity to report back to the leaders present for their frequent and great deeds by Party Secretary Aza, so he talked to his brother and slowly recounted everything he encountered after arriving in Honghu Village. drop.

"This is the role model for grassroots village cadres!" Premier Li gave them a very high position.

The others also looked thoughtful. Perhaps many of them did not climb up the ranks from township-level cadres and did not have such personal experience, but when they heard what Party Secretary Aza and his colleagues had done, everyone was moved by the charm of their personality.

"We have neglected our duty in this matter. There should be such village cadres elsewhere. We should value them. They may not have high financial demands, but we should not be stingy in terms of honor." Chen Luofeng's father said cautiously.

Gu Hongyu agrees with this view, but he believes that people live in reality and cannot live with honor. They should still receive care and encouragement from the government during festivals. Village cadres should receive some trivial gifts that can subsidize their families. What we need.

However, Gu Hongyu did not say this idea in front of everyone. It depends on the occasion. If he has the opportunity to tell Chen Luofeng in private in the future, he should tell him!

Tents are not a good living environment. Besides, given their status, it is impossible for these people to live in a tent with so many people. They returned to Honghu Village overnight. Others stayed in Xianyuan Hotel, and Premier Li lived directly in Gu Hongyu's home.

Premier Li's decision made Gu Hongyu's family feel very honored. This matter was often talked about by his parents and people around them in the future.

Premier Li still felt tired after a whole day of visiting, and everyone fell asleep in the quiet night.

At dawn the next day, when Gu Hongyu got up, Premier Li was actually packing up and preparing to leave. Gu Hongyu sighed in his heart. As a national leader, it is really not easy to do it casually. It is not accurate to describe it as being busy every day. As the top of China, it is still inevitable to have heavy work.

After seeing off Premier Li, who had a meeting in the afternoon, of course, the vegetables, fruits, fruit wine, and elixirs from Gu Hongyu's house were indispensable gifts. Gu Hongyu felt indescribable as he watched the car drive away.

When he returned home and looked at the empty room, he felt really uncomfortable thinking of the friendly faces of the leaders.

"Brother Yu, when the Prime Minister leaves, ask his secretary to bring you a gift. Here!" Mei Ning's familiar voice rang in her ears.

In front of Gu Hongyu was a wooden box. Gu Hongyu solemnly opened it slowly. Inside was a couplet of characters "Virtue and Morality". Is this an evaluation of the general feeling?

But Gu Hongyu would never dare to accept it. Such an evaluation is too high for him at his age.

And what is the meaning of Premier Li giving him this?

Gu Hongyu thought about it and finally speculated that this might be a spur from Premier Li to him, to take "Virtue and Morality" as a lifelong goal and a spiritual realm!

ps: Thanks to the book friends "Xiaofeng Xilai" and "Xingyao Jiangnan" for their appreciation and support, and thanks to "Book Friend 140326193204005" for the monthly ticket support!

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