Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 595: Fish-grabbing Battle

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the edge of the clear blue Hong Lake was crowded with people. 【

Ever since I learned that there was a lake fish fishing activity in the afternoon at Red Lake, many villagers and tourists started coming here just after lunch, waiting for Gu Hongyu to start pulling in the net for fishing.

The second cousin used to manage the aquatic products, but in the middle of the year, the second cousin's family went to Australia. Now the eldest cousin is responsible for the aquatic products. This time, fishing in the lake is not like fishing for hairy crabs. Regardless of the number of fishermen and the amount of fish caught, The size of the fish is much larger than fishing for hairy crabs.

There are 7 or 8 wooden fishing boats, with two or three people standing on each boat, and large fishing nets placed on the board. This time, everyone is fishing separately, and two or three fishing boats are farming in designated areas. Different fish species are fished simultaneously on the lake.

"Xiao Gu, when did you say Boss Liu would arrive? The agreed time has arrived." The eldest cousin stood by the lake and had not yet boarded the boat, but there was an excited look on his face.

Gu Hongyu smiled: "It's not time yet, don't worry, it won't delay the time!"

The weather in the middle of winter only gets warm at two or three o'clock in the afternoon. Once this time passes, the water temperature will drop rapidly. Fishing is a hard job. Although the employees are working on the fishing boats, they will be picking out the lake fish later. At that time, they had to use their hands and feet. The lake water was too cold, which was not a good thing for everyone.

"Here it comes, the fish transport truck is here..." As soon as Gu Hongyu finished speaking, three tank trucks that looked like sprinklers slowly drove up from the lake shore. The tanks also had oxygenating equipment on them. After filling with fresh fish, oxygen can be injected into the tank to prevent the fresh fish from suffocating to death.

"Hey, old boss, there are so many people at the lake today!" Boss Huan Yuanliu looked at Gu Hongyu and said with a smile: "I'm not late, am I?"

Gu Hongyu shook his head: "You came at the right time, we will start fishing here soon. How many lake fish can your three fish trucks carry?"

"These vehicles of mine are quite advanced transportation equipment. It is no problem to load five tons into one vehicle. What's wrong, how many fish does Gu Hongyu plan to catch today?" Boss Liu was very excited when he spoke. The more fish Gu Hongyu catches, the more fish he catches. That means the more profit he gets.

Gu Hongyu smiled. He really didn't know how many fish he could catch today. But based on the breeding waters of Hong Lake and the growth conditions of the fry purchased this year, the total number of adult fish would be several hundred tons if the nets were clean.

To be honest, Gu Hongyu only breeds fry with high economic added value. In order to achieve pollution-free breeding, the density of fry put in the Red Lake is not high. According to his speculation, the output of lake fish per acre of water is only about 2,000 kilograms. , but five hundred acres of water is not a small amount.

"Cousin, now that the fish truck has arrived, you should quickly give the order for the big guy to fish!" Gu Hongyu did not directly answer Boss Liu's question.

Looking at Gu Hongyu, Boss Liu continued to ask: "Gu Ban, what kind of fish are you planning to catch today?"

"There are all types of Yellow River saury, mandarin fish, sturgeon, and yellowtail fish. The specific number will depend on the fishing conditions of the employees later." Gu Hongyu said slowly.

Boss Liu's face changed and he asked with a smile: "The price of fish this year is still the same as last year. If it is like this, I will take all the fish at 120 yuan a pound."

However, Gu Hongyu smiled even more and responded: "Boss Liu, I told you that the fish in the Red Lake are all clean water fish. They only put some egg white or organic feed to enhance their vitality in the seedling stage. The rest They all rely on the plankton or aquatic plants in the lake to grow to such a large size, plus the variety of lake fish, you don’t think you can get it at that price, right?”

Boss Liu smiled awkwardly: "Just kidding... Since you are such an old boss, you might as well reveal the prices of the fish in the lake. As long as they are not excessive, I will try to buy them all no matter what."

At the time when Boss Liu was taking over everything. Another group of people came over from the lake shore. They looked at Gu Hongyu and said eagerly: "Little old gentleman. Will some restaurants on the folk pedestrian street be reserved?"

Before the man could finish speaking, someone else interjected: "It's not that bad. Many tourists coming to Honghu Village now are not short of money. In any case, our restaurant will have hundreds of kilograms of various lake fish."

"We don't take advantage of the old boss in terms of price. We get a penny for whatever boss Liu pays."

"My restaurant specializes in fish, and I can easily sell hundreds of kilograms of it every day. You must leave me a sufficient share."


Seeing this scene, Boss Liu was no longer as calm as before, and immediately said: "What are you yelling about? It's not because there are so many people. Do you know the market price of these lake fish? Let's start buying them now!"

A villager from Honghu Village who runs a restaurant on the folk street said: "Of course I know the price. Last year, the lake fish was only 121 kilograms. Not to mention 120 kilograms, even if it is 150 kilograms, I need hundreds of kilograms every day. ”

This is indeed the owner of a fish and vegetable restaurant, and his tone is unusual. According to what he just said, if he uses the lake fish from the Red Lake to cook, the cost will be tens of thousands, and this is only the cost of the lake fish. Wouldn't it mean that you can earn more in this way?

Just when the other bosses were amazed, Boss Liu seemed to have made up his mind and said, "You all know that 120 yuan per catty of lake fish was the price last year, and Boss Gu just said that this year's lake fish is better than last year in terms of variety and quality. We have just agreed that the transaction price of various lake fish will not be less than 200 yuan per catty. If the size is large and the quality is high, the price will be higher. If you want to buy fish at 150 yuan, you are still short of it!"

"What, the price of lake fish per catty has exceeded 200 yuan this year?"

"My goodness, it has caught up with the price of gold!"

"Lao Yang, gold is sold by grams, and Boss Gu's lake fish is sold by catty. Don't get confused!"

"Then your family can grow gold, but don't you think about how many lake fish Boss Gu has to raise in this lake?"

"Yes, the farms they have enclosed have at least hundreds of thousands of catties of lake fish, 200 yuan per catty, fuck, if they sell all of them, it will be hundreds of millions, right?"

"This Red Lake is simply Boss Gu's treasure pot!"

"It means that Boss Gu is now He is very rich. I heard that there is no loan for the overall planning of Qingzhen. He personally invested all the money. How much money must he have invested in it considering the current scale...”

“Tsk, you have the ability to give you this red lake? Boss Gu is the one with real ability. Otherwise, our village would have been poor. Only when Boss Gu came did we live the life we ​​have now.”


The discussion went further and further. Boss Liu did not see that the restaurant owners had any intention of backing down. After everyone calmed down a little, he asked: “At least 200 yuan per catty of lake fish should be too much for everyone. In this case, I will buy it all!”

“Don’t even think about it. No matter how expensive it is, I will order the lake fish. I don’t believe that you, a middleman, can sell it. But if I cook it directly, no one can afford it?”

“Yes, I want to buy it too. I haven’t seen people eating mutton that Boss Gu spent more than 100 yuan per catty last year.”

“I believe in the quality of the lake fish. I must buy some back.”

Well, the lake fish haven’t even been caught yet, and potential buyers here are fighting for it!

ps: Thanks to the book friends "Ren Yijie", "Jiang Qiu Yu Huo", "Yue Xia Qingniao" and "Yun Zai Hong Chen" for their rewards and support!

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