Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 603 Revealing the Secret

The speaker is one of the first tourists to Honghu Village. In the past year or so, he has visited Honghu Village and surrounding villages many times. He is also often active in the forum of Xianyuan website, introducing It can be said that it has made outstanding contributions to the development of Honghu Village and the surrounding fun and new things.

"Old Qiao, everyone has left, why are you still here..." Gu Hongyu, a middle-aged man in his thirties or forties who called him, was puzzled.

However, Lao Qiao didn't answer the question, with a look of rejoicing: "Little Lao Qiao, you're finally back. Seeing that it's getting late, I don't know what to do!"

"Haha, I just went to find a place nearby for convenience, but unexpectedly the two horses at home ran wild, so I got them back." Gu Hongyu made an excuse out of desperation.

"So that's it. Just now, after the white fog dissipated, we found that all the wild animals had fled, and the 'mirage' was nowhere to be seen. It was a wasted trip to come here, but when the crowd left, I found your The luxury car is still parked here, and the door is not locked, so I don’t know where the person went. I just keep watching here." Lao Qiao gave a summary of the reason why he was here.

He is indeed a warm-hearted person. Gu Hongyu is very grateful for what Lao Qiao has done.

"Oh, you were careless. It's all thanks to you, Lao Qiao, this time. Otherwise, this car would have been driven away by others. Get in the car and we'll go back right away." Gu Hongyu said angrily.

But Lao Qiao rubbed his hands and said: "Little old boss, can you ride this horse of yours? If so, I will..."

Gu Hongyu shook his head to stop Lao Qiao from talking, but Gu Hongyu immediately explained: "Old Qiao, you also know that my lightning doesn't recognize people. He has a bad temper. Why don't you leave my car and go back, I'll ride a horse Let’s boil the water and go back to Honghu Village first after the competition?”

Lao Qiao, who was still disappointed before, immediately turned from worry to joy when he heard Gu Hongyu's suggestion: "Okay, I've decided happily like this. Although you can't ride a horse, it's good to be able to drive an old-fashioned Cherokee. , I’ll show you my driving skills later.”

There was no referee and no audience. When Gu Hongyu was riding on Lightning's horse, a sharp whistle sounded, and a car and a horse galloped in the same direction at the same time. As for the remaining golden lions, silver lions and small Ma Mengmeng and Gu Hongyu are very relieved, they know how to go back.

During the ten-mile journey, Gu Hongyu rode the lightning and actually turned into a bolt of lightning. The horses' hooves galloped past, leaving behind flying yellow sand. In just over ten minutes, Gu Hongyu arrived at Honghu Village on lightning. At this time, the Grand Cherokee was far behind and could not even be seen. .

After waiting for about ten minutes, Lao Qiao drove the Grand Cherokee before he appeared in Gu Hongyu's eyes. When Lao Qiao drove the car to the finish line, his first words were: "Old boss, I will never drive with you again next time." It’s a bet, but driving the Cherokee is an addiction.”

After returning to the village, the lake fish had long been sold out. However, due to the emergence of 'mirage', the overall sales volume of lake fish today is even worse than yesterday. Because too many people have been diverted by the ‘mirage’.

When I got home in the evening, after dinner, it was another short time for the big family to spend time together. I looked at Gu Hongyu’s mother and asked: "I didn’t even care about fishing this afternoon. What benefits did I get by chasing after some 'mirage' in my car?" ?”

"That's right, Brother Yu, I heard that tourists who followed the mirage saw many surprising scenes at night. Many wild animals also came there, and some people said that a giant eagle came out of the mirage and took them away separately. I found a wolf, a wild sheep and a wild horse, is this true? "Compared to the elderly, Mei Ning is more curious.

Gu Hongyu smiled: "Haha, you know more than me even if you don't even know it."

"Yes. Everything Xiao Ning said just now is correct. In addition, I will tell you a secret. The scene in the sky is not a mirage. It is an ancient formation that was destroyed by unknown elements. It presents to us a scene like a fairyland. In front of me, the mysterious giant eagle doesn’t know how it can fly out of that fairyland.”

"Xiaoyu, am I not listening to a fairy tale? How come what you said is even more outrageous than the one in the TV series?" The father couldn't believe it.

Gu Hongyu didn't know how to explain it at the moment. He wanted his family to believe that there really were cultivators in the world, and the son in front of them was one of them. However, there were many things that Gu Hongyu didn't dare to prove unless he was so powerful. A point that no one else dares to covet.

After thinking about it for a while, Gu Hongyu decided to reveal some secrets to his family. Anyway, those mysterious pills are already circulating in a small area, and there are also many doubts buried in the hearts of his family members. Except for the fact that Xianyuan Space cannot tell them, other things It doesn’t matter if you choose a few, lest there are more miraculous events in the future that will only increase your family’s doubts.

"Dad, Mom, Xiao Ning, everyone here tonight is a family. In fact, there are many things I have wanted to say to you for a long time, but I was afraid that you would be too shocked when I said it. I had an opportunity last year, and there was one The skill is to make vegetables, fruits and other plants taste better..."

Before Gu Hongyu could continue, the family looked at Gu Hongyu with wide eyes, and all of them let out a sound of surprise.

"So that's it..., that's it. I said my son couldn't grow any crops, but he actually chose to contract land to grow vegetables in this desolate place." The mother said with a nagging look on her face.

"Xiaoyu, if you can't tell us about your chance, don't tell us. Some things should not be passed on to others. It's not good for us to hear them, right?" The father still considered the problem from Gu Hongyu's perspective.

"Yes, Brother Yu, if you can tell us, you would have told us a long time ago. The strange phenomenon in the sky this time is not because of you, right?" Mei Ning actually linked Gu Hongyu's ability with the "mirage".


Gu Hongyu shook his head: "It doesn't matter. The reason why I told you today is that I can tell you, but you still can't tell others about these things."

"Of course, we will never tell you about your ability to cultivate delicious vegetables and fruits. If there are too many of these things, how can we make money?" The mother thought with a narrow mind, but she didn't notice the storm caused by these contents if they were spread.

"Okay, Mom, listen to me!" Gu Hongyu said unhappily, "Now the vegetables and fruits at home can be cultivated with my technology. In addition, the magical elixir at home is also made by me, and the exercise method is also taken out by me. These are beneficial to you without any harm. In the long run, you will live a long life for sure."

ps: Thanks to the book friends "Yangzhong" and "Benyuanxian" for their praise and support, and thanks to "Liuxing13579" and "Yinghong" for their monthly ticket support! I also thank the book friends from Tencent for their various support!

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