Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 607 Billions in Returns

Unfortunately, until the end of the conversation, Gu Hongyu still didn't know the identity of Boss Huang, but he was not annoyed. The purpose of these people coming to Honghu Village was very clear. They just wanted to cooperate with him. Before they came to the door, That guy Liang Qinghui should have called in advance. ▲∴

When Boss Huang's group got up from the bench, Gu Hongyu also took the opportunity to leave. No one else paid attention except the very steady Boss Huo who squinted his eyes and looked at him.

Next, he continued to patrol the village, glanced at the watch hands on his wrist, and then slowly and leisurely walked home with his hands behind his back.

"Brother Yu, you didn't bring your mobile phone with you when you went out. Many people called you all morning..." As soon as she entered the door, Mei Ning handed him other phones with an indescribable smile on her face.

After Gu Hongyu pretended to touch his pocket, he took the phone and smiled: "Haha, I really forgot, but it's nothing important. Let me see who is calling me."

I picked up the phone and saw that there were more than ten missed calls on it. Among them were calls from boss Liu Zhengping, and also from Liang Lexian, who was led by Uncle Aza, but the most missed calls were from that guy Liang Qinghui.

You don't need to guess to know that the purpose of boss Liu Zhengping's call is very clear. He is just to confirm whether he will go fishing today, and also wants to order more portions of lake fish. As expected, this is what he called back, and Gu Hongyu finally returned the favor to his cousin. After giving him the phone number, Gu Hongyu wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper. From now on, Boss Liu could just ask his cousin directly for these matters.

Liang Lexian's call was actually because he came to Gu Hongyu for advice when he encountered something. Nowadays, things in Honghu Village have changed too much in complexity compared to before because of the many people talking. Uncle Aza also has no idea about the current situation. I have too much to handle, so I plan to retire as soon as possible.

Liang Lexian couldn't count on Uncle Aza. He himself was in a state of exploration and didn't dare to make decisions on many things. Gu Hongyu's prestige was unique in Honghu Village, and everyone in the village was convinced that it was only natural for Liang Lexian to let him make the decision.

After explaining some trivial matters to Liang Lexian, Gu Hongyu breathed out. This guy was very attentive to what he did and was worth cultivating. After hanging up the phone, Gu Hongyu dialed Liang Qinghui's number. I thought in my mind whether I would be a little competitive with someone named Liang today.

"Hongyu, did you answer my call? What international events have you been busy with all morning?" The call was connected, and Liang Qinghui on the other side came up and complained.

Gu Hongyu didn't buy it: "If you have something to say, I'll die if you don't!"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" Liang Qinghui immediately changed his tone: "Hongyu, I have a few friends who may want to see you today about the development and construction of Qingzhen. Their backgrounds are quite strong. You After cooperating with them, many joints will be much smoother. Besides, even if you don't have the money to cover the entire Qingzhen project, it's not tiring. It's still necessary to decompress properly. "

"Well, I've seen your friends today. As long as you don't harbor evil intentions, I welcome them. There are many things to do in development and cooperation in Qingzhen. If you still have powerful friends, I won't push them out. If Brother Chen and your brothers... Don't be embarrassed if you have ideas. With our relationship, can I agree?" Gu Hongyu said with a smile.

Liang Qinghui on the other side of the phone chuckled: "I know you are a righteous man, so it will be no problem to go to them. We do have some ideas here, but we haven't discussed them yet. I'll tell you when there are results!"

"Well, that's it. I'm about to have lunch here. Just call them and ask them to come to me!" Gu Hongyu said and was about to hang up the phone.

Unexpectedly, Liang Qinghui shouted on the phone: "Don't hang up. Don't hang up yet, I have something else to tell you!"

"Say what's going on quickly."

"Don't you want to hear the news about the top-quality timber we went to Qilian Mountain last time?" Liang Qinghui is a guy who needs a beating, but he actually sells it at this time.

"Is there news?" Gu Hongyu asked in surprise.

Liang Qinghui was very confident on the other end of the phone: "Of course, you don't know that since that ancient Taoist temple was discovered by us. No, especially after Taoist Master Shi arrived there and brought some information back to the Taoist Association, the domestic Taoist The association is in turmoil.”

"If you think about it, the Taoist temple occupies a very large area. There are extraordinary couplets on both sides of the gate. Once inside, whether it is the murals discovered or the emergence of the profound Taoist body-building technique "Bao Pu Shu", there are also There are those excellent wooden decorations, and even the Quanjing Taoist Association is arguing about it, which is almost laughable. "

Listening to what Liang Qinghui mentioned, Gu Hongyu recalled the spring water in the Taoist temple. Taoists would definitely be able to see that the spring water was unusual. It is possible that "Bao Pu Shu" did not have that spiritual spring in their eyes. People should be excited, right? Those worldly top-grade woods will not be looked down upon by this group of people!

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu couldn't help but said: "Tell me, how many billions can each of us get this time?"

"Damn, Hongyu, who tipped you off? I called you as soon as I knew the news. You must have been teasing me just now?" Liang Qinghui's tone on the phone was unkind.

Gu Hongyu smiled: "Don't think blindly. I can't guess it based on the tone of your voice just now. Tell me, how much money can one person get?"

"Twelve of us are here. Hongyu is really thanks to you this time. In addition, our status and background are not small. The Taoist Association took the initiative to give us 5 billion, but privately asked us not to put anything in the Taoist temple." We can still satisfy them with this simple request." Liang Qinghui was very excited when he mentioned the specific amount of money.

"5 billion was given by the Taoist Association on their own initiative. Do they really appreciate it?" Gu Hongyu didn't particularly care about the money, but if it were distributed to the second-generation ancestors, it would be enough for them for a while.

"Hongyu, everyone discussed this time. This time it is mainly due to you. Besides, we couldn't even pass those hurdles without you. So everyone's unanimous opinion is that you can get 1.15 billion of the 5 billion, and we can get 1.15 billion each." 350 million per person. Overall, we all became billionaires this time!”

"Isn't my share too much? Isn't the gap between everyone's distribution too big?" Gu Hongyu was a little embarrassed about this number.

Liang Qinghui said on the phone: "It's okay. This is what everyone agreed upon after discussion. We can also get 350 million. No one would have thought of this money before we entered the mountain. It is equivalent to picking it up for free. Who else disagrees?" That’s just stupid.”

Well, Gu Hongyu could only accept this unexpected dividend.

ps: Thank you to book friends "Happy Loba", "1 Seven Deadly Sins", "zm2003", "yjydfcpi", "Out of sight, out of sight", "Qingkongli", "Xiao Feng Xi Lai", "Book friend 140326193204005", "fennd", "Xin Hua Cuo", "Wheat Ya", "Qin Weijing", "Spring Breeze Jade Dew Yixiang Pang" monthly ticket support, thanks to Dian, Tengxun Literature and various expansion channels starting from November , various support from book friends on cooperative websites such as clicks, recommendations, collections, subscriptions, rewards, monthly passes, etc.! Thank you very much for everyone’s support and love!

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