Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 609 Fruits of all seasons

Mr. Huang and his companions came with excitement and left with satisfaction. Then they discussed the general direction of cooperation with Gu Hongyu. In two days, they will send professionals to consider the specific villages to be developed, and will also discuss the details with Gu Hongyu. ※%

For the overall development of Qingzhen, Gu Hongyu has spared no effort. As long as the development progress can be accelerated, he does not care about the profit gains and losses of some projects, because he believes that everything is worth it. As long as the overall planning and construction are completed, the subsequent profits will roll in like a snowball.

That night, Liang Qinghui called Gu Hongyu again to thank him. Seeing him so sincerely introducing Mr. Huang to Honghu Village for inspection, Gu Hongyu asked casually: "Brother Liang, do you have any relationship with Mr. Huang and several other business owners?"

"Haha, they are all descendants of the old man's revolutionary comrades who lived and died together. It's just that the elders of this group of people are gradually passing away. Many families do not have suitable children to inherit their father's business. Now the government and the military can be said to rely entirely on the previous relationship to maintain, and the real economy is still okay at present." Liang Qinghui introduced in detail on the phone.

There are tens of thousands of descendants of the founding fathers of China, but many families have fallen into decline now. There are many people who have fought with old man Liang Qinghui, but not many can survive the war years, and even fewer who are close to each other. It is reasonable to take care of the descendants of old comrades.

In this case, as long as Mr. Huang and his team can ensure the quality and quantity of their projects, there will be many future cooperations. Gu Hongyu does not mind giving them more projects to do. After all, it doesn't matter who you give it to. It's not easy to give it to someone you trust, right?

After dinner, Gu Hongyu accompanied Mei Ning to walk in the village for a while.

Only 7 months pregnant, Mei Ning's belly has bulged very obviously. According to the doctor's advice, she needs to exercise properly after ensuring enough sleep. Walking is a very suitable exercise, and looking at her trembling belly, Gu Hongyu must follow her from beginning to end.

After returning home and helping Mei Ning finish washing up, Gu Hongyu returned to his room. After getting some space fruits for the cute pets to eat, he went into the space again and began to practice making talismans without fail.

Since he discovered that the last "mirage" was an ancient formation. Gu Hongyu's interest in the art of making talismans has doubled again. As long as the talisman making technique reaches the fourth level, he can touch the knowledge of the formation and unlock the real secret of the "mirage".

After practicing the boring talisman making technique for a night, Gu Hongyu once again used the "Qingling Jue" when it was not long before dawn. This technique is really awesome. After only thirty-six small cycles, the fatigue disappeared without a trace, and the whole person became energetic and in high spirits.

In the morning, he took the cute pets at home out for morning exercises again, and nodded to the villagers he knew in the village. They no longer care about tourists taking pictures. Sometimes the cute pets are also crazy about people, and they actively come to the tourists who take pictures and actively cooperate with them. But sometimes they are also masters of mischief, doing some actions that make tourists laugh and cry, and they dare not beat or scold them.

Of course, the cute pets will at most take away other people's cameras or mess up other people's hair. As for more serious things, Gu Hongyu will punish them. The best way is to prevent them from eating fruits produced in the space for a few meals. This effect is great, try it once and it works!

After breakfast. Gu Hongyu wants to go to the orchard to take a look. The watermelons in the orchard are completely off the market. Today, the staff of the orchard will thoroughly clean up the watermelon vines, and those watermelon vines will not be just thrown away. Some will be made into roughage for raising poultry and livestock, and some will be fermented into biogas. The biogas mud can also be used as organic fertilizer.

The reason why Gu Hongyu had to go there in person was because the apples in the orchard were about to be put on the market in large quantities this year, and there were also several varieties of fruits such as kiwis, pomegranates, and pears that were almost sold in large quantities.

If he was not in Honghu Village, his family would be able to make the decision on these matters, but since he was in the village, he had to do it himself.

Walking deep into the orchard, there was no other way. The tens of thousands of acres of fruit trees here were all arranged in order of maturity. The earlier the fruits matured, the closer they were to Honghu Lake. Now that it was winter, the farther they were from Honghu Lake.

Many deciduous trees in the orchard began to drop their yellow leaves, revealing their bare trunks. Walking on the cement road, a breeze blew by, sweeping up a large piece of fallen leaves flying in the air.

Some employees of Watermelon Tengman were already harvesting, and the fresher parts of the vines were separated by the employees again, and the withered old vines were piled in another direction. Every ten meters or so was a pile of two or three meters high.

The work here was in order, so Gu Hongyu did not interfere. He nodded to the employees and continued to walk towards the other end of the melon field.

On the other side of the cement road in the orchard, apple trees were planted in a large area. Next to the apple trees, there were also a patch of pear trees and kiwi trees. As for the pomegranate trees, there were only a row of about 20 to 30 trees.

Standing in front of the apple tree, Gu Hongyu was delighted to see that the apple tree was full of red apples. Each fruit was as big as a fist in a sand bowl. Because there were so many fruits, the branches of the fruit trees were bent very much. Fortunately, almost every branch under the fruit tree was supported by a wooden bar, otherwise only half of the fruits could be retained on the tree.

The scene in front of him was beyond the common sense of fruit trees, because in other orchards, the number of fruits would be strictly controlled. Those who knew the business knew that the fruits of trees with many fruits would become very small, because the fruit trees could not absorb the nutrients from the ground, but Gu Hongyu's orchard was completely beyond this phenomenon.

Looking at those tempting apples, Gu Hongyu couldn't control his appetite and picked one and rubbed it with both hands. After removing the white frost on the outside of the peel, the whole fruit was left as if it had been polished.

With a "click" sound, the juice in the apple overflowed after chewing it gently for a few times. The sweet juice in his mouth melted away. Before he could taste this sweet taste, Gu Hongyu couldn't help swallowing it. He ate three or four in a row, which slightly stopped the temptation of the apples on the tree, because there were also pears, kiwis, and pomegranates on the other side!

Next, Gu Hongyu enjoyed himself comfortably. The deliciousness of duck pears, kiwis, and pomegranates made him enjoy it. He stopped and squatted on the edge of the cement road to digest the food until his stomach was really full. Looking at the current situation, he should not be able to eat lunch at noon.

After eating several kinds of fruits, Gu Hongyu felt so happy. Although he knew that the fruits were irrigated by the spring water in the Xianyuan space, no one could resist the taste of fruits. Seeing that these large quantities of fruits were about to be put on the market, wouldn’t it be another considerable income? Seeing that the overall plan was implemented and money was spent like water, how much funding gap could the output of the orchard make up for!

ps: Thanks to the book friends "Pine Needle Veins" and "松海ゲ云面" for their appreciation and support, and thanks to "红影", "yu0421", and "The Falling Snow" for their monthly ticket support!

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