Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 617 The disappearance of the wild horses

The red fox, unable to resist the temptation of the space spring water, naturally relaxed its precautions against everyone, which allowed Xiao Lele to succeed. For a while, these red foxes were actually brought into close contact with everyone.

"Hongyu, then I can adopt these red foxes directly." Liang Qinghui, who looked rough, was also fascinated by their cuteness when he looked at the red foxes.

Gulin also said at this time: "That's right, it's so dangerous for these red foxes to stay in the reserve. There are eagles in the sky and wild wolves on the ground. I think it's safer to take them home!"

Gu Hongyu smiled and shook his head: "I say you shouldn't hide the idea that everyone knows and have bad ideas about these red foxes. They live in this wildlife reserve and are used to the law of the jungle here. They have dealt with it before, and they will have to continue in the future."

"Don't, Hongyu, you have so many cute pets at home that we can't envy them. If there are fewer red foxes in the reserve, it won't matter, right?" Gulin continued.

"Don't think about the red foxes. To be honest, there is a red fox here that has some intelligence. The general predators on the grassland can't do anything to them. The red foxes have basically no burden in this place. You don't need to worry about them."

"Besides, this is a wildlife reserve after all. I'm not pretending to be noble. Try not to move the animals here. These red foxes can at least attract the attention of many tourists. If you really take away the rare animals you like, what will this place become? The reserve is not just in name." Gu Hongyu explained lightly.

Liang Qinghui raised his hands high: "Hongyu, I'm afraid of you. We were just talking just now. Don't raise this matter to the level of the entire wildlife reserve!"

Gu Hongyu rarely paid attention to him. He walked up to Xiao Lele and said kindly: "Lele, these little foxes live in this grassland. Look how happy they are. Should we humans disturb their lives?"

"No, the little foxes' home is here. We can't make them sad. But can Lele come to see them often in the future, because Lele and they are already good friends!" A little fox got along with Lele for a while, and found that the little girl in front of him would not have any ill will towards it. At this moment, it has thrown itself into Lele's arms, but its head is still facing the grass, constantly chewing the green grass with the smell of space spring water.

Children's minds are still the purest. Gu Hongyu glanced at the others and said with a smile: "Of course, Lele, as long as you come to Honghu Village in the future, you can come to the reserve to see the little foxes. Uncle will prepare food that foxes like to eat at that time."

This time, Lele and the little fox established trust with each other. But Gu Hongyu believes that this relationship will not last long. If Lele wants to approach the red fox easily after a period of time, he still needs Gu Hongyu's help, and the green grass mixed with space spring water or vegetables and fruits produced in the space will definitely be liked by the foxes.

After playing with the foxes for an hour, the red foxes happily accepted many intimate actions such as caressing and hugging. It was almost time to take pictures or record videos. Everyone reluctantly said goodbye to the red foxes. Before leaving, Gu Hongyu directly threw some space fruits to the indigenous people of the reserve as rewards.

The sightseeing bus continued on the road. Because everyone was in a good mood after seeing the red foxes, for the next trip. What everyone was most willing to meet was the herd of wild horses.

During the next sightseeing trip, everyone took up their cameras from time to time to shoot the animals in the reserve. There were so many hares and pheasants along the way. During the journey, Liang Qinghui kept shouting that he wanted to shoot these things as delicacies on the table.

This is the world of foodies. Everything you can see, the first thing you think about is how to cook them. How will it taste after it is done?

In addition to pheasants and hares, we occasionally saw wild deer, wild sheep, millet, muntjac, badgers and other wild animals along the way. However, these guys were more alert and started to run away when they heard the noise of the sightseeing car from a distance, not to mention Lele who was shouting and screaming when he saw wild animals in the car. It became very difficult for everyone to have further contact with wild animals.

"Uncle, why do the animals here run away when they see us? The animals in the zoo are completely different from here. Many animals in the zoo are lazy, and some even ask us for food!" Lele said sullenly.

Gu Hongyu laughed: "Little Lele, many wild animals in the zoo are used to being kept in captivity. They are far away from their beloved living places and locked in limited empty rooms. They have lost their wildness and sometimes they are hungry. Of course, they are not as lively as the animals living here."

"Then why should we catch them? Isn't it better to let them live in the place they like?" Lele asked naively.

"This..." The question proposition is very large and involves a wide range of issues. Gu Hongyu didn't know how to explain it to Lele for a while.

Chen Luofeng spoke at this time: "Le Le, you still can't understand this question even if I tell you. Read more books this time and you will slowly understand it."

"Well, then Le Le must study hard when you go back. It seems that your uncle doesn't understand it. I will tell you next time when I understand it, okay?" Le Le said seriously.

Gu Hongyu smiled: "Okay, then you must explain it to me in detail next time."

Watching Gu Hongyu deal with children, everyone always admired his patience. It is not without reason that only Chen Luofeng among this group of people is married now. That is, the other members see the troubles of raising children and hope to have more leisure time when they are single. That’s all.

"Hongyu, where did you and Brother Hui find the wild horses last time? Why did the sightseeing bus travel for so long but still not find it?" Jiang Zhe, who was used to seeing other animals, couldn't bear it.

Liang Qinghui held up the telescope and looked around: "I remember the last time we saw them was around here, right?"

Gu Hongyu also looked around. It was very similar to the place where he rescued the cute little pony last time. He mentally searched for about one kilometer around, but there was still no news about the wild horses.

"Wild horses are originally very mobile wild animals. It seems that we are out of luck this time and can only return disappointed!" Gu Lin said dejectedly.

"Let the sightseeing car continue to move forward, and we will observe again." Originally, this was the end point of the sightseeing car entering the protected area. The car would go back in a circle here, but Yang Bo was unwilling to make suggestions.

Chen Luofeng thought for a while: "Keep moving forward. There are not many people in danger for us in the reserve. Let's go around more if you still have time this time!"

However, what everyone regretted was that after driving for half an hour and covering a distance of thirty kilometers, they were almost out of the pasture area and still could not see a single trace of the wild horses.

ps: Thank you to book friends "Xie Zhixiu", "Huang Tian Hou Tu Zhi Wang", and "Origin Now" for their appreciation and support, and thank you to "The Falling Snow" for your monthly ticket support.

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