Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 636 Weird Surgery

"Xiao Gu is here!"

"Xiao Gu, everyone is waiting for you. Mr. Xu is in good spirits now. △"

"That's Master Gu who made my old man wake up. I didn't expect him to be so young..."

"I also heard that the last time Mr. Xu came to Gan Province, he persecuted this old boss. I didn't expect that the old boss came to treat Mr. Xu's illness regardless of his past grudges. This kind of man still has the demeanor of a general. He can be regarded as repaying evil with kindness for the Xu family."

"When you said that, I remembered it. Just yesterday, Uncle Xu scolded my cousin and sent a few of his followers to escort him directly back to his hometown in the Northeast to think about the past behind closed doors. This time, he seemed to be arrogant. My cousin finally suffered a hidden loss."

"But with his character of retribution, he will get back this situation sooner or later. I just don't know how this ancient master will resist next time?"

"Looking at the old man's young age and his gentle personality, I didn't expect him to have such ability. This time he cured Mr. Xu's disease, and my cousin will be unable to do anything to him next time."

"Hey, Third Sister, have you fallen in love with me?"


This time I walked into the Xu family's villa. The situation was very different from the last time. At this moment, there were many more people inside, and bursts of chattering in Yan language could be heard in Gu Hongyu's ears, especially a few young people. He was hurt by the constant stream of female jokes that reached his ears.

To these people, Gu Hongyu was just a passer-by in life, paying no attention to anyone. Gu Hongyu followed an entourage into the innermost courtyard. When Mr. Chen looked at him, he couldn't help but turn him around. Drag him to Mr. Xu's room.

Through the gap around the hospital bed, Gu Hongyu saw Mr. Xu, who was lying on his back in the hospital bed with his eyes closed last time. As if sensing the stranger's gaze, Mr. Xu turned to look at Gu Hongyu on the hospital bed. The first sentence He said with absolute certainty: "You are Gu Hongyu. The strange man who saved me?"

Gu Hongyu chuckled and said: "I am not a strange person, I just know one more skill than others."

"Brother Xu, look, I said this Xiao Gu is a humble and reserved person, right?" Before anyone else could react, Mr. Chen said with a smile as if he had won a battle.

"Haha, Old Chen, you have a good vision. If you were in our era, you would be a good prospect." Mr. Xu smiled happily on his face.

Gu Hongyu couldn't understand what riddle they were playing, and he didn't want to guess at this moment. He asked Dr. Qiu next to him: "Can Mr. Xu's physical condition be able to withstand the operation in the past two days?"

Dr. Qiu's mood was still on full display, and he said excitedly: "After taking the pills you brought, Mr. Xu's physical reaction was surprisingly good. The flow in his body may have accelerated a little, and the blood viscosity seemed to have decreased, and even more What’s surprising is that the whole person’s immunity has improved so much.”

Perhaps because of his excitement, Dr. Qiu continued: "Looking at Mr. Xu's body reaction, we were also afraid that hormone drugs were added to the pills. We took one and tested it, but the results could not be detected. The only conclusion the testing doctors came to was This pill has almost no side effects on the body, and it has completely subverted my understanding of Chinese herbal medicine.”

"What, you took the pills for testing?" Gu Hongyu was a little angry. It seemed that others still didn't trust him.

Mr. Chen said anxiously: "I told them clearly that the test results of this medicine would not show up, but they didn't believe it at all. This is a waste of a pill."

Chief Xu changed the topic at this moment: "Xiao Gu, do you think my father can withstand brain surgery?"

After these few days, the elixir performed miraculously. Chief Xu treated Gu Hongyu in a different light, and even Dr. Qiu, an authoritative expert physician, did not feel at all inconsistent with his questions.

Since the pills are taken for two days. If Mr. Xu is given space spring water before his operation, everything will be fine. However, Gu Hongyu is like a magic stick at this moment, saying slowly: "The operation will be arranged tomorrow, and I will give this to Mr. Xu today. The method is still the same as before. "

After saying that, he took out a bottle of pill that strengthens the essence. Mr. Xu's current body can barely resist the power of this pill.

Take a short break. Gu Hongyu left again.

Early the next morning, Gu Hongyu was taken to the Xu Mansion again. When he arrived at Mr. Xu's ward, he discovered that the ward had been converted into an operating room.

Rich people are willful, and their houses are filled with all kinds of surgical equipment and instruments. Even the overhead shadowless lights were moved over, turning the room into a sterile operating room in a short time.

"Master Xiao Gu, we are almost ready now. When do you think the operation will start?" Dr. Qiu was extremely convinced of Gu Hongyu now.

He originally studied both Chinese and Western medicine for a period of time, but later it was obvious that Western medicine was stronger than Chinese medicine in many fields, so he turned to Western medicine. However, when he saw Gu Hongyu's methods, he was astonished.

After looking at the time, it was still less than nine o'clock. Gu Hongyu took out a plastic bottle from his bag and handed it to Dr. Qiu: "Let Mr. Xu drink a small cup of the liquid inside now, and then everyone will start cooking at half past nine." When the time comes for the operation, you can do whatever you want. I will be watching from the side and I will remind you if there are any problems. "

Doctor Qiu looked back at Chief Xu, who nodded to him, and then he arranged for other doctors to make final preparations before the operation.

It was already half past nine, and the anesthetic before the operation had been injected into Mr. Xu. At this moment, he was lying peacefully on the hospital bed, waiting. All the extra people had evacuated the room, leaving only Dr. Qiu and some people wearing surgical gowns. doctor.

Gu Hongyu also changed into a set of surgical clothes, put on a hood, and stood quietly on the side of the operating table wearing a mask.

At this time, Dr. Qiu nodded to him, Gu Hongyu returned an affirmative look, and then this weird operation began.

These doctors were all top experts in specialized cases in the country. Faced with the anesthetized Mr. Xu, they quickly started the craniotomy. Soon Gu Hongyu saw with his own eyes how the doctor performed the craniotomy on the patient.

With the precise assistance of high-tech medical equipment, Mr. Xu successfully removed several small pieces of shrapnel in just half an hour. The only ones left were the two largest shrapnel, which were also the two that caused Mr. Xu's fall. The operation has not yet been performed on a single piece.

At this time, Dr. Qiu looked at Gu Hongyu again, perhaps asking for his opinion, but he still did not speak and nodded to the other person, indicating that he should continue.

Doctor Qiu paused for a moment, then asked hesitantly: "Master Xiao Gu, next we need to remove the two single pieces that are blocking the nerve endings. Can we just follow the surgery we just performed?"

"It's okay, I'm watching from the side. Besides, didn't I give Mr. Xu a glass of that liquid before the operation? This liquid can heal the surgical wounds as quickly as possible and enhance the patient's own resistance. Hurry up, If there is really a problem, I will stop you immediately."

What a joke, that was space spring water. Gu Hongyu still took the first section of spring water that just sprayed out from the corridor. This kind of space spring water has a higher effect. Taking pills for two days is not good for Mr. Xu’s physical condition. , this operation can be completely tolerated.

Under the surprised looks of other doctors, they didn't understand why Dr. Qiu valued Gu Hongyu's opinion so much!

But then Dr. Qiu gave the order, and the others started the operation again before they had time to think about it.

Doctors need to be highly concentrated when performing operations. Sometimes the operation takes a long time and if the doctor cannot keep up with his mental strength, he may faint. In fact, you can find examples of this online.

The group of people were even more attentive when dealing with the shrapnel in Mr. Xu's head. They were so focused that they didn't dare to be careless.

After successfully removing the soybean-sized shrapnel, many people focused on the peanut-sized shrapnel.

The attending doctor is another expert who has been engaged in brain surgery for 30 years and is an absolutely authoritative expert in this field. The scalpel cuts open the brain tissue layer and reveals the shrapnel deep in the brain, which has been covered with a layer of white fat. Completely wrapped in it.

The nerve endings were also inlaid with shrapnel in the white tissue layer. Experts had already thought of this situation before the operation, but the depth of the intrusion and the tightness of the natural integration of the brain still exceeded them. imagination.

Seeing their frowning expressions, Gu Hongyu said: "We can't stop. If we wait any longer, the anesthesia will soon wear off. I know you have methods, but now listen to me and do whatever I tell you to do." ”

After speaking, Gu Hongyu ignored them and moved closer to the microscope, pretending to observe. However, with a secret of luck and mental power, he aimed at the place where Mr. Xu's head was operated on, and soon all the tiny nerve endings and tiny blood vessels in his entire brain appeared. In Gu Hongyu's mind.

"Prepare for surgery, follow my instructions." Gu Hongyu said quickly.

Everyone looked at Dr. Qiu to see his opinion. Dr. Qiu had a serious expression but immediately decided: "Listen to Xiao Gu..."

The authoritative expert who performed the operation was extremely shocked, because following Gu Hongyu's instructions, he easily avoided many sensitive nerve endings in the brain during the entire operation. There was almost no blood flowing out of the operation site, which was amazing. Only by accurately knowing the structure of the brain can we do this!

The shrapnel was taken out very smoothly without any accidents. The next step was to suture it. Gu Hongyu once again handed over the initiative to authoritative experts.

The total time for the operation and the removal of the previous shrapnel was less than two hours, and everyone felt incredible after doing it all. No one could have imagined that such a difficult operation could be completed in such a short time.

As for the most difficult part of the operation, the surgeon actually performed it under the instructions of others. No one would believe it.

ps: Thanks to book friends "Handsome Fish Swinging", "Old Cats Don't Eat Small Fishes", "Xie Zhixiu", "Guoning", "Taixu.Eclipse" for their appreciation and support, and thanks to Teng~~ book friends for their monthly tickets and Click to subscribe and give rewards and other support!

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