Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 64: Conquered by the small village (Additional chapter for the helmsman)

(Thanks to ‘The Fall of the Great God’ for the reward of 10,000 points. This chapter is specially updated for another helmsman of this book, ‘The Fall of the Great God’!)


From the initial gaze to the two looking at each other, and finally until Mei Ning shyly turned her back, Gu Hongyu slowly walked to her side and asked softly: "How are you these days? Grandma is in good health, right?" ?”

"Well, it's all good!" Mei Ning's voice was very thin and sweet. With a quiet personality, she looked slim and graceful, giving Gu Hongyu a feeling of being out of the world.

After graduating and going to work for a while, Mei Ning became a little more mature in her dress and appearance. She looked less youthful and more beautiful. Gu Hongyu cursed in his heart that he didn't know what he was thinking in college, making Mei Ning like this. A girl with such a bad temper actually chases after him and turns a blind eye, which is simply a cruel act.

Fortunately, there is still a chance to recover. Gu Hongyu is now more aware of relationships. He took Mei Ning's bag and scratched his head and said: "It's still a long way to my place. It seems quite remote, but the environment is not bad. ”

"I heard Lin Yuantao and Fengzhu often mention you. I couldn't believe it at first when I heard you contracted the land to grow vegetables. I didn't expect that now I can actually go there and see how you came here alone in a remote village. "?" Mei Ning said with a faint smile.

It seemed that Mei Ning was in a good mood. Gu Hongyu said: "Haha, I didn't think of entering this industry at first, but this is also an attempt and I plan to give it a try!"

"I believe you will succeed." Mei Ning had an inexplicable belief in Gu Hongyu.

Gu Hongyu had mixed feelings about Mei Ning trusting her so much. He once again regretted that he almost missed such a considerate girl. It was God who took care of him to have the current result. Although they didn't say a lot, they both understood it as if they were in tune with each other. What the other person means.

As a man, Gu Hongyu still plans to take the initiative and make it clear that the layer of window paper is clear. He cannot let girls take the initiative in everything. After all, Mei Ning is not a cheerful and outgoing girl, and she made trouble in college. Gu Hongyu's matter was completely resolved.

"Mei Ning, I heard that your work has not been going well recently, right?" Gu Hongyu asked tentatively about Mei Ning's work situation. As long as she was dissatisfied with her work, Gu Hongyu planned to let Mei Ning stay.

Mei Ning frowned slightly and said: "I can only say that I will adapt slowly. Now, any job is pretty much the same. Being able to take care of my baby nearby is pretty good!"

Gu Hongyu was secretly happy in his heart, and blurted out with a change of expression on his face: "How about you come here and help me, and take the milk over as well. The small village is quiet with few people, and there is a large lake next to the wooden house. Such an environment is not suitable for me. It is very helpful for the patient’s recovery!”

Looking up at Gu Hongyu's anxious look, Mei Ning showed a shy expression. Then Gu Hongyu felt that he seemed to be a little too outspoken just now. Even if he established a relationship with Mei Ning, he did not receive her relatives so quickly. Around you!

Gu Hongyu laughed honestly, and touched his nose: "Let's talk about this when we go back. Now Lin Yuantao and the others should be anxious!"

Lin Yuantao and the others stayed in Gu Hongyu's pickup truck. After the meeting, Gu Hongyu handed him the keys to the pickup truck. Watching Gu Hongyu and Mei Ning walking towards the pickup truck, Lin Yuantao gave him a A mysterious smile.

It was so obscene, Gu Hongyu thought in his mind, how could a strong man show such a smile? It was so terrible!

Mei Ning was pulled into the back seat by Shen Fengzhu as soon as she got in the car. She put her mouth close to Mei Ning's ear and began to whisper quietly, looking at Gu Hongyu from time to time while talking.

Gu Hongyu rushed Lin Yuantao to the passenger seat and started the car and started to drive back. Lin Yuantao asked: "Hongyu, you just left like this. You don't want to wander around the city. We came all the way to entertain us like this?"

Gu Hongyu said angrily: "What do you want? There are so many places of interest in this small town that you won't be able to visit them all even if it takes several days. If you have time to wait for Mei Ning to go back this time, you can go shopping by yourself. Come to my place first." Look at the scenery as well! ”

"Haha, I see. It turns out that you are eager to show your achievements to Mei Ning. Okay, okay, let's go quickly. I also want to see what kind of place you have there." Lin Yuantao drove the car Said jokingly.

After not seeing each other for a while, Lin Yuantao's language talent was developed, and the originally dull man started to joke. Gu Hongyu lamented that the environment encourages people to grow, but sometimes the price paid is too high. Growth means losing a lot of youthful past!

While driving the car, Gu Hongyu joked: "You should be anxious to go to that place. The vegetables in the greenhouse are growing very well during this period. I estimate that the vegetables will be harvested in less than two months. In your hearts, Not thinking about it?”

The two had bickered since childhood. Lin Yuantao had never defeated Gu Hongyu. It was the same this time. Under Gu Hongyu's powerful attack, Lin Yuantao was completely unable to parry. In the end, he could only attract the man sitting in the back of the pickup truck. The two girls laughed crisply.

When the pickup truck drove from the small town into the small town, and then rushed out of the reinforced concrete embrace of the city, a flat wilderness appeared in front of a few people. Facing the sunset in the west, looking at the herds of cattle and sheep on both sides of the road, it was indeed a line. Rare beauty.

Lin Yuantao said in amazement: "It seems that these places are not too poor. There are so many cattle and sheep, and we can earn at least hundreds of thousands a year. Fengzhu, why don't we raise sheep here too!"

Gu Hongyu poured cold water on him directly: "If you think like that, you will lose a lot of money. Not to mention that you know nothing about breeding, you have never inquired about the market of cattle and sheep here, let alone the retail prices in supermarkets in coastal cities. There is no comparison at all!"

"Is it that serious?" Lin Yuantao pretended to be stunned.

Gu Hongyu glanced at him: "It's much more serious than this. If you encounter a plague, you will be heartbroken to death watching cattle and sheep die one by one!"

Hearing Gu Hongyu's words, Lin Yuantao immediately backed out: "Forget it, forget it, I just said it casually just now, you can't take it seriously, it's better to do trade in Hongjiang, there will be a stable supply of goods soon!"

The road to Honghu Village was under construction as the town gradually moved away. Gu Hongyu could only drive in the wilderness. At this time, there was no grassland to be seen, let alone cattle and sheep. The dust from the car was blown far away by the wind, which was completely different from the initial scene.

Fortunately, Gu Hongyu had told them to close the car windows, otherwise everyone would have been covered in dust. Lin Yuantao began to doubt and said, "Hongyu, how far is it from the small village you mentioned? Is the small village really as beautiful as you said?"

Just like Gu Hongyu's mood when he first went to Honghu Village, Gu Hongyu said lightly, "Didn't you see that the road was under construction? In the future, when you walk to Honghu Village, it will be all tarmac road and there will be no wind or sand. As for the scenery of the small village, I won't say much. You can judge it yourself when the time comes!"

Seeing Gu Hongyu's confident look, the two girls became more curious about the small village. Just now, they had the same idea as Lin Yuantao, but they didn't bring it up.

Not long after the chat, the green on the ground began to increase again. The people in the car could clearly see the newly installed wireless signal tower. As the pickup truck approached, the vegetable greenhouse gradually appeared in front of them.

When the car slowly drove into the village, a simple atmosphere shocked the few people. The simple cottages naturally revealed the characteristics of nomadic peoples. There were farmlands not far away, grasslands in the distance, and sparse woods on the hills.

Gu Hongyu smiled and continued to drive forward. When the pickup truck climbed over the hills, a large blue lake appeared in front of them. Lin Yuantao immediately exclaimed: "This thing is the pearl in the desert. It's so unexpected!"

Gu Hongyu stopped the car and pointed at the wooden house and said: "This is my wooden house. There are grasslands all around, there are woods on the hills, and it faces the lake. What do you think of the environment?"

"It's great. If you can live here for a long time, you can live for at least several more years!" Shen Fengzhu said intoxicatedly.

"Yes, it's so beautiful here!" Mei Ning echoed.

Lin Yuantao jumped up excitedly and shouted: "I've decided. This time I must stay here for a while to appreciate the scenery here!"

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