Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 638: Delivered to the door and waiting to be dug

"Is the matter resolved?" Chen Luofeng asked on the way back.

Gu Hongyu smiled: "Just ask knowingly, I don't believe you can't get any information about me from Mr. Chen."

"Haha, didn't you say this yourself? Seeing that you are in a good mood, the matter should be resolved perfectly." Chen Luofeng followed with a smile and said: "You don't know, just yesterday afternoon, that Mr. Xu separately All the shares purchased at a low price some time ago have been returned, and even the funds for the purchase have not been returned. It seems that he should stop for a while this time. "

"I don't care if he goes away or not, just don't bother me. I've been suffering a lot during this time. My whole family had to arrange to go to Australia. This kind of life is really frustrating." Gu Hongyu said more and more. The more frustrated he became, he slapped the back of the seat in front of him.

Chen Luofeng immediately yelled: "Hongyu, if you want to vent your anger, don't use my car as a punching bag. This time, go back to the village and have a good rest. After a while, we can rebuild the country."

Mentioning this matter, Gu Hongyu hesitated for a while, and after thinking for a while, he made a decision: "Brother Chen, I don't want to take on many projects in Qingzhen this time. There must be many projects in Qingzhen's upgraded development zone now." The business owner was interested, so I just let it go.”

"Hey, brother, don't be so negative after being hit this time!" Chen Luofeng, who was driving the car after listening to Gu Hongyu's words, almost lost control of the steering wheel.

Gu Hongyu sighed: "It's not that my thoughts are negative, but I want to understand something during this period and feel that doing things in China is very boring. Or put it this way, if a little person like me encounters someone like Mr. Xu in the future, It’s not up to them to control things. I hate this kind of entanglement and use of power to oppress others.”

Chen Luofeng slowly parked the car on the emergency road, turned around and persuaded Gu Hongyu: "Hongyu, I know you are disappointed that no one helped this matter, but now you have walked around the capital. The Xu family owes you What a kindness. Didn’t Mr. Xu give you a painting and calligraphy in return? This means that no matter who wants to mess with you in the future, he must consider the consequences in advance. Why do you still have such thoughts now? "

Facing Chen Luofeng's inquiry, Gu Hongyu did not want to hide his true thoughts, and said seriously: "Brother Chen. I have no complaints about you. Whether I can help depends on your own strength. As for Xu Shao, It’s too late for such people to hide, so who would take the initiative to provoke them?”

"To be honest, even my industry in China is subject to great restrictions. You also know that I invested in farms in Australia. Now I plan to transfer all centers there. No matter from any aspect, my development prospects in Australia are It’s better than staying in Honghu Village.”

Chen Luofeng listened to Gu Hongyu's words without saying a word, but his face was full of helplessness. Gu Hongyu continued: "Brother Chen, you have a wide network of contacts. This time, if any of your friends in the circle are interested in Qingzhen, they will You can invest here. But my only hope is that new investors can accept our previous planning and layout. I can guarantee that profitability will not be a problem for Honghu Village.”

Seeing Gu Hongyu speaking firmly and resolutely, Chen Luofeng breathed a sigh of relief: "You must have thought these thoughts carefully in your heart, so I won't persuade you more. Now Qingzhen is a popular place, so you should let the news of your departure out. Needless to say, there are as many people wanting to invest as there are crucian carp crossing the river.”

"But let me tell you, you can just get rid of the development and construction projects in Qingzhen now. The core industries of Honghu Village can still be retained. There is no need to give up everything, right?"

Gu Hongyu shook his head: "If you want to leave, just leave. Won't leaving some projects here keep me busy at both ends? On the contrary, it will affect my future development plan in Australia."

"Oh, it's a pity that there are thousands of acres of orchards, vegetable greenhouses, lake fish, and free-range poultry and livestock. Where can we foodies get such high-quality delicacies after you leave?" Chen Luofeng sighed.

"Stop talking about this, drive quickly. It's easy to get into trouble if you stay in the emergency lane. Don't invite the traffic enforcement team..." while urging Chen Luofeng to drive away. Gu Hongyu said: "Let's talk about the future later. It's not easy to eat those things. Wouldn't it be over if we just go to Australia?"

Returning to Honghu Village, Chen Luofeng was left to have a meal, and a lot of vegetables, fruits, fine wines, and lake fish were moved away. Seeing how satisfied he was before leaving, Gu Hongyu wanted to kick him a few times. In his mind, the mature and steady Brother Chen had completely changed.

"Xiao Gu, I'm back. Let me tell you the good news. The law enforcement teams that came down yesterday are all gone. They're all gone. No one is left..." Seeing Gu Hongyu reappear in Honghu Village, Uncle Aza was busy. He kept telling him exciting things.

Chief Xu nodded and let him go. Those soldiers and crabs below will not be able to pester him. I'm afraid it won't be long before those who heard the news will call him. After all, those people like Fruits and Vegetables and Lake Fish have been thinking about him. With.

"Uncle Aza, I may have to leave here soon after I come back this time." Facing the honest and upright Uncle Aza, Gu Hongyu really didn't want to hide it from him.

Hearing what Gu Hongyu said, Uncle Aza, who was smiling just now, immediately changed his face: "Xiao Gu, is it possible that the other party is still holding on and is really forcing you to leave?"

"The other party is no longer forcing me, but I plan to transfer all my industries to Australia. From now on, my focus will be there, and I will have more room for development there." Gu Hong was afraid that Uncle Aza wouldn't understand. Yu told him many thoughts in her heart.

Uncle Aza was very disappointed in his heart, but he still said blessing on the surface: "It doesn't matter if you go there, I heard that foreigners don't dare to mess around there. The injustice you suffered some time ago has been spread everywhere. If it weren't for this time, I’m afraid you are so capable that you can only…”

"Uncle Aza, don't worry. Even if I leave, I will definitely properly handle all the properties in Honghu Village. And the farm I opened in Australia also needs manpower to take care of it. I will take care of it this time." Many people are going together!" Gu Hongyu said.

"Well, I'm not worried. Honghu Village has developed to the present level. No matter how bad it is, it can be even worse than before. Xiaogu, you are a very capable person. I believe you can also develop abroad. If the villagers follow you, Ah, I feel very relieved." Speaking of this, Gu Hongyu felt better.

That night, Gu Hongyu also told his family about his decision. The family almost agreed with both hands and asked him to quickly dispose of the property in Honghu Village and go to Australia immediately.

Early the next morning, Peng Minghao arrived at the villa of Gu Hongyu's family. Looking at the sleepy-eyed latter, he said angrily: "Hongyu, do you really want to leave Honghu Village?"

"I'm Ming Hao, can't you just let me sleep more? I haven't had a good rest during my trip to the capital these days." Gu Hongyu avoided talking about Peng Minghao's question.

"Boy, you're pretending to be reckless again. It seems like you've really made up your mind this time. Alas, I'd feel pretty boring if you left." Peng Minghao sighed.

Gu Hongyu looked at him: "What do you want, you have become the deputy district chief, and he leads this group of people. Now Qingzhen is an emerging development zone, with policy subsidies from above, and investors from below are flocking in. It's almost... Have you broken the threshold of your office location?"

"Okay, okay, I just can't be too reasonable with you. You really think I can't see that Honghu Village is the core industry of the entire Qingzhen. Without Honghu Village, there would be no development of other villages now, and Honghu Village lacks How can you attract more tourists with high-quality agricultural products in the future?" Peng Minghao said annoyed.

Gu Hongyu went over to pat him on the shoulder and squeezed into the sofa next to Peng Minghao. He said slowly: "Relying on the advantages of agricultural products, Honghu Village deserves to be the core industry of Qingzhen, but don't you think it is too single to rely entirely on this route? Okay, but now the overall positioning and planning of Qingzhen have been completed. As long as you implement it step by step and launch it on multiple fronts, I don’t believe that these desert sightseeing projects will not attract tourists. "

"Every village has its own scene, and the scenery is different. The publicity and promotion are in place, but you are not optimistic about these projects at all. To tell you the truth, if you do these well, you can just wait for your official promotion!"

In Gu Hongyu's heart, there are actually many things that he has not said, that is, he deliberately ignored the future situation of Honghu Village. Without his existence, Gu Hongyu would definitely have suffered a sharp decline in the number of tourists.

Gu Hongyu is involved in almost all industries in Honghu Village, such as orchards, vegetable greenhouses, and breeding industries. If these are transferred to other owners, they guarantee that they will not be able to continue the high quality when he was there. Other projects in Qing Town will be taken over by others. It is possible to make money, but the other party involved in taking over the breeding and breeding industry in Honghu Village must be prepared to lose money.

This is also what makes Gu Hongyu troubled. As long as he lets it out, there will be many people who want his property, but he is embarrassed to do something that will definitely cause the other party to lose money. He was introduced by a friend. There was no grudge in the past and no grudge today. Yes, making a profit is one thing, but after you harm others, your reputation in the business circle will be affected.

After talking to Gu Hongyu for a long time, Peng Minghao, like Chen Luofeng, took away a lot of agricultural products from his family and ran away. He also said that there would be no chance to divide the land from local tycoons in the future. Don't leave any regrets if you take the opportunity now. This is all What people!

After sending Peng Minghao away, he returned to his deserted home. Unexpectedly, the cell phone placed on the coffee table in the living room rang.

It was an unfamiliar call. Gu Hongyu pressed the answer button anyway, and heard a cold and proud voice coming from the phone: "Is it Boss Gu? I heard that you are now handling the property in Honghu Village?"

"Yes, who are you?" Gu Hongyu asked calmly.

"To make a long story short, I am Mr. Xu's man. I wanted to come over today to negotiate compensation for your losses some time ago, but I heard that you have the idea of ​​​​transferring the property in Honghu Village. Mr. Xu suggested that your property should be based on the price you discussed before. That’s 50 billion transferred to him!” the stranger explained on the phone.

Mr. Xu had not given up on the industry in Honghu Village, but suddenly Gu Hongyu had a flash of inspiration and a good idea appeared in his mind.

ps: Thanks to book friends "caronline", "Bai", "Xie Zhixiu", and "E79" for their reward support, thank you~Teng~! #信~Book lovers’ monthly ticket support!

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