Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 684: Farm Visitors’ First Experience

"Wow, the strawberries in the orchard taste so delicious!" Huang Jiayi couldn't help but sigh after tasting the first strawberry.

Lin Feiyu put the big and red strawberries he picked into Huang Jiayi's basket and said with a smile: "There are only strawberries this season. You didn't taste the cherries before, but they were very delicious, but the watermelons will be ripe soon." , I’ll call you when they are mature!”

"Uh..., uh, uh, manager Lin, you can't favor one over the other. You have to notify us when the watermelons are ripe!" Melody said jokingly.

"Haha, I won't let you know if I inform Jiayi later." Lin Feiyu's answer showed that he was still a little awake, but after he finished speaking, he began to concentrate on picking strawberries for Huang Jiayi.

In the morning, the group experienced the fun of picking fruits in the orchard and visited the vegetable growing process. Before they had time to go to the community and other places, it was already noon.

Because of the presence of Huang Jiayi, Lin Feiyu shamelessly pestered Gu Hongyu to take out the Wagyu beef that had been saved a few days ago to eat. Gu Hongyu grinned and said: "Huang Jiayi has nothing to do with you, you kid! I'm obsessed with it. Even if you are together in the future, I guarantee that you will be a brother and a wife."

Unexpectedly, Lin Feiyu said confidently: "If your wife is strict, your wife should be strict, and I am willing to do so. Until the moment I saw her, I made up my mind that I would not marry her..."

"Okay, okay, please don't disgust me in front of me. I've accepted you. Now go and tell them. I'll treat them to Wagyu beef for lunch." In fact, it doesn't take Lin Feiyu to say that Gu Hongyu will also serve Wagyu beef. For theirs, he got a lot of advantage at a 30% discount on the last car purchase. This time, Lin Feiyu and Huang Jiayi fell in love. For the sake of each other's life event, Gu Hongyu had to entertain a group of newcomers.

Every real effort. Gu Hongyu made several dishes of Wagyu beef according to Chinese cooking techniques, including a pan-fried steak, braised beef, and the remaining large piece of beef eye meat with unusually beautiful snowflakes made into Wagyu sashimi, plus the farm ingredients The variety of vegetables on offer made for a fine lunch.

A lunch allowed both Huang Jiayi and Boris and his daughter to taste the delicious food of the farm. Almost before eating, the group took out their mobile phones to take several photos and uploaded them to their respective Moments and Twitter. . Almost all showing off the unique food on the table.

"It's delicious, it's so delicious!" Melody would say this almost every time she took a bite of food.

"The food is delicious, and the red wine is also great. You will become addicted after eating these delicacies. What will we do in the future?" This is Boris's admiration, and he raised a big flag towards Gu Hongyu as he spoke. thumb. "That's right, what should we do if we want to eat every day in the future?" Huang Jiayi looked satisfied and then resentful.

Gu Hongyu did not answer the words of Boris and his daughter. He said jokingly to Huang Jiayi, who spoke last: "It's easy to eat every day. From now on, I will work directly on the farm. Manager Lin has the authority to get the fruits and vegetables from the farm every day." oh!"

"Brother Gu, how can you say that..." Huang Jiayi glanced at Lin Feiyu, but the latter gave her a silly smile, but it seemed to Gu Hongyu that the other party did not reject Lin Feiyu directly.

While Gu Hongyu was sitting in the small courtyard chatting, there were other first-time visitors to the farm. These people were equally shocked when they looked at the farm and kept taking pictures of the farm scenery. Also enjoy the food and scenery here.

Selena's family arrived at Xianyuan Farm either early or late. The family came to the farm and parked their car. The first thing that caught their attention was the employee community very close to the farm gate. Australians in the community had only seen the Chinese architectural style on TV. The eaves and brackets, blue bricks and blue tiles inside were all novel to them.

Many small shops around the pedestrian street square are now officially open, especially some common Chinese snacks, such as jelly, cold noodles, hot and sour noodles, cold shrimp, rice cakes, steamed buns, picture scrolls, etc., all of which are almost It makes it difficult for people who come to visit to move their feet.

Selena and her family just spent the whole morning shopping around in the community. However, they did not have lunch at all, because the Chinese snacks they had earlier made it impossible for them to eat anything anymore. After visiting the community, they originally planned to go to the orchards and vegetable plantations, but they were worried that they could not resist the temptation of the fruits in the orchards. In the end, Went to the ranch.

Speaking of which. Gu Hongyu had to praise Lin Feiyu. After General Manager Lin had previously conceived the idea of ​​planning a parking lot in front of the farm, he later opened several sightseeing battery cars in the community. Each car can carry about 20 people and can travel along the farm. The highway takes tourists directly to the ranch. Of course, tourists can also get off the bus and browse several lakes beside the highway in the farm.

Now trees are planted on both sides of the road in the farm. Long wooden chairs for resting are placed at intervals of about 100 meters. There is also a humane rain shelter on top. Street trees stand two meters close to the pasture. High guardrails can prevent animals in the pasture from running onto the road, and can also prevent future tourists from entering and exiting the pasture at will, which is what Gu Hongyu does not want to see.

In this entire farm, there are no points open to the public by Gu Hongyu (a place where tourists can watch the Wagyu cattle being raised, and a slightly higher hill in the farm where tourists can see the scenery of several miles away). The rest can only be roaming along the road or going to the several lakes on the farm to enjoy the lake and mountain scenery.

Although there is no scenery, the super A5-level Wagyu cattle breeding farm has attracted countless people. No matter who the nearby tourists are, they almost take photos and group photos when they see the Wagyu cattle, and then follow the breeders to watch them raise the Wagyu cattle, and really experience the process of how the Wagyu cattle who listen to music, drink red wine, eat fine feed, and walk freely in the wide grassland are born.

"Perfect, those wagyu are so leisurely, no wonder they can produce super A5 wagyu beef here."

"Yes, if you don't come here, you won't be able to appreciate that this farm is perfect in planting and breeding. I have seen orchards and vegetable plantations before, and now there is a pasture for cattle and sheep grazing. This farm can really grow and raise crops and agricultural products beyond the standard. This farm is impeccable, and the most important thing is that the farm employees are very strict and attentive in everything they do."

"After seeing it, I can buy any agricultural products produced by Xianyuan Farm with confidence in the future."

"Looking at the scale and environment of the farm, and so many employees, the cost required by the farm owner will undoubtedly cost a lot, so we can understand the high price of Xianyuan brand agricultural products."

"Now Xianyuan brand agricultural products are hard to buy with money, but this time I came to see that the farm is still expanding the plantation area. I think it will be easier to buy vegetables in the future..."

"We haven't been to the beach yet. I heard that it can relieve work pressure. I don't know if it's true?"

"I haven't been there either!"

"Why don't we go and take a look now..."

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